AzrielLight EmperorQ

One of the funnest (not a word, I know) parts of designing and running customs, for me, is contemplating the synergies. How the unique flavors and contributions of each module will contribute to the whole, and what the complex overall effects might be.

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That’s awesome-it’s a perfect fit for what I’m looking for

no- but I’ve run Emperor Fitness Stage 4 in customs since last July- and I’ve probably seen my most external metrics of results with that core-gained 17 lbs of muscle and squat, dead-lift, and bench went up 150,150, and 100 lbs each respectively- so it’s definitely a keeper

I had a very dark experience once from drug abuse during a time where I was spiritually active, one of my teachers thought it was an awakening of sorts- to the reality of ‘evil’ -I won’t go into my experience here though for my own sake as well as others lol-

whether an inter-generational trauma, or something drawn to those in a certain- level of let’s say compromised brain chemistry- a module like that gives me piece of mind- and I can not pin point it’s exact function coinciding with DR use, but since using it in my DR custom-a certain sense of something that’s plagued me has evaporated. I try not to think about that stuff too much or attribute anything definitively-but for me- I really like having it as worst case insurance.

I’ll have to look more into this- Gratitude would be ideal- but as a somewhat empath- not exactly the typical mold of one- I can feel others negative intention and jealousy-especially since I am extremely confidence and expressed every where I go-including talking to woman. The other day I noticed it was throwing me off-I could tell the person it was coming from-when talking to a woman at the gym- which was a surprise-since I have not been in a while. But I realized I was not running my custom with it anymore and it might be a module that was more valuable than I realized.

I dropped my custom with that 4 months or so back back when I was using it-running loops was easier-so want to re-introduce.

I’ve found I keep seeing and noticing new results and experiences and differences in customs with Omni where as with one’s with Deus they feel like old friends and your relationship grows stronger


I love your perspective on this, and I don’t naturally go there in the way you do, I think which pieces do I need to make the product cover everything, but it is definitely really cool to open my mind to the synergies, and now that you said it and I’m answering you I can’t believe I didn’t see it before lol.

Maybe I did on a less conscious level.

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Hey @Hermit,

I missed your question before- I think it’s a mixture of Primal and Chosen of Venus in my custom, possibly transcendental connection is contributing as well.

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I resonate more naturally with Jupiter but this custom seems more in alignment with Saturn. Saturn seems to have Capricorn like qualities-I thought that intuitively or maybe I used to know it -just looked it up Saturn is Capricorn’s planet.

Do you thing Negative Energy Transmutation is more Saturn based? If so I think that’s the move- as that energy does me really well.

My wealth custom covers Jupiter in spades.

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Yes, I kind of got the same feeling. (As far as this custom being somewhat in alignment with those Saturnine kinds of gifts and considerations.)

Will. Discipline. The cutting away, revision, or correction of things that have gone off-course. Working with effort and vision to get to a higher level. Those are the gifts of Saturn.

Immortal’s Blade speaks to both the blessings and the dangers of Saturn. A great module.

So, sounds like you’re leaning more towards Negative Energy Transmutation. Maybe you don’t need as much help generating gratitude.

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What do you think of Khan Stage 4 Q vs. Khan Stage 4 QV2 overall so far?

2nd loop of new Emperor/Primal Seduction/ PCC/ Inner Circle custom

Still hard to run, the Emperor on this is insanely strong. Knocking shit out the park, like taking candy from a baby. That would actually be more morally difficult for me, so bad analogy, but hard stuff becomes easy on it.

Notice being underneath incompetent and uncommunicative persons in hierarchies surfaced as a strong point of annoyance again.

I was getting stare downs like a celebrity, which is kind of trivial but it was clear my presence was felt.

I thought of a girl I wanted to see at the gym, and bumped into her there, and she approached me for lifting advice. You ever at the gym and the girl with a sick body in tights is squatting and her ass looks amazing and you wish you could spot her. Well, she asked me to spot her and correct her form, which I did, and we definitely had a fun vibe.

I was really pushing myself in the flirting department, with everyone, not just that girl, it was surprising to see how much more engaging PS is then Primal.

Although PS reminds me of my old game style or is bringing that out. Which is kind of like I’m on top of the world having fun, and messing with everyone. It’s actually not my preferred way of doing things now, and I notice some deep recon coming up, like a negative inner voice saying ‘your just the guy people have fun with but it goes no where’ and other such emotions coming out that seem to be getting healed and cleaned up.

PS vs. Khan -PS is like your the music and you just keep going and at some point whether people liked it or not everyone starts to love it. Khan is like your some people’s favorite music and they can’t get enough, or your just not there music and they bounce.

Just one loop of QV2 custom definitely sets of my processing sound- so beware @RVconsultant

@Sub.Zero- :slight_smile: please don’t post this in the QV2 forum- I want to keep this oddity localized on this journal for myself, unless specifically relevant to someone else.

but on DR QV2 it didn’t. I think it’s more recon to Emperor specific.

I got an manifestation challenge at the gym and almost got into a fight with someone. Out of honor for my friend I was with I didn’t, but I was in full war mode.

Turned out -while he was being a douche- I missed some early context that slightly mitigated his douchebagery -so glad I didn’t go full HAM.

I was surprised because while I am no stranger to fights on mats and in the street before on a few occasions, I have been completely out of fight shape, skill, and injured the last few years so look to avoid fights at all costs, and while I can lift now, I don’t know how I’d far against a competent opponent.
This guy was about 6’5 and pure muscle-and I felt zero- fear- like I didn’t give a shit what happened I would stand up on principle that he couldn’t be a bully.

Afterward PCC seemed to kick in and I smoothed things over so as not to compromise my future experience.

It was weird how distinctly Emperor, PCC, and Primal Seduction each came out at certain moments. The sub was less a blend and more kind of like ‘picking my character/core’ at each moment.

I also set up to further connect with a really cool dude- who I could see be valuable in lifting competition, social media, and even business-so even inner circle.

So all in all kind of crazy how I produced every single result so distinctly in every single one of my cores in one gym session.


In general I seem to get very fast results
Status/social ability
personal sense of growth
Improvements of physical prowess- strength, speed, reflexes, skills
interest and understanding of topics related to the subs I am running

medium speed results with

emotional healing
physical healing-that is related to a clear cause
client acquisition for with pre-established pathways

and slow but steady results with

finances with pre-established pathways
relationship improvements
clarity around purpose or next steps

I seem to make internal movement but no external results yet with

healing with issues that have no clear cause
new income streams

It’s so obvious to me when paring this out this way that where I naturally had strengths and am in action, or have structures sub boost the results like crazy and where I do not have clarity, new actions consistently, or established pathways it’s harder to see results.

The shift into new actions, creating new structures, and clarity to me is on the user, either in doing the leg work for the that irrespective of subs and/or finding a sub(s)/ custom that really address those particular weakness.

My wealth custom targeted this and has really upped my clarity around next financial steps. I’m running it only about two loops a week though-so I can pretend I’m running 3 subs when I’m really running 4 lol.

I’m considering running it 4 x a week and Emperor QV2 custom only 1 x. Will see.

This will be my last month on Emperor for the near future.

Also DR stage 3 is definitely giving me a sense of detachment from previous entanglements, making me feel more like I am in free fall in a good way, and increasing clarity on things, including which subs to use.


Thanks for the warning about Qv2 man!

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Primal and Emperor back in the day was my popular stack for attracting women and buying coworkers and people into my way of thinking.


There was a mix up before and I only received my Emperor custom in QV2, which I can’t run everyday yet, it got cleared up and I’m receiving my custom Emperor in QV1 so I will alternate that with QV2, until QV2 Emperor custom becomes easier.

Also pulled the trigger on fitness custom

  1. Emperor Fitness Stage 4 Core
  2. Spartan Core
  3. Paragon Ultima Core
  4. A/SPS-Hearing
  5. APS-Head
  6. SPS-Nervous System
  7. SPS-Respiratory System
  8. Asclepius
  9. Serum X
  10. Male Enhancement
  11. Stronger
  12. Stop PMO
  13. Inner Gasoline
  14. Pragya
  15. Mosiac
  16. Omnidimensional
  17. Immortals Blade
  18. Faith Unyielding
  19. Godlike Masculinity
  20. Overdrive

I ended up going with Godlike Masculinity instead of Negativity Energy Transmutation or Gratitude Embodiment as it just seems it would go really well with this custom.

I also wanted to see what DR stage 3 and 4 will do on their own without any additional feel good/healing/ negativity transmuting modules.

So now I have Emperor custom, Fitness healing custom, and DR. Not sure how to fit wealth custom in. I may put it on hold or continue to run a few loops a week. I’m liking what I am seeing even with 4 subs in use.

I will begin Khan Stage 1 alongside DR stage 4 and start a new journal in about a month.


Yeah, it does seem to support being very influential in a strong but chill way.

The same way I’m happy to be related to.

Watched and enjoyed them both last weekend.

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Glad you enjoyed :slight_smile:
last weeks invincible was kind of ‘bleh’ to me but it started getting really good again with the one that came out this Friday

Let’s start a trend gents and ladies

Feel free to post this every time someone’s reaction seems off kilter

It will likely get old quickly, be accused as a form or censorship and/or toxic positivity :joy:
but I think it will great fun while it lasts :slight_smile:


This is awesome! Thanks man!

Lol cracked me up instantly

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I just discovered an interesting thing via serendipity.
I was finishing playing my masked version of Emperor custom. I thought I closed the media player,
and then got on a 40 minute call. After the call I noticed the ultrasonic version of the custom has been running for the entire duration of the call. The call went awesome and even though it was a work call, it got personal, I was laughing and having a good time most of the call.

I’ve been concerned about ultrasonics due to ear sensitivity, now it’s possible my computer speakers are not able to pay ultrasonics correctly. But I didn’t feel any negative effects from recon on from ear sensitivity after. I went back to masked to finish the track starting at the same time the ultrasonic left off, and instantly felt a similar ‘weight’ of listening to the sub.

here is what I’m look at now

I believe masked might be more difficult to listen to for me than ultrasonics

I ran two QV2 loops of a difficult custom to run with little issue, and that the elevated state and action I was in while listening (as it was a business call) made running the sub or assimilating it easier

I may be able to handle more QV2 than I thought, and the second loop became easier than the first, which was the opposite of Q

That my focus and concern on recon/symptoms and vigilance for watching out for it, may be creating a placebo issue more than any actual effect.

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