AzrielLight EmperorQ

I’m posting here my thoughts on Chakras
as there has been some discussion on it
and I thought to post my initial thoughts on it.

I could care less what anyone chooses to believe as long as it hopefully serves them and those around them to the highest degree–if it does not, my preference is people evolve their thinking and belief systems; however unless I am working with someone or were close -non-interference is a great policy.

Identity and beliefs in mysticism or lack there of are not relevant to personal evolution or a life well lived

Although belief in meaning beyond ourselves does seem to greatly increase capacity to endure suffering in life, possibly restrict the break down of cells that results in biological aging, and stave off nihilism.

I personally believe in Spirituality however

I’ve met ‘spiritual’ people who are the biggest material bypassing, narcissistic, unethical people I’ve ever met
and I’ve met atheists who behave like Saints and do more for the world around them one could believe.
and everything in between.

So belief system and self identity is no requisite of ‘spirituality’, effectiveness, or being of service


The Chakra system developed in Indian yogic traditions and is estimated to be 10,000 or more years old.

It is used as a ‘subjective’ science of transcendental mystical practices, practices and experiences and subsequent effects are able to be replicated again and again the same way ‘subjective’ science of Subliminals is able to be replicated across different users experiences and results, with consistency but effecting each person differently.

Now whether this is cognitive bias or not-whether the spinning wheels of energy, correspond with nerve clusters and major organs or not, those who act on the health and ‘alignment’ of their chakras, even if only as a imaginative exercise-experience improved health and results in the correlated area of that Chakra. I’ve experienced this personally and I’ve met many others who have. My views are not science however I’ll let those of you who read this do the research and you can see there is plenty of evidence to support this.

Some say-There is a physical/ energetic correlation with Chakras, with corresponding resonances in light and audio frequencies and there is a lot of work done in holistic and energy medicine to support this as well.

If one believes listening to hidden voices on headphones can create shifts in your energy field and create auras-as in many subs here do-or manifest circumstances through the collective field of consciousness-I don’t see why an energetic location or center on your body is so far fetched lol

My favorite theory is that Chakras are dimension of reality which compromises our existence
1-physical world
2-sensation, feeling
4-Relationships and connection
5. The corresponding resonance of all the below and above manifested creatively
6. Thoughts and mind
7-Connection beyond ourselves

End thoughts


Great post Azriel

This might be of big interest to @James

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Emperor is getting stronger and stronger
I’m not experiencing reconciliation in the typical sense from it-but
my boss attitude is creating some friction in my daily life.
I conduct myself well, but I literally couldn’t spend a second longer after dinner with friends,
I walked myself out. It’s like this force and drive comes over me and I have to do my thing.

I also shut down a previous client looking to ‘milk’ extra work for free-it would have cost my friend money, not me, but I told him to speak to my friend to get on the same page, end of story, otherwise I couldn’t move forward. He reacted in an underhanded insulting way, -basically saying the work I was doing was no big deal and someone else could do it-I said ‘here is the work I do, went down the list of all the complicated factors and then said if you want that other person to do that, please go ahead’ The work I was doing for him was fairly simple but extremely time consuming and requires an insane level of attention to detail and big picture management-

I see and value that I can do that work now where as in the past I poo-pooed it.

He said he understood and would talk to my friend to work out a deal.

this is someone who I was nervous around before Emperor and did whatever they said for fear of messing up.

I feel bad for anyone running Emperor who cannot create distance from their current obligations or relations. I’m freeing myself slowly but surely from the confines of my duties in society.

The truth is now that I am really stepping into it-I wouldn’t call this sub fun to run, it’s profound, challenging, the huge status boost can fun, and respect becomes the norm everywhere. However all that stuff is wind in the hair on a car ride-it’s just the experience of the ride-not the destination.

I see now the destination for Emperor is really total freedom in life, with me having the say on what my life looks like, how I spend my time, what I do, and who I do it with–all the way up to my own Empire in the world, total self reliance and freedom, king of my own Kingdom.


Update on my custom-

My custom seems to really be supporting Emperor

Here are some updates

updates on Cores

Spartan-helping me deal with whatever is coming up with warrior equanimity

Emperor Fitness-hardest for me-definitely getting some wonky reconciliation on this-physical stuff coming up, however I am losing weight while doing nothing, and my eating habits are changing even more than Emperor alone. I believe it may be effecting my caffeine intake, sleep habits, and medicine use, like I need less of everything.

Primal Seduction-was really strong in the beginning and has faded - I believe I’m experiencing the Ego-Adsum in it, more relaxed in the moment and the increased social intelligence and persuasion of Sex and Seduction.I’m also complimenting the woman I see around my life, telling them they look really pretty, I can’t help myself, and they love it, this is not something I normally do.

Khan Stage 1 -I freaking love this one-the I AM or whatever it is has me literally give 0 shits about anything, yes it has some lethargy and off-ness but it gets me so present, its like an experience of being-I really feel like my best authentic self in a super chilled out way-like after a crazy night where everything went wrong but your so free cause you don’t care anymore and then everything starts going right.

I’ll give an update on the other models soon-but will say Physical Shifter-sexiness- my hair and beard are noticeably different

Caveat-- I have ‘no idea’ what’s actually effecting what, but my intuition, sense of subconscious and conscious communication, and having read many detailed experiences of the effects of these subs on others has me conclude each is effecting me in these respective way.


@Azriel I agree with many of your points. Regeneration is amazing. I’ve already gone through Khan and listen to everyday. Thank you for sharing your perspectives. I appreciate it.

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Sometimes it feels that the effects are fading, but it is actually getting stronger. You are becoming more accustomed to it.

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Thanks @khan, is my description of Khan Stage 1 similar to your experience ? I want to see if I am pin pointing different effects accurately

@Azriel Yes. You are always in the present moment. It isn’t that you don’t care. It is a Wu wei experience. I have a feeling you will understand what I mean. What are your thoughts? Did you feel this too, now that I mentioned it?

There are very little thoughts, my focus feels like its on Being- simply existing- if I focus on my mind it feels like flow or molasses in a good way, words, thoughts, concerns
and needs tend to dissolve Everything that i need to do and get done I can do or get done.My head feels super clear and there is low anxiety. And I feel less attached to things I get caught up in that don’t matter to me

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@Azriel that sounds like being in the present moment and Wu wei.

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I’m not big into dreams,
or dream meaning-not that there cannot be incredible value there
just has not been my thing and also because
I almost never remember my dreams.
but I had such an incredible dream last night
normally my final loop of the day is Emperor
but I ended my night on Azriel Q last night

Real part:

there was this woman who I fell head over heels for when we were in an acting show together.
I was so into this girl-tiny-bombshell body- and one of the coolest most in tune but badass woman I’ve ever met. Anyway she used to come over for rehearsals and we would have the best freaking time for hours on end, super physical but never crossed into hook up territory-(I told myself it wasn’t professional-but I was just afraid of being rejected and feeling stupid) anyway long story short-I botched the whole thing- my friends were all competing for her-so I stepped out-and she ended up with her x-boyfriend anyway lol

In the dream:

I was in a cab having sex with her, then we got to my place, and had sex again, and then we cuddled and this went on for quite some time
but what was cool about it was that it felt realer than a dream
It felt like real time, like no joke hours and hours, and I was awake within the dream
and I felt like everything I wanted and the person I wanted to be and the experiences I wanted to have all integrated and I was living this whole new life in another world that was more real and home than my current life.

When I woke up I felt like it was all real, and had really happened.

hopefully premonition of things to come :slight_smile:


awesome :slight_smile:

@Azriel You weren’t there so she went back to where she was most comfortable. It will all work out.

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haha, I was hung up on her for a while but not in a long time…
I had forgotten about her until that dream last night. I love your view on it though.
Something may happen between us but at the end of the day what mattered most
was the sense of who I had become


Perhaps, if anything you always have access to the Q version in the meantime which is also string and effective.

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did you find that the quantum limitless in Emperor q helped you feel more competent ? competency is a insecurity of mine. Will use limit destroyer to crush it. Curious though about your thoughts on emperor and feeling competent

Yes extremely, on Emperor, I feel I can handle anything
and my competencies at complex tasks, ability to focus on them
is an all time high. My recall, attention to detail, capacity to go back and forth from big picture to what needs to happen now thinking, and my ability to think conceptually and abstractly and practically have all increased. This spikes even more if I take a day or two off.

The only ‘down sides’ I’ve experienced in this domain, and it may just be ongoing reconciliation, is
while I can crush procrastination 99% of the time -I go through seeing less and less importance of
what others expect of it-unless its something I’ve consciously chosen or agreed to. So I have to make a point to consciously attend to all those things.

The insane focus can get myopic, meaning I have to consciously orient my perspective and direction
to where the ‘huge ship will go’ or I can get lost in beasting busy work which might be good for quick cash or getting a to do list done but not necessarily for living my purpose or creating the life I want.


@King i do not think that is entierly true as emperor was the first subliminal I used and it worked very well despite how harsh it was on some days.

Here are some good notes I’ve collected on Emperor


Hey, welcome to Subliminal Club.

Emperor is a very wide type of subliminal, aiming to push you in all the areas that matter to you and those that you might have consciously missed. It will also manifest opportunities for you to grow quickly.

It’s also a very dense, powerful subliminal, meaning it can overpower other subliminals in the stack. This is something we’ve noticed with a few people only, and it might be dependent on the individual’s capacity to process and manifest (which gets better the longer you listen to our subliminals, we took care of that).

Keep that in mind and don’t be afraid to experiment.

As for your trio, it can work. Remember though, Ascended Mogul will manifest quicker than Emperor, because it is more focused. Limitless will manifest the quickest, because it is all about learning.

My advice to you would be this - try it out. We encourage experimentation.

If you feel it’s too much alpha and business side of things, try taking out Ascended Mogul or Emperor out of the stack, or lowering their loops, and see how things go.

If you notice yourself going too focused on yourself and distancing from toxic influences (and you cannot take it/don’t like it), try lowering the Emperor loops. It is merciless - it WILL make you drop useless people from your life. Which is extremely good if you’re ready to become an Emperor and build your own empire

Co-Founder, Subliminal Club

Jun '19


‘I am aware you have a lot going on, but will appreciate your insights on this in the following context.
My long-term plan is to start a tech-business (build an empire) and in the short-term I wish to create opportunities for more revenue, but not if the short-term goals compromise the long-term ones.’

The easiest way to put it is that Emperor helps you find success outside the confines of society, AM helps you find success within it. Emperor is best for the solopreneur that wants to go their own way. AM is for those seeking better job prospects / opportunities. Now, that doesn’t mean Emperor can’t help you get raises and stuff. But, it’ll definitely push you VERY HARD to get out of the rat race and the such. Ascended Mogul is much more “social,” and focuses on more immediate goals.

Co-Founder, Subliminal Club


Emperor if your ready and willing to move outside the confines of society

or your willing/able to handle the reconciliation and/or journey of not being able to do that right away.

or Emperor if your at the top of the food chain or near it

Ascension-for generally becoming the Alpha version of yourself-and rising to the top of your current environment in status

Ascended Mogul for becoming the Alpha Version of yourself, rising in status, and heavy focus on going up the work ladder while generating more money.