AzrielLight EmperorQ

So ordered one of my new customs and it has yet to come.
Still working out exactly what I want in the others. In the mean time I took a few days off subs over the weekend and have been running Emperor Q/Emperor Custom, DR stage 1, and started DR stage 2.

DR stage 1 is pure smooth sailing. I’ve been running it for 2 months and it it just totally clears everything when I run it now. Not clears and empty but clears and brings forth my best. I feel light expansive and powerful on it. It also seems to reset my sense of what’s important, everything is being made very simple now. Workouts/ health and money talking the forefront. All routines and things for there own sake, even if beneficial are being let go of for now. If there something I feel like I have to fit in or get done, there out. If there something that feels invaluable for my progress there in.

DR stage 2 on one loop feels amazing. smooth like deep churning water-or Dragon’s blood :smile: simmering in my veins and being. There’s an alpha edge to this so far. I feel very powerful and solid on it. Then it kind of ebbs and flows throughout the day, at times it makes me feel inside of myself, and I’ve had some intense sadness come up on it. It completely quells all not quite right symptoms I have.

DR stage 2 at 2 loops caused some intense congestion, headaches, and deep sadness coming forth even as it felt fairly rejuvenating.

This Friday will be my 3rd week off Ultima and the 2nd week of February I will resume Ultima again. It seemed it might have been contributing to certain issues, but at this point I’m fairly certain it has nothing to do with them. That said I’ll see the month through-and am soooo excited to run R.I.C.H. and Paragon.

On the results front
I am working more than I ever have this year, non stop in 5-8 hour shifts rest a couple hours and go again and making more money then ever. It’s not high leverage as I’m still going hourly for this work, but it’s a fairly decent amount per hour and it’s remote work.

Someone I work with on retainer, not hourly, is pivoting to his own brand in a month and I’m setting up to renegotiate my working with him once that shift is done, both in terms of savings, and in terms of value I offer there. This has been an ongoing process and I’m being patient with myself but I’m getting bored of this being an ongoing conversation for me. There is a bursting sense of my own value and capacity like never before and I am exploring new angles to make more money doing things I’d rather do, and doing things that are quicker and higher leverage.


AzrielArch Alchemist



It’ll lose its ability to serve as a booster, but will work great for long term programming. It’ll still work quite well for that use.

I was going to create a custom with Emperor, EOG stage 1, and Emperor: HOM, could I add the R.I.C.H core for this purpose as well or is it to big and better to have 3 cores total even if one is an Ultima Core?
Or are the Ultima cores more the size of modules when considering adding to a Q custom?


bumping this, but didn’t want to take up someone else’s journal, if I’m gonna add R.I.C.H to a Q custom should I keep it to two regular Q cores or can I do 3 Q core+ R.I.C.H. ?


Jotting some stuff down.

Tested the new custom.
I’m using my nickname in this one rather than my formal name.
It feels like this brings up faster results and more recon. I’m still torn which name to use for my other customs. I wonder if it’s just for getting one’s attention, or it creates ‘identities’ to live into based on the name.

Saint said it didn’t matter as long as I identify with the name to have different customs with different names, but still curious what the subtle or overt differences are. I have not tested the same custom with different names, not worth doing at this point. I’m going to test this new custom a bit more before pulling the trigger on the others as I want to pick which name to move forward with.

Anyway initial results from mystery custom 1 are felt super confident and smooth, very comfortable in my body, was getting a lot of attention when I didn’t want it and things seemed a little ‘off’ when seeing, interacting with woman when I wanted attention, had some insecurities and doubts resurfacing around this.

I was very decisive today in saying what I meant and doing what I said. I spent a couple hundred dollars on supplements, workout and recovery gear. Had moments of incredible gratitude and love, was driven the whole day towards exactly what I cared about and wanted. Also had some initial really intense anger early on but that was from conflict that I got resolved.

Had two woman I used to see reach out to me but that was this morning before I ran the custom, probably long range seduction from Terminus custom I ran yesterday. But what is new is I feel zero pull to reach back out to them until I want to, even though I was really wanting that last week. Feeling very powerful and capable and unattached to anything.

Listening to Saint’s R.I.C.H playlist as well-really digging it.


Everyone is ‘I Am’ yet we take on different costumes (identities) depending on the people we are interacting with, and those costumes are related to our past experiences with them, in some way our self-image constantly shifts.

So, if you have a group of friends that gives you a nickname for some reason, you’d link that nickname to that group and the experiences with them. If you’d like to target that specific part of your subconscious, you can use that nickname, and your subconscious will transmute those beliefs preliminary.

Does that make sense?

I Am, who I think, you think, I Am. – you want to target something specific related to a certain environment of people or a person in general, or one of your alter-ego identities – use that name and see the magic happen.

If you create a new nickname for yourself, such as a forum name – you establish a new entity in your subconscious and start off from a clean slate… it can be somewhat helpful, but I always prefer to heal the tree rather than the roots, that’s just me though.

Your surname will mostly target the entire root system, however, it’ll take more time to reach every poisoned root and you might have to specifically interact with those different nicknames and identities of yourself (externally) to target them internally.

At the end of the day, the less you identify with a self-image the more you become, a self-image is limiting to the parameters you set upon it. Therefore, I prefer the ‘I Am’ route.


totally makes sense, my nickname is just a short version of my real name I use i everywhere unofficial and with people, and my real name I use in anything official. So anything related to my identity in the world officially is my real name, and anything related to my day to day life is my nick name. I relate to both completely. I just would imagine a custom with one name would effect the ‘worlds’ of either name-since it is getting at the ‘I Am’.

That’s been my sense and why I’ve used my formal name up until this last custom. It’s not my surname but would address the roots more deeply.

So do you your formal name or surname in your customs or what do you use?

Thanks for the input @Hermit :slight_smile:

My surname.

I have to correct this statement a little bit though, it might be misleading. You would in fact create a new self-identity but it would new from the set parameters of the ‘root’ above, which would be your surname, everything comes from there. So targeting your surname specifically would be a wise choice, as it’ll work on each root beneath it.

double checking any translation stuff, as in your last name of your family not the name you were given at birth?

I’m using the name given to me at birth, just surname not family name. You see, our subconscious starts with I Am then a direct line is drawn below it with our surname, and then it roots of in different directions such as your surname combined with the last name.

@Azriel, what’s in your Custom?

In America surname is the last name, that’s why I was confused, so if your name is Jon Smith-Smith is the surname. It sounds like surname for you means your given first name.

I mentioned above I’m running 3 mystery customs and posting results will say what they are after a couple weeks of use. I incorporate some of your suggestions though :wink:


My first name, haha. Lol, I literally just got out of a ritual, excuse me for the confusion I’m still flying.

Fantastic, let’s hope you got Inner Circle, Power Can Corrupt, with Transcendental Connection hehehe

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hehe there in the mix.

lol totally get it, can you remind me the best place/ your recommendation to learn rituals for beginners, you sent me a few links, was it a book or a course?


Inner Circle, Power Can Corrupt, with Transcendental Connection hehehe

hehe there in the mix.

How many Cores do you have :sweat_smile:


lol totally get it, can you remind me the best place/ your recommendation to learn rituals for beginners, you sent me a few links, was it a book or a course?

You have to understand the basics of manifestation first because if you don’t know what you’re doing you will have a hard time getting a lot out of it.

@Azriel, it was an album with 10 videos I compiled for beginners of Magic. I Perhaps this playlist will explain to you the basics but I need to make a few drawings firstshed some light on things. Our Intellect thinks in images, if there is no image there is no understanding.

Hence, why there is no understanding of the mind because none has ever seen the mind therefore we have to make a model of the mind we can work with first.

Does that make sense already?

The same thing for the Tree of Life it is a model of consciousness, otherwise, we’d be unable to comprehend it – and still, it takes a certain frequency of awareness for things to click. But rituals will give you that understanding and as you’re a Pisces, things will go insanely fast for you – Jesus was a Pisces as well.

I’ve had a long day, if you watch the videos let me know and I’ll give you your first Ritual to practice daily.

Man, I accidentally edited this post instead of replying, lol and now it’s tripping.

Here’s the album of videos again, look closely and you’ll see it has 10 videos –


3 mystery customs!!!? All the best, man!

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really beautiful cool video, what do you recommend next ?
I’d like to be able to practice some basic rituals daily.

@Azriel, it was an album with 10 videos I compiled for beginners of Magic. I will explain to you the basics – but I need to make a few drawings first. Our Intellect thinks in images, if there is no image there is no understanding.

Hence, why there is no understanding of the mind because none has ever seen the mind therefore we have to make a model of the mind we can work with first.

Does that make sense already?

The same thing for the Tree of Life it is a model of consciousness, otherwise, we’d be unable to comprehend it – and still, it takes a certain frequency of awareness for things to click. But rituals will give you that understanding and as you’re a Pisces, things will go insanely fast for you – Jesus was a Pisces as well.

I’ve had a long day, if you watch the videos let me know and I’ll give you your first Ritual to practice daily.

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Your Subliminal results, clarity, understanding, emotions, anything are going to skyrocket!

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totally missed that, I’ll watch the compilation :slight_smile:

I agree :sunglasses: haha I did not know that about Jesus.

It’s a plan :grin:

Actually, I want you to practice this small ritual right now, do it multiple times a day and see what happens.

You have to understand that you’re combining a specific set of symbols in order to manifest a certain outcome. A ritual is essentially bringing mental, emotional, and physical movement together in order to bring about changes on any yet all of the planes of life.

As with anything (because the Universe works in an orderly manner with exact Laws), Input is Output – your current Emotional Energy and capacity to concentrate and focus your awareness (Mental Energy) will determine your ability to conduct the Ritual effectively. It is also important to have a healthy Physical Vessel so that you can store the energy, otherwise, you’ll quickly burn out.

With that being said, you want to make your visualization as clear as possible which is going to be fairly difficult until you can perform it subconsciously. Much like driving your car, in the beginning, you waste a lot of energy focusing on what to do and how to do it correctly, but after practice, it becomes a habit (subconscious programming) meaning you can now do it without thinking in a state of flow where you’re most suggestive.

Each ritual is meant to consciously instruct the subconscious to cause the purpose of that ritual to happen in your reality.

You will notice the changes in the Now when you’re working with electric current, yet as you work with the magnetic current things will change over time. Much like with Subliminal’s where you listen to something and you notice your conscious state shift – this is because your subconscious has accepted the instructions and is now executing upon it.

Actually, I will send you this ritual in a private message because it is not for all ears to hear neither for all eyes to see.

The purpose of this ritual is to project your consciousness in Tiphareth on the Tree of Life which is within the Heart Chakra and invoke your Higher Self. I also have some audios from Israel Regardie that you can use to learn these rituals if you so choose to.


This is awesome thanks. I will look over today.

:point_up_2:t2: With codes like this – ears that hear, nor eyes that see – will comprehend a thing. :smile:

Do add me to that chat, if you feel inclined - Yentl. :blush: