AzrielLight EmperorQ

yes of course :slight_smile:

I’m an open book, my biggest insecurity is that people will see me as a ‘complainer’ or weak for bringing up what to others might be a relatively small issue- now that that’s done with lol

The issue is multi-fold but it’s essential chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction on my left side, unilateral tinnitus symptoms of varying degrees on my left side, chronic sinus issues on both sides, specifically inflammation in the nasal passages, you’d think it was moderately bad allergies- but there seems minimal correlation in season and/or environment and I haven’t been tested this year but have never had allergies when tested a few years ago- allergy medications and nasal decongenstants don’t help and often make it worse.

I also have facial pain on that side with no discernible dental issues-The tinnitus symptoms also randomly but with some correlation times of high stress/recon jump from localized to ‘inside my head’ - they also get stronger with facial pain/ and jaw issues. This suggests both a structural and a neurological cause.

I have very minor TMJ issue - which could be rooted in the neck-which could also be a contributing factor- likely there are a multitude of contributing factors

This whole thing was initially a bit of a nightmare- as it was very hard to concentrate or relax or do anything when the symptoms were strong and anxiety about them created a negative feedback loop. Now I manage quite well and love life regardless, thanks to DR which has not resolved the issue but supported tremendously in lessening it physically and coping-thriving with it emotionally. But I would also love to resolve this completely-such that it’s not something to even be concerned with or have to manage.

Now that I can run Paragon in QV2 that also seems to be helping until I overdid it on QV2 subs-as recon always makes things worse.

The tinnitus symptoms while maybe at one point may have been from structural ear issues now may be a more neurological, nervous system, brain ‘issue’

My hearing is perfect on both sides and I’ve been medically cleared from any emergency intervention through MRI etc.

So to address everything as I see it

APS-ear -for structural issues-eardrum retraction etc relating to that or perhaps this module will directly act on the auditory nerve (although tinnitus symptoms often become associated with the brain-as people with severed auditory nerves can still ‘hear’ it. ) Or the module may even act in auditory regions of the brain

APS Smell- for sinus cavity issues as they are technically a structure of the olfactory system

SPS-Respiratory - this also covers structures related to the the nasal cavity and upper respiratory issues can be associated with tinnitus -also having been a smoker for years when younger- this is probably a good one to have

SPS Nervous system- being stuck in ‘fight or flight’ or having overactive vigilant nervous system-can be a source of chronic unexplained tension/contractions which structural could be a source of these issues, also generally an over active nervous system is a correlate to the issues I’ve mentioned

APS/ All Organs- specifically to address the brain in relation to tinnitus symptoms

SPS -Lymph system- the Eustachian tube blockage could start with inflammation in the tube itself, the inflammation from the nasal cavities, or issues in the tonsils and/or general drainage system. Lymph system covers mucous membranes, and Eustachian tube dysfunction has to do with challenges in draining the mucous from the middle ear to NasoPharynx …so something that acts directly on the mucous membranes and drainage system in general could support it. If the blockage is sourced lower in the tonsils- the lymph system SPS module would also support this

Head-For TMJ issues and/or directly for cervical issues -which due to nerve networks- can also be contributing factors in facial pain-blockages and tinnitus.

If you’ve made it this far- I hope you’ve enjoyed the small lessons in the incredible interconnected nature of our physical structure lol

lot of info but there you have it- run them all together at once- try 3-4 at a time? Smell and Respiratory redundant? Lymph redundant if APS Ear and Respitory/Smell would act directly on necessary issues in those areas etc.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated. :slight_smile:

I was curious to experience DR stage 4 without any other breakdown/healing but if you’ve run it and think the combo would work I’ll take it into strong consideration.

I’ve run TB in a custom for 6 or 7 months. I would run the solo stage of TB in Q and QV2 for a month total before running the other stages of Khan

This is just a quick start. It’ll take me longer to come up with a really solid opinion. The modules are new and I’m still kind of sitting with them, reading the descriptions, and contemplating them.


under Paragon and Asclepius (which I think usually make sense to put in positions 1 and 2), I’d first put:

APS: Head as the primary Physical Shifting module. Everything you’ve described: Ears/Eustachian tubes, sinus/nasal passages, jaw/TMJ; everything seems to be kind of localized around that specific area.

With APS: Head you will find your head and even your neck becoming healthier and more pain free. Pain that was recurring before such as headaches or migraines will become rarer with regular listening, and your head will gradually recover from any injuries you might have sustained.

I’d put A/SPS: Hearing in position 4. You don’t have a hearing problem, but the module helps to strengthen the respective structures of hearing as well.

For positions 5 and 6, I’d put SPS: Respiratory and SPS: Nervous System.

In fact, you’re mainly looking at the Upper Respiratory System. But that’s why we say “Conscious Intention”.

The main purpose of Nervous System would just be to optimize how your nervous system processes pain.

That would be it, in my opinion.

If this were a custom (rather than an Ultima) and you had additional slots, I’d include Harmonic Singularity and maybe Stress Displacement. (Some of what you described seems like it could be related to internalized stress and tension around the neck and head.)

Those are just initial thoughts.

My view is that the module actually doesn’t do anything except communicate to your mind. It’s your mind that finds ways to manifest the suggestions. That’s why you can have a module that focuses on the Head area. That’s a good enough focus for your mind to do its job (i.e., bringing healing to the overall area through whatever means are most effective).

I see a subliminal as kind of like a person with a VIP card that grants him access to powerful people who most people cannot access. That person is also a skilled communicator so that when he gets into the room and starts speaking, he can speak in a way that does not offend or irritate those powerful people. They’re willing to give him a hearing. After they hear him, they are powerful enough to make things happen. Those ‘powerful people’ are not fools. They’re not slaves. They can say no. They can even kick him out if necessary. They’re just not easily accessible by ordinary people under ordinary circumstances.

And that’s a very good thing.

To see what happens when the parts of our minds that create reality are too easily and casually accessed, please see exhibit A: Schizophrenia and Psychosis. It is a very good thing that the deep powerful parts of our minds cannot be accessed without real work.

Anyway, that’s how I think they work. And so, truthfully, it would probably be enough to just combine Paragon, Asclepius, and APS: Head.


No, I haven’t. It was rather about stacking DR rather with TB than Stark but if you’re panning on running it solely I guess that’s the best way to go.

This really clarifies a lot.
I actually didn’t expect to be enrolled in less SPS/APS models but I am fully convinced

Paragon and Asclepius will definitely be in there.
I’ll do Head, Ear, Respiratory System, and Nervous system.

The only one I"m still on the fence about is All Organs -for Brain. But I think going with 4 APS/SPS modules first, as per Fire’s recommendation, is smart and I can upgrade from them if/ as needed.

I could see those 4 along with Paragon being effective.

Yes, I believe these deeper parts/powerful people are gatekeepers that require our/ your/mine-trust. By our/your/mine I mean our most unifying conscious consciousness/ our most integrated adult aspect -not as an object or part of ourselves but as the subject behind the whole system. The part that could have a conscious relationship with the more conscious parts of ourselves, like a hurt part, inner child, inner skeptic etc. I think Subs skip this and communicate to the deepest most multifaceted and capable parts of our being as well as shift the relationship with some of the more conscious relationships.

That’s why action is so important- it’s also about showing the constituents of who we are that were capable of being trusted because were about what we say we are. The same way if a parent always told there kid one thing and did another.

It gets very complicated and not sure I’m doing the theory service in this moment-but I believe I understand what you are referring too.

Thank you for your sense about the issue, it definitely helps


I understand. How about running it 2 times a week at 1 loop per time to start?

I’ve never thought you were weak or a complainer. Thank you for explaining.

Appreciate that RV.

I have no problem running DR Stage 2 QV2 daily
But I will start with 2 or so loops weekly of this new custom in the beginning or until it becomes easier.

Please keep us posted how it goes. I think we are getting to the point where we need to re-think our listening styles.

Only run 2 loops Friday as opposed to my normal three, so ran wealth custom Saturday morning.
Relatively smooth day, went rock climbing solo, did as well as last time but didn’t progress much, felt weaker than usual and only got a half hour in.

At night I was feeling great, making dinner, I had a mole sauce for the first time with steaks-really fun to make-any way half way through dinner I felt my appetite just drop to zero. I cleaned up and then I started to get really intense anxiety and it was building-I had urge to run paragon custom I did for 10 minutes but it felt like to much for the week, so I stopped, then went to run DR custom when the anxiety came back ran for 6 minutes and then stopped.

Not sure if the anxiety was recon bloom or what but it was really intense, like panic-attack-ish. Any way basically went a loop and 16 minutes of random subs into my rest days, got to stay strong and cut it off after 5 days. Feeling better now. Weird.

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I sympathize. Thing is when this happens to me, my stomach feels like it’s going through a dough mixer. I don’t know what is going on in my subconscious. However when the bad feeling stops, I start to have ideas as to what changed.

@RVconsultant thanks

It’s all within the context of recon, but lately I can’t tell what’s what.
1st real day off from subs 4 hours after I woke up got insanely tired, almost sick feeling, emotionally wonky and have been sidelined since. Doesn’t really feel like I’m sick, so hoping it’s delayed recon from DR stage 2 QV2. Might be time for a washout week.

TBH this sounds like DR.

I would encourage you to review your sleep habits and sleep hygiene. You know about EMFs and blue light exposure, how they can disrupt sleep and what to do?

A washout week might be great.

I’m on your side man! Think of me as like a cheerleader without the pomp pomps or the skirt or the cheering… no… actually I like the bumpers for the bowling ball better.

How about if you take a washout week, slowly reintroduce subliminals. One loop of 1 program and wait 48 hours to notice what happens.

Well I turn off wifi or put on airplane mode everything in my room.
My house has other people so I don’t know about turning off the router-although that might be a good move. Do you turn off your router?

My sleep in general is very deep and good but lately, I am falling asleep 5/6 am and not sleeping well.

lmao !!

The issue for me, is my recon tends to increase exponentially after 2 days (unless that’s life without subs lol-but I don’t think so) I may have to do 3 days off, then a day off every other day, before a proper washout week.

It’s the staggered processing/ recon bloom that really gets me.

I’ve been having somewhat problematic changes in sleep pattern over the past month or so too. Generally, I’m just rolling with it, but I’m hoping that it changes or that I can change it over time.

Yeah I’m usually a night owl-getting to sleep at 2-3 am sometimes 4 and getting up between 9-11 am.
That’s been not great but still very doable- this new cycle has me all kinds of wonky.

What’s the problematic changes your experience-falling asleep later than wanted or quality of sleep?

The other thing I feel with getting to sleep that late, is my sleep doesn’t feel restorative- a couple hours into the day I feel as if I hadn’t slept the night before.


I wake easily and stay awake easily. One of those types of people.

I had a week long period in March in which I was participating in 6 AM to 10 AM Zoom Meetings. I wanted to do my meditation hour first, so I started getting up at 4:30 or so and doing the meditation and then getting on to the meeting.

That week did not help, I think.

Yeah, it’s sleeping duration and quality for me. If I’m not careful, it’s pretty easy to stay up for the entire night. But no matter what, I get up to accompany my son a bit in the morning as he’s getting ready for school. That used to be 6:15 AM. Now they’ve shifted it to 2.5 hours later. I think that Ganesha must have heard my prayers. :slight_smile:

This is one more reason that I’m eyeing the Physical Shifters (Endocrine and Nervous System). haha. But that’ll be June or July at the earliest. I’m trying to keep my new stack as light as possible.

Besides my sleep cycles tend to shift and adjust on their own. So I expect it will shift back after a while.


I’m sure he did :slight_smile:

Yes, another benefit of Nervous system module indeed. I believe QV2 or QV2 DR recon is effecting me, as I’m getting intense anxiety about falling asleep which is new for me. Will see if things stabilize.

I’ll pull the trigger on that custom tomorrow pending they don’t release a single stage Hero then lol


Yes. I dislike wireless.

What more can I say? Why is it you seem to be 2 steps ahead of my thinking? I’m thinking I think I need to be careful what I think around you, you think?

How about 5-HTP?

So how do you manage this, Ethernet cable, or selectively turn off and on the router?
For personal reference, what do you notice/dislike about wireless?

I don’t do well with any supplementation that effects my serotonin, but in general I think for most people it’s a decent supplement when used at night.

Running Emperor custom in QV1 for likely the final time. Using Monoprice Studio speakers set up.
SOO much better. Easier listening, cleaner, we’ll report on results difference later.