AzrielLight EmperorQ

@TheBoxingScientist Perhaps you already had a firm foundation?

Anyway as I said, the efficacy of Emperor really differs from person to person.

Very interesting observations azriel. I assumed emperor would have helped someone become laser focused on life goals and on achieving them with the manifestation technology to help.Not something for quick cash or getting a to do list or tasks done. I always felt this was one of the subs to achieve ones life purpose/ mission

Emperor doesn’t not cause one to not focus on life goals
and focus on quick cash or do to lists
It’s just causes me to be impeccable with whats already on my plate-which happens to be those things.

It provides firepower to what I am doing and is ALSO pushing me
to aim that firepower elsewhere. It is pushing me towards my purpose
and making it more and more intolerable not to be doing that, but that’s a challenge for me…
balancing my current commitments and creating something new.

Since starting Emperor I have increased my income on average by $3000/ month now


Can some one please ban @Azriel
He is going to make me use my credit card soon…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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You don’t need Emperor, go make cash on Ascension


Also while huge financial opportunities, $50,000+ have manifested
on Emperor-I have not been able to close the deal on them

I have manifested smaller passive income

but most of the income increase its from hard work, drive, and willing to work with projects I was scared to take on before


I’m self employed, set my own schedule, pick my own jobs,
except for one long-standing relationship I’m relying on the consistent income for.
Given those conditions, Emperor works fairly well for me, and is getting better and better

For someone with a 9-5 job or who is low on the totem pole, it would probably be more challenging, although they would definitely find increased success in their roles

For someone who was in a position to say FU
currently to whatever’s on their plate-and go do what they saw to do right away-Emperor would probably be more powerful and faster

I had run years of Alpha subs before I ever discovered SubClub

so my capacity to work well with Emperor may as well be from a solid foundation already set


Oops sorry i misunderstood you. I did experience that emperor/ fire power about 2 weeks back that your are talking about. I decided to give emperor a go over AM. i listened to only 1 loop of emperor q and felt intense drive to take action and make things happen NOW. The frustration of not being able to take action because of covid closing so many doors plus the intense drive of emperor was unbearable. I ended up dropping emperor because of the outside issue’s/ covid closing so many doors until who knows when. I didnt need emperor beating me down to make things happen when i couldn’t because of things out of my control

All good,
I didn’t communicate as clearly as I could have.
Yes one has to consciously channel that drive
during the initial lock down-I channeled into reading related to wealth and success, home workouts and injury recovery, research, self-development programs I said I would do and never did, expanding work online, current work, creating the foundations for two new business, and actively contemplating my purpose and creating a game plan on my life and vision. and proably too much reading on this forum :hugs:
If the drive for you was more external or required an ability that was not available due to restrictions, I can see how that would be frustrating. Had I not been able to channel that drive-in a more introverted, solo, and virtual direction it could have been a problem


I’m reading about Alchemist
contemplating how or if to incorporate into my 1 year sub game plan

I check an email account I manage for someone I work with - 666 emails
I automatically scroll down to email sent at 11:11


synchronistic numbers seem big on this forum
this is the first time I’ve experienced it

Feels fortuitous -don’t know what it means

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Did you run the Alpha Subs during your years of no/low income?

kind of, I ran them in my early twenties
The first two times I definitely grew a lot and was working a regular job-it made me want to leave, but I kept getting good work and more money so I stayed. Those Alpha subs had very little focus on money, some on attraction, and mostly on internal development, confidence and character. I also cared less about money back then, I was entitled.

I really only cared about sleeping with woman at the time, I ran the Alpha subs to prepare for attraction subs. I ran an extended attraction sub program in which I had close to the most debauchery year of my life, and about 1 or more one night stands a week for almost year, I slept with woman within 10 minutes of meeting them many time etc. I was really primed to be effective on this because of the amount of time I was going out. Towards the end of that time I lost my job, became a drug addict (don’t worry haven’t been one for many years now), lost all my money and went into a massive depression, and that started my broke period lol- so now work, career, purpose, before crazy sex life :rofl:

Also please no one ask me about those subs-I assure you. All that and more is possible with the subs here. I’ve read it, seen it, and experienced it -so I chose the one’s here for a reason.


I stopped running subs after that for several years
as I felt my mind was too fragile
and I needed to focus on putting the pieces back together.

In retrospect getting back on subs, Alpha or healing, or some positive audio reinforcement would have been wise

You have a very interesting experience.

I like to read stories like yours. It is more motivating than reading about people who say they have used subliminals to become successful in their goals when they were actually quite close to their goals in the first place.

There really is a difference between using subliminals to reach the top floor of a 100-floor skyscraper when you are already on the 98th floor compared to when you are at the basement and the elevator has broken down…


Thank you @King

Yes IMO …well nothing changes unless everything changes
and subs assist that process.

letting go of situations that no longer work, has been the hardest thing for me. I believe there is always a benefit from situations I’ve been ‘stuck’ in. As I get better at recognizing and honoring that need/benefit elsewhere my progress is more rapid. I will journal more about this later, cause it is my current challenge


Felt the urge to run to my charging phone
before heading out tonight

the angels are calling me

1234 hrs.

177th post of yours on the 17 July.

Wonder if that means anything.


It definitely means you have a keen eye


“Angel Number 177 is a message that you are doing a great job and are to be commended for your intentions, efforts and actions. You are on the right path in your life, have chosen your thoughts and actions well, and the angels encourage you to continue in this manner.”

1234 in numerology is a full circle since 1+2+3+4=10 which as a single digit is 1 which means leadership and breaking new ground

In Angel numbers it means starting a fresh

and July 17th is the day of professional worries

Since you saw it my guess is
It means your starting afresh, breaking new ground
and rising to the top of your professional with desire and humility

For me it means
keep posting
I’ve come full circle and am breaking new ground
Stop worrying about work

Some updates

I’ve refined my stack and am testing loop patterns
my stack is
Azriel Q (custom-cores PSS, Kh Stg 1, EmFit Stage 4, Spartan)
Emperor -2-4 loops
Azriel Q- 1-3 loops
1 loop of PPC

I’m experimenting with the loops and recently do two Azriel Q at night and one in the morning, so 3 in 24 ours
and I don’t know if it’s the new configuration or if I’m almost at the two week mark so it’s settling in
but I am experiencing life on a whole other planet.

The status, confidence, drive, and hyper focused flow of Emperor is being supercharged and infused with a kind of insane Love, Wildness, ease, freedom, and open focus flow. Wu Wei -as others have put it. My tight strung fear about work is evaporating, and I’m still getting everything done. I’m more unattached and I’m questioning my choices and future in a more profound way.

I was out a bit to day and I am so pleased and happy with my experience.
I am 1000% in Love with woman again, while being 1000% unattached from the outcome.
I literally feel like I could have any woman I want, in a hat and bandanna mask, not saying anything, just looking at woman, and them looking at me.

I have never seen or felt a level of sexual and romantic interest like this. But not just them to me, I see beauty and depth in a deeper and more radiant way. I just have these mundane conversations and woman go out of their way to make things work. I was thinking the less I try the better, but then when I start fulling engaging and sharing, and joking it amps up even more. Not sure if this is Emperor or PS or Khan or even Blue Skies, or probably a mix of all :wink: but it’s a lot of fun. I could see myself getting lost in the flow of this so I may have to amp up the Emperor Loops-cause Empire building is the priority !

I have not worked out yet, I’ve been with family, relaxed about it, and very busy with work. So can’t say on that front.

I went with my mom to visit a her elderly friend today. And I sat on her gorgeous white porche, overlooking a hill of grass with this tree at the bottom of it. I was going to read some ‘High Performance Habits’ book but I ended up just starting at the tree, and feeling the wind, and hearing this bell ringing in the wind for an hour, It was pure bliss, interlaced with ecstasy. My mind was so still and calm and everything felt so alive. I went to go hang out with some people afterward, and I could barely speak, it was like I could see the intentions, and meaning of everyone, good and bad, and deeper than that it was all Love unfolding. People putting on gloves before opening doors, because they love their life and don’t want to get sick and compromise it, people sharing stories, because they want to bring laughter or interest to others from Love. People buying subliminals -because they love themselves enough to aspire for more. I’m not saying this is the truth, although in this experience it occurred like the truth. But a very cool experience

Ok this post may not make sense but hopefully those who run Blue Skies and or Primal/ Primal SS or some combo of those, may get a sense of it.

I’m almost worried, not anxious, but mentally keeping stock, of how powerful this experience is. Like who am I, who will I be, what will my life become if I fall deeper and deeper into this.

Also PCC Q is incredibly interesting, anything business/social in life, it’s like playing 3d chess when everyone else is playing tic tac toe

Emperor Terminus coming soon to the stack