AzrielLight EmperorQ

I do.

There’s the joy of creating a coherent vision. And then there’s that galvanizing inspiration of knowing that this vision is becoming reality.

It’s good stuff.

And then there’s also the enjoyment of experiencing others creating and building into reality their own visions alongside yours.


Hahahahaha I love this!

So, I gather you are enjoying Qv2 for your Emperor custom (it took me awhile to catch up on your journal again)

Only you have run your custom so, in your own experience, what’s the most marked difference you detect ‘betwixt’ (:wink:) your original custom and Qv2?

I have always had the ability to live a bit through others experiences, whether that be vicariously, intuitively, intellectually I’ve never sat down to ask myself, but this is very true.

It’s always heartening to watch people grow and develop, especially when they’re guided by their Highest Good into manifesting their best ideal versions of themselves :slight_smile:

@Azriel which reminds me, your journal is MASSIVE. I honestly can’t recall the entirety of the first 500 posts, but from what I do remember your growth has been huge!

If you could go back, would you do anything differently in terms of what you choose to run?

My guess is no but I am genuinely curious.

Mudita, I like.


I’m freaking glad you linked this, I didn’t know there was a term for it. Dopetastic.

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@Azriel thank you for the detailed post about your custom!

I appreciate your introspection.

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Maybe nternal sabatoge on internal well being ceiling or something- everything was going great than
In the last three days I’ve seen three doctors.
Had an unidentified but potentially serious skin infection, last doctor thought it was staph, but wasn’t sure, prescribed antibiotics, keflex, had an averse reaction, had to come off it today,
seeing a dermatologist tomorrow for next steps.
It’s been quite a difficult last few days.
Wish me healing, luck, love, good energy, or whatever your think is.


I wish you all that and more.

If I had some unknown issue, I would consider fasting. What are your thoughts?


I wish you all that and more as well @Azriel. Stay strong, brother.

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thank you!
I will consider that, depending on if antibiotics are continued or not.

Argh, doctors — what do they even know?

If it looks anything near the picture below, I suggest you take a megadose of Vitamin C and it’ll disappear more quickly than it came.


sending healing intentions


Just checking in. What’s the status report? Getting any useful information?

thanks for checking man,
had bad reaction to first antibiotics
switched to a new kind and may be helping
but it’s not 100% clear, the doctor recommended I go to the ER if it wasn’t better by today.
The issue seems slightly better but I am going to go today anyway I don’t think it’s an dangerous emergency, but rather get my bases covered and for peace of mind. When this is over I will have quite a post, because it’s insane how deeply everything about this situation relates to my journey and even with subs.


Hang in there



Oh man!!! Are you okay now, @Azriel???

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Keep us updated, an take it easy. Still dont play around with you health, want to hear you okay


Sending loving thoughts :heart:


thanks yall :purple_heart:, done with ER, should be fine, I got a follow up Friday.
I just strongly dislike being on antibiotics/meds, it messes up my sense of things, and I get anxious being on them. But I’m committed to this course of action so will see it through to Monday, but hopefully, they say I can come off Friday


Please keep checking in mate.

In fact, how about an update right now… or sooner…