Be the Change You Want to See in The World (Stark Chosen)

Most people are.

Look outside in the world. It is DRIVEN by fear.
Even things like car insurance are done out of fear. Because if the somewhat unlikely event of a crash happens, you are AFRAID not to be able to pay for it.

Fear is everywhere. The whole world is at that scale.

So raising your vibration is the key to everything, really :wink:


Day 6, 2 loops of Chosen (Tester version)

Aaaaand we’re going DEEP again.

Anyone of you familiar with Tej Dosa? If not, you should be. An email came by where he talks about 30 Day Inner Work with a specific meditation, a mindset technique, etc.
So I am doing this today, it’s called the “Ideal Parents Meditation” to let go of childhood traumas or not feeling whole/taken care of, etc. and while I do it, I get this DEEP feeling of belonging. Of noticing who I truly am and what I should be.

Chosen guided me to this the last days, because I kept having this re-occurring thought of “Who are you exactly?”
Then you answer with your mind (big mistake) “Yeah I am this guy, doing that.”

Kept me thinking for days.

Meanwhile I also went more after just being EXPRESSIVE. Saying what I mean. But not to put others down, just to be more me.

So chosen here sends me on a deep journey to UNRAVEL my true self and get in deeper contact with the child I am deep down and why I lost the connection to it. Which is fantastic. Because only if I truly know who I am, can I freely give to others and lead them properly. And freely.

RICH on the other hand did something weird. It actually manifested a huge bill for which I need to take a loan. HOWEVER, this marks the LAST FINAL bill for my house which is about over a year overdue. And it had been bugging me for quite a while that this is still lingering around. So while I have to pay this now, it’s a great relief of energy there to finally have this shit over with.

Generally, the energy is MUCH more positive, uplifting, and loving for life, regardless of what comes.
I also realize the so-called Story Gap (by Aaron Doughty).

The reason I am not where I want to be (yet) is because I tell myself stories, based on old, faulty beliefs as to why I am still that guy. And not the guy I want to be.
ZP made me realize this on a profound level. So now I am working on that and guiding the subs to work through this.

So again, while other manifest random checks, for me, the subs have a very deep profound, journey to the depths of my core to reshape and rewrite belief systems, etc. It’s great to finally dig the shit out tbh. It’s very liberating!


Day 9, processing

So I overloaded a bit. Intentionally, sort of.
I ran both subs twice per day.

Monday 2x RICH
Wednesday 2x Chosen
Friday 2x RICH

And on Friday I also added PS.

Why? Testing.

But I can say, that it’s too much. I might even go for just one loop per on day, although I truly enjoy the feeling when the second loop sets in.

Anyway, right now I had a headache and was pretty easily triggered for a few hours. However, the results still came which is interesting. It still works, but the state of mind is just not that nice :wink:

Anyway it was an interesting test.
And PS works very well. The wife is all touchy and feely. But I am not gonna focus on that.

So far I notice Chosen the most. RICH doesn’t do much, OR I am missing it. Which might seriously be the case. I’m looking for straight income, but maybe there are small details that pass me.


Day 10, Chosen 1x

MANY realizations today.

The most profound probably that I’ve been putting everything “I want” on a pedestal which is why it eludes me.
I.e. for example, being rich.
As in I value me = 1
Being rich = 10,000

With that mindset it fully eludes me because time is an illusion, right? Only the now exists.

In other words, to have everything I want I must be content with everything I have.
DEVALUE the dreams I wish for.

Which also means, after this stack I def need to get on Sage Immortal (and maybe Alchemist ZP??? :wink: )
It’s my path and I have been neglecting it for a while (although PS had some nice effects).

Plus, RICH manifested me $1,000 today, I finally got a big bill paid and this energy can now go back to source. Lovely.

Many things I need to ponder. RIght now I am doing a lot of shadow work. Childhood trauma relief (consciously) which Chosen plays quite nicely into. Brings a bunch of shit up!


By the way, everything in the last post above is most likely from the ZP Core script.

I think so far ZP is doing most of the heavy lifting. I realized there is SO MUCH shit in my mind/personality/upbringing that needs to be solved before we can instill new things.

However, I love it.

Day 12, Processing

After overloading myself like a turd last week, I decided to add 2 more rest days this week which came about to be a great decision. While there is some recon happening which manifests in being slightly too easily triggered, generally the mind feels much better.
Much lighter.
I am also back to reading my books again. While the hustle and grind was nice and helpful, running a somewhat creative business, I need time to unwind and recharge the creative batteries from time to time.

Feels really good right now.

I am also digging deep into the shadow work every day, where I realize a bunch of false beliefs.
Most prominently, money (ofc).
I notice these beliefs that I need at least 1,000 videos uploaded on YT to deserve thousands of subs/money. Because I see other creators which are way ahead of me.
Bad mindset!
I have over 100 videos with deep content. I DESERVE the things I want already. Definitely a childhood thing (and 30 years of thinking I am supposed to be middle class).

On another note, I notice the leadership in Chosen.
My wife is currently very stressed (and lost a bunch of weight due to it). I told her “Being stressed is a decision.”
That flew as well as telling someone “It’s your fault that you’re fat.”

While it’s true, people don’t like to hear that. However, after a bit of a discussion I think she understood that we DECIDE every day, every moment how we react to circumstances. The decision is usually seamless and influenced by many things. But if we focus on it, we can decide to let go and NOT be stressed. Just let the emotion flow.

I also noticed a shift in my wants. Before I wanted her to run Seductress to be more feminine (my own needs). Now I want her to run any ZP sub simply so she can find back to herself, be confident in herself, and come back to enjoying life. She lost a lot of this in the last months.


Day 16, Mogul ZP

Didn’t journal (on here) the last days because I was busy af and/or out with the fam.

However, many things worked out.
I notice CHOSEN a whole lot in every day situations. I am generally MUCH more positive. It almost works like Sanguine, just deeper.
I am in tune with life. With myself. I forgive everyone around me for their little mistakes, understanding they’re just human like I am.

People around me are illuminated (ILLUMINATI??? :smiley: :wink: ) by my aura. I notice it. They are in a much better mood. Having fun, enjoying life. I pretty much radiate my own mindset outward.

On top of that, itkeeps working through many negative beliefs I had about myself or in general. I just realize they’re gone.

My vibration is generally much higher. As I said, Chosen brings you up to 500 and above easily. You’re just at peace with how the situation is, but that doesnt stop you from guide people to the light! I am much more open about my (conspiracy) theories, also because the insane confidence helps me to not care what peopel think of it.
And even if it makes them think about their situation, I already changed the world.

I now exchanged RICH for Mogul, because while RICH worked quite nicely on some limiting beliefs, it is still mostly focused around manifesting money, whereas I need to work through a whole lot of ceilings, wrong understandings of money, etc. Decades of indoctrination, basically.

Awesome to find out Mogul is EXACTLY focused around that.

Stack is now Chosen and Mogul. I know I switched that in between, but I will keep finishing the current schedule until end of the year. Take a week washout and then see if I just keep running this stack, or switch something. If anything, I truly want to add in Sage Immortal, but idk if that is too soon.

Also, considering I only run 2 loops a week now (which works much better for me) it’ll be hard to stack 3 titles. Unless I expand over one week…

First loop of Mogul had me hustlin again. The energy I get from ZP every time is still insane to me. But it’s been just a few minutes, so can’t say much right now!



Also what I notice a lot ever since running ZP for quite a few days now, is the fact that reality LITERALLY becomes what I think. For now, on small details it’s very noticable.

For example, I have a thought that today a coaching call I have with a client is timely not very good, I should probably reschedule it.
A few hours later I check my emails and HE rescheduled to tomorrow, aligning exactly with my thoughts.

This happens now ALL THE TIME.

Where I have a thought or want/need, but I shrug it off as just an idea/thought. Hours later it happens exactly that way.


It became SUPERCHARGED on ZP. It’s almost frightening how powerful that is because I need to be careful of my thoughts. And this is also why I run Mogul now to get rid of negative money beliefs and maybe the next stack will already be Regeneration/Chosen.

The power of thought.

Totally underrated.


How do you know what your vibration is?

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this is so true. and even some random/curious thoughts might end up getting manifested.

like the other day I was randomly thinking “I wonder why non of the cats at our place ever gotten the virus even though only a few are vaxed :thinking:”, next day one of my kitten’s was sick and it turned out she got a deadly virus :no_mouth:
unfortunately, she died the very next morning.

now it could be just a coincidence, but still, need to be careful with the thoughts.


I don’t know how or where you were educated (Germany, maybe?), but your mastery of written English is motivating. The naturalness of it leads me to imagine that you were exposed to it regularly in early life.

I was much more lightly on the forum when the ZPs were first released, and I’m only now opening up some of the journals from the past 3 weeks. (Seems somehow like the volume of journals has expanded quite a bit.) Anyway, the point is that I’m appreciating reading your journey. It’s quite amazing.


Love the quote from your journal title. I found it yesterday in Serj Tankian - Rumi.

@AlexanderGraves where did you hear it first?

Where do you feel you are located? What is your default state of feelings? That’s your vibration.

There is no such thing :wink:

Yes. With great power comes great responsibility, right? :smiley:
Sorry for your loss!

Why thank you!
Yes, I got exposed to it very early. Funnily enough, in school I was quite bad at English. Only being MOLDED by the internet I learned how to write and speak English. And, yes, I am from Germany!


The Great Gandhi!

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2 loops per title or total a week?

Total a week is what I do right now.

Interesting, so 1 loop a week /per title. I’ve found less is more with the stronger tech. Maybe I’ll start slow as well.


Absolutely. I get the best results/effects on off days.

I remember when Saint said that you gotta give the script time to “run” instead of constantly “installing” it. This was QV2 time, but I still think it’s true.

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Day 17, processing

HOLY HELL @SaintSovereign I now know what you mean with Limitless giving you a ton of recon.

I have this on Mogul.
RICH worked just fine because it just used existing pathways I guess. But rewriting my money beliefs (which are SHIT, I know that) is taxing as hell.

  • Massive headache today
  • I feel like my head is spinning a lot.
  • Even feeling slightly sick
  • Indecisive, can’t concentrate very well

Damn. But it also means it’s working!
However, I won’t run another sub until this is gone.

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That’s interesting. Thank you for sharing.

Day 18, processing

So the recon faded and I feel MUCH better. So far, Mogul mostly made me productive af and gave me A TON of energy. Some of which was sexual, which I had a tough time transmuting (the wife enjoyed it tho).

However, it also manifested a great deal of knowledge that helps me with my business. Specifically a channel and a bunch of videos about making your YT channel work, etc.
I am also again rethinking my entire brand direction, which, however, was also one of the tips of these videos.
Be ABSOLUTELY clear of your target audience. Which I haven’t been so far.
Been making content in multiple directions. I need to DECIDE and niche down. However it’s tough for me to make such a decision because being Gemini in a bunch of placements I like to talk about all sorts of topics.

But for business success I guess it’s necessary.

The Shadow

I am currently doing a lot of shadow work but ZP keeps bringing it to the forefront much quicker and more “direct.”
I realized that I never truly expressed my feelings from being a child because of my mother.
She was VERY deep in negative emotions. So I was always very curious NOT to offend her in any way (because I am an Empath, and her going deep into negativity made me feel bad as well).
On top of that, I never wanted to express myself when I felt bad (about whatever) because that would made her worry and feel bad → vicious cycle.

So I was conditioned to never say when I feel bad or needs arent met, which is definitely still an issue today in my marriage or in general. I noticed how I rarely, if ever, voice if I feel bad about something.

For a while I thought it’s because - as a man - I am not supposed to feel that. I am the rock the others need.
But fuck that lol
Chosen gave me so much self-confidence that I honestly couldn’t be bothered if people see me as a REAL man. I want to voice how I feel and what I need.

Consciously I know that this is the right approach, because people love authenticity, my wife included. However, it’s still tough sometimes to actually pull through those 30 years of conditioning.

In summary, I am currently working through A TON of childhood trauma and issues. I have never journalled so much (offline) and meditated so much, regardless of the productivity of Mogul.
I think it’s necessary.

Maybe I DO, in fact, run a sprint of RegenZP after the current stack to get the bulk of the healing done for now!