Back to my roots - an Invictus journal

Hey @RVconsultant, if it’s not too much trouble, can you notify staff about order #2024013, it’s been more than 24 hours (ordered with express delivery) :sweat_smile:

I’ll send a support ticket as well

Edit: all good now


I feel it causes a hierarchical system, dividing the population into categories and a “Alpha” according to it’s principles will inevitably look down on those below him.

A true man, in my opinion, knows how to converse and socialise with all social classes while seeing them as equals, never looking down or up to anyone.

I’m the same.

I live for others, and wish them to feel the best, I love to be my best self and to accomplish great feats in life but never at the cost or degradation of my fellows.


I like this.

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I’ll post about it soon, but I re-ordered my custom with couple modules switched, mainly because I think I rushed the last one :rofl:

One of the changes was to the WANTED core going back to EF3, it didn’t have the same momentum so I switched back, other than that, most of it is the same, so I’m just gonna call it Neo-Genesis instead.

On a side note:
I’m feeling much happier about who I am as a person, I think this is mainly from Khan, as it has been happening before the custom with WANTED too when I was testing Khan, which is very surprising and fascinating, because for the longest time, I used to think that khan was just not something I ever wanna run, and now I like it more than Stark + WANTED combined hahaha, this is another reason for the quick remake, because I want to focus more on this new side of mine, and WANTED feels like it was trying to pull me back to my previous self hahaha.


This is definitely interesting cause lately I have been thinking about running Khan after I’m done with school. I have been looking for more in depth results on Khan other being super sexual, so I will be watching this journal like a hawk lol. Also your journals have inspired me to start Emperor Fitness and I am loving it

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What about trying ascension with wanted, have you tried that :slight_smile: ?

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Are you asking me or Invictus lol?

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Ayyy I’m glad you’re interested :wink:

Not gonna lie man, Khan is very unique in expression it seems, and for me, it’s coming out very beautifully, like I’m learning more about myself daily, becoming more mature, more responsible, taking more accountability for my actions, reduced laziness, less of a “dickhead”, more serious about being in charge of my life instead of going all “it is what it is”; beautiful overall.

Well ma man, I went away from it for a few days, but I’m back, and one thing to note is that this week my workouts felt a bit less “intense”, like that fire I got from being on EF3, quickly changed into “fluidity” from WANTED instead, and the mindset went from wanting to be the best, to wanting to look the best, and there’s a huge difference in those, even if your workouts are the same.

Hahaha that would be a very minimalistic yet powerful combo, but that WANTED archetype is seeming more and more “immature” everytime I’ve ran it after mentally deciding that I’ve grown beyond the scope it offered.


@Invictus damn ngl it seems like Khan is GLM on steroids then cause that is what I get from GLM. The big reason why I have been thinking about running Khan is mainly the healing with masculinity and anything with dating/romance but from what you are saying it seems like it also turns you into a mature man. Honestly it seems like a good run with Khan would benefit any other sub ran in the future if that’s the case.

Also yeah Emperor Fitness is something else I went straight to ST4 cause I like all aspects of fitness. Strength, Power, Endurance, Agility etc and it’s been doing me wonders especially with endurance. Friends that haven’t seen me in a while have already said I look swole now :joy:

With workouts another thing I have noticed is that I understand when I should give my body a rest especially with having injuries. I have also noticed as well is that I don’t ridiculously push myself so hard but it’s more of a not overdoing it anymore.


I would say that it honestly has a lot more to offer than any other program available, and it has everything anyone really needs to conquer his own life and reality.

It will mature you mainly because you can’t be a Khan on the outside, while being childish inside, like it just does not work, because it just ends up making you more of a jerk than anything, which is why st1 is a good way to eradicate those little “obstacles” in your path towards greatness (more: my healing was done on stage 1 within 1 listen, and I confirmed it again when I did the 2nd loop and didn’t feel anything, however, there are still so many lessons everyday to learn from).

Here’s how I classify them:

EF1: The trainer
EF2: The shredder
EF3: The bulker
EF4: The beyonder

First stage teaches you how to start your fitness journey + diet, sleep, form, training, and recovery optimization.

Second stage helps you lose weight faster, and burn body fat.

Third stage helps you pack on muscle at an enhanced speed, rivaling some beginner prohormones/steroids cycles (one compound at a time type of cycles; e.g. Sus250 solo).

Fourth stage is what you use to transcend, as it has everything, its speed is slower, however, the results are much stronger, which can even be used to maintain your physique, or to recomp.

That’s stage 1 right there :wink:

Damn I might run this sooner than expected cause damn I feel like that’s what I really need. Might start it in the fall now. Was thinking about running GLM since I have it anyways and I feel like it would make Khan easier to integrate in the future.

It’s funny that you say that ST4 can be for recomp cause that is literally what my subconscious told me when I bought Emp Fitness :joy: and I literally just noticed results from it after my fifth loop total. I’m looking a lil leaner and bulkier. Don’t get me wrong I have quite a bit of fat to burn but I do have a lot of muscle as well, I look like a power lifter that took time off if you can picture that :joy: So while I could benefit from ST2……meh I was drawn to ST4 from the beginning and have had no issues. Ngl though the hormone rebalance on this is insane!

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Also I find it kind of dope that you swapped Stark for Khan because I have been thinking of the same for a couple of weeks now. I love Stark and all and I love what it offers but I do act childish on it (that is me not the sub) so I would stack it with GLM and it would be amazing but then that uses up a slot haha. So that’s why I was looking at Khan cause it seems to have aspects of both of those at least from my perspective. Plus ST1 of Khan would probably give some amazing results to help turn me into a better man. Plus it seems like while Khan will cause you to evolve from what I have read from others you can still have fun and enjoy life while doing what needs to be done to secure your future.



Just catching up on this journal. Sounds like you discovered Khan is an great and encompassing fit for your life and maturation goals. Did you run it solo before creating a custom, which stage(s)?
Do you find it comes through similarly in your custom?

I don’t know what country your in so while honorable and important step for your life I hope the enlistment is not too dangerous.

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Hahahah you aiming for that Eddie Hall physique :rofl:?

And furthermore, Khan will turn you into a beast in every area possible, but with a good a balance, though one thing for sure, I can’t really comment much on the intelligence from Khan, but then again, I use Mind’s eye on the side :joy:

I ran st1 for 2 loops haha, 1 was enough though.
I did 1 loop of st4 to judge it before making a custom (well, I remade it because I rushed it a bit, but now it’s good), and the reason for that is because I want the Khan script to be changing me from within, with my name embedded, that’s why in the remake, I changed the WANTED core to EF3, as EF3 doesn’t have an archetype, thus making this more of a “Khan with physical shifting”, rather than a combo archetype.

Here’s the new custom and modules list:

  • Khan st4

  • EF st3 core

  • Apollon

  • Heracles

  • Serum X

  • Entranced

  • One scent

  • Earthshaker sexuality

  • Sexual Manifestation

  • Dominion

  • Achilles

  • Victory’s call

  • Fenrir

  • Carpe diem ascended

  • Gloryseeker

  • Deep sleep

  • Fusion optimized

  • Sps: fat burn

  • Void of Creation

  • Jupiter

I must say though, I feel like a completely different person than I was 2 weeks ago (today’s day 13 since the first loop of Khan st1), and I feel like I barely even scratched the surface.

I’m gonna try my best to commit to doing daily updates now, as unlike Legend ZP (the one in the first post of this journal), this archetype is also new, meaning that regardless of the physical changes, since those often don’t include anything interesting other than stats, I still have other things I can update on, including all these self reflections I’ve been getting since using Khan.

Another you guys should keep in mind, I’m using my favorite sub with Khan; Mind’s Eye, which means that there’s a lot more chatter and self reflections due to my enhanced connection with my other “self” that I get when using ME consistently.

Current stack: Neo-Genesis + Mind’s Eye (AsC every Friday).


@Invictus yeah I am going for the new Eddie Hall physique :joy::joy: and damn okay I will have to speed up on Khan then and duuuuude I have been pulled to Minds Eye for a minute now, cause ever since my state of mind has improved my precognition and manifestation as went super sayin or some shit :joy: like I manifested someone else’s food and new instructors at school haha.

Also that custom looks really good dude I hope it brings you much success mi amigo

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Awesome, I get how even single loop can inform what’s need, especially on ZP

What was the Khan+Wanted archetype experience for you vs. the more pure Khan one?

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I am a bit surprised with Fusion optimized of yours.
I remember you said many times on CWON that you like your nonhealthy food from time to time and this one I know quite well and it will take away an appetite for your cheat meals.

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With your new custom you will change DRASTICALLY.
But if your listening schedule is the old one. You should take a long washout. You have been ordering customs every few days. Take some time to ponder and think.
People(especially me) take 10 days rest and listen to 3 min of their two titles.
And (if I am right), you don’t take rest days and sometimes listen to 3 full titles per day.
You have not shown severe signs of recon, but recon is different for everyone. I would like to know @SaintSovereign 's comment on this matter.
In the 3-4 days I have been having very (nit saying crazy) vivid dreams and I intentionally did not listen to my subs until the dreams vanish. And I am in my 9th rest day(for the 4th time I guess :sweat_smile:) I think finally my mind is getting FREE of recon.

Can you sum up what Wanted did for you over these months in a few key points?

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And if you combine that with the high flow factor, and the fact that I still agree with the fact that WANTED can be an extremely good foundation for khan (tbh, any “alpha” sub ran for 6+ months can give you a really good foundation for Khan), so it all worked out well.

One of the messages from a friend who has ran khan a lot also showed me that many of the realizations I got + the actions I took made him think that I got a cycle’s worth of results in one loop and 2 rest days.

30 mins after the loop I got such a hard boner that it became a bit painful :rofl::rofl:
Sadly my girl isn’t in the country till next weekend :joy:

Remember bro, I was the one who told you about it being really good right :wink:?
I have used it in the first couple of customs I made, but then kept keeping it out because I didn’t really see a benefit, up until I realized that during that time, I was eating whatever I wanted and even my lactose intolerance was more tolerable haha, it’s a good module, doesn’t affect my diet choices like CWON.


I’ll give you 2 people as examples:

Jack Harlow vs NF

One is light hearted, successful, but also a bit immature and too playful, doesn’t take things as seriously, but pushes himself a bit when he needs to.

The latter on the other hand, is dedicated, focused, mature, takes things more seriously and realistically, works on his dreams and doesn’t get too comfortable when achieving them.

2 different expressions of successful men, but one has a bit too much playfulness, nonchalance, and IDGAF mood, while the other is focused, dedicated, cares about things that affect his future and goals.

Maybe I’ll re-use K+W custom again when I go on a holiday or something, and keep this new one for when I’m working and stuff, cause at the end of the day, they’re just different sides of Khans, and that’s the thing, I might seem like I order way too many customs and keep hopping from one sub to another, but here’s the thing, most of the time the main core doesn’t change, only the supporting core and the modules, and even then, most modules that I love are present in every custom I make (e.g. Entranced, Serum X, Deep sleep, apollon), while some others get taken out so that I can pinpoint the exact effects that the specific module gave me.

For example, K+W didn’t have Dominion, but instead it had Earthshaker: Authority, now you can probably tell that the reason Dominion wasn’t there was so that I could observe and note the authority-related results from ES:A only, right?
Well, that in itself made me understand that external authority isn’t my cup of tea, and that I prefer Dominion instead because the expression of Authority is both inner and outer, unlike ES:A.

I’ll give you 5 points (there are many more, but I’ll end up just going on and on haha):

  • overall physical transformation; went from a 6-6.5 on my best days, to a solid 9 on worst days.

  • less social anxiety + deeper acceptance of my flaws and imperfections.

  • attention, lots of it, everywhere, all age groups :wink:

  • one thing I learned from running WANTED long term is that at one point, it shows you just how much shallowness there actually is in the world, which will raise your status, and if conscious guided, you would use others’ shallowness (mixed with their attraction to you) for your advantage.

  • Halo Effect.

Awwww you want a cookie for finally listening properly?

I take enough time off when I need to, after the loops of my last custom, I already had 3 days as a mini-washout and prep.

Now, I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with what I do and not do, but here, this is Saint’s comment: