AzrielLight EmperorQ

How is New Beginnings treating you?

@Azriel, lol actually I’ve got this same underlying belief. I do not think Power is wrong, it’s very good when used beneficially.

Reading those Laws of Power, there are some however which are really immoral. With that said, what is Power Can Corrupt doing for you? If it’s working like a protective shield against those who use power for there own sake, then sure it might be very moral. But if you’re, like you said sleazy and manipulatively using them on others… then I certainly do not want to be the embodiment of your next incarnation :slight_smile:

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No lol, the worst thing I’ve done, or what’s triggered any guilt or conscience in me what so ever. Is I have I told one friend not to listen to another, as the later one is not as developed as he thinks, after he said something extremely offensive to the former friend. And explained why- it was gossipy but felt in service of a higher good and the former friends well being.

I have had and am now releasing some guilt around being a good person or not, but see how that guilt was actually just a non-compliance response to parents and authority. Like unless I’m doing what others want I am guilty. In reality, I profoundly care for and respect other life, and want and look out for everyone to the degree I can, without martyring myself. I strive to be ethical and PCC does not change this in the least. In fact PCC and or increased external power might put me in a position to be of more benefit to others greatly.

My ethics

  1. Treat myself with as much love, kindness, respect, relatedness as possible
  2. Do the same for everyone else and do my best to treat others how they want to be treated, as long as it doesn’t compromise my truth
  3. Give people as much love, truth, and empowerment as they can handle, meeting them where there at in a way that speaks to their language.
  4. Support life and integrity where I can
  5. Do my best to never take away choice from any one as much as possible
  6. Be transparent and honest as appropriate

Back to PCC.

I really like it because it’s developing a really strong sense of where I am in relation to my goals without making myself wrong about it. It works to keep me from deluding myself, it also makes dealing with toxic and/or difficult people extremely easy and feels like psychic protection from them
.It makes others more open to my influence. But I also see how even though I don’t compromise my time or efforts for others unnecessarily, I do and have been compensating my higher aspirations and well being for others unnecessarily. It’s also giving me a deep sense of it’s OK for me to want what I want and for me personally, on a personal level to have and achieve it. This is integrating and supporting aspects of my ego I may have bypassed unhealthily.

It does feel very protective, and becoming very aware of how others subtly may do things for their own gain at my expense and how to deal with it.


Also what I see is certain people have an aspect of animal nature that is instinctively and unconsciously rapacious. Like it will hurt others or delude for it’s own gain. When it comes to these people they are not bad, wrong, or evil, just simply self focused and will go against and disregard life and others for their own gain. Anything I do that ‘crushes my enemies totally’ in relation to this -is referring to acting and being in such a way that those capacities of theirs are rendered useless, not actually hurting them as people


Running Emperor Terminus X
I’ll do 1 or 2 loops of it today.

I just spend $100 on high end incense made form bamboo

Apotheke Incense from Japan, I got a free tube years ago and the smell was surreal and transportive,

I’ve kept the tube for the smell, and it looks cool, and I just had the idea, to get a bunch more of it, I thought to myself ’ why am I waiting around to get the things I enjoy’ and pulled the trigger. It’s a bit opulent, I think this may be the Sultan Module.

Hope it doesn’t influence to spend to much money before manifesting more lol !


I noticed that at some point too. Suddenly I started buying the stuff that I wanted instead of keeping an eye on the money since I didn’t need it to survive and it was a luxury.

It’s lessened a bit, but it’s still there.

There’s a theory that states that if you start living like a wealthy person, your “world” will adapt and manifest for you what you need to live that way.

It may be possible that the subs contain some scripting to make us realize that we shouldn’t put our own enjoyment on pause to save money, which in the grand scheme of things has very little value.


yes, that’s my sense
I’m still saving, investing, and earning income from multiple streams.
Why not spend.

never say I can’t afford-:slight_smile: find a way


Experiment Day 5
Pretty Simple today
1 HOM loop
4 hours
Emperor X Terminus
3 hours later
Azirel Q

May run one more loop of Emperor Terminus tonight and then I’ll take two days off.

Nothing to write home about today, I mean there was lots of little things but nothing groundbreaking.

The only new development is anger was back pretty intensely today.
Some old insecurities are up strongly, especially in relationship to competitiveness with woman.
Not a new feeling, but have not felt this in at least 3+ months. Perhaps it’s rebirth Ultima bringing it up It also seems like a manifestation challenge.

On experiment Day 5
I ended up running Alchemist Stage 1
and then an hour later running a second loop of Emperor X Terminus

My new custom of Emperor Core with just results enhancers came as well. I don’t know when I’ll test yet.

Alchemist felt a little like coming home. During the run and after I just felt at peace, incredibly sexually aroused and an extremely strong desire to be with someone romantically.

I slept 11 hours and woke up feeling very very out of sorts, but there was a quite in the background.
I mentioned this on another post, but essentially, felt like I couldn’t go on with anything, Life, what I’ve done, where I am now, and where I’m going all felt so worthless, dull, and depressive, hopeless even. I’m naturally a dramatic person who also happens to have good logical control of myself so normally my internal state may inform but will not dictate my behavior. I also know action shifts emotions. But I just was called to sit and do nothing. So I did and to quote myself here

"This morning I felt I needed to sit down, I couldn’t go on with life. Everything felt like a waste, and that I was going nowhere. And I just sat, and didn’t move for quite some time, and then my mind went completely silent, and all the pain I’ve been feeling came up in my chest and burst and I felt an insane love and gratitude of everything in my past and my life, and a complete clarity of how it all served to bring me to this moment…I wasn’t even thinking of subs or rebirth at the time-but it really did feel like a rebirth.

Rebirth Ultima seemed to be a large part of this. Alchemist seemed to have me stay still long enough for it to happen."

So what I’ve seen so far in week 1 of experimenting is

  1. PCC has shown me where I need healing in owning my wants, where while I still value my time, my long term commitments are more tied in service to others than the path I want to be walking. Also PCC makes me want to be more social

  2. Emperor Q 4-5 loops is very different effect than Terminus-the former really helps move through what is current in my life and the later seems to be better for seeing the bigger picture and starting to shift things.But Emperor in both versions seems to organize what matters in my life.

  3. Alchemist is a program I very much want to find a way to incorporate. It also seems to create an organizing principle, pulling things towards a larger visceral purpose. I also started to get a sense of my spiritual paths were all right in front of me this whole time. I will share more about this at another point.

  4. Survival Instinct has me taking care of myself in an important way, and seems to be helping with physical healing and ability to handle random pains and not make them mean so much

  5. The less I run Azriel Q custom, the less push and importance I place on being with woman, so Primal Seduction in there definitely is moving the needle on that one

  6. I still experienced some good results and cohesiveness despite the somewhat random, and enormous nature of this weeks stack/sub use. I certainly want to narrow it down. I will give some thought to it this weekend.

  7. Rebirth Ultima seems very potent, and I have not really utilized it at all

  8. House of Medici very much softens the edge and social isolation tendencies of Emperor-but I kind of new this already.


Day 6 -no sub what so ever

This is my first day off where I see results building and building as the day goes on rather than continued reconciliation bloom. My mind is quite, my thinking clear, my actions aligned. I’m very grateful for the time off, and everything from the week,especially Terminus, seems to be integrating more and more.

In the morning I felt a strong desire to use subs.
After the above mentioned sitting though and since then, that’s completely gone away.

I feel incredible and have been productive all
day on my path, not just with work.

That inner sense of Emperor has just get building all day long.


That break really does the mind good. It’s like the break or bloom is where a majority of the magic happens.

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If only Nikola Tesla had run Power Can Corrupt
he would have been much richer, and credited with the all the things he actually invented at the time.
Dude got law 7’ed like 4 times


From what I understand, his passion was science, not making money from it. He may have been able to navigate the landscape better though, maybe survive long enough to see Wardenclyffe happen.


There is a whole section on how fucked over he got in 48 laws of power
under the chapter on getting others to do the work and taking credit for it.
He lost out on $12 million+, more scientific opportunity and patronage because no one at his time recognized him as the inventor behind AC current and other marvels.

The reason this all happened is because he thought himself a man devoted to science and therefore above these power games, he was not happy with how things turned out, broke, barely able to sustain himself, and with no one willing to employ him. PCC could have been a game changer for him :slight_smile:

Makes me consider running PCC sooner than later.

you could just read the book too, it’s pretty simple stuff to look out for. Any Alpha sub will give you a backbone to avoid some of this stuff, but PCC is all about subtlety.

The sub itself also is separating power and morality for me, in a good way. Like I can have my moral choices and stand by them, by that is distinct than what I choose to use power or avoid being used by power.

The power dynamics can’t be avoided, unless your an isolated monk/hermit, and those who think they are not playing… lose, so why not master the game?

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I feel that reading the book right now would leave too big of a gap between when I encounter the knowledge vs. when I can really use it. I am thinking about this in light of me still being in remote work and staying at home a lot of the time.

Fair enough, the book is also easier to understand viscerally when running PCC.
It does help with any work related politics though, remote or in person. Anyway no convincing here, you’ve got a great run with what your up to and I’m sure you’ll run it when it’s the right time for you. I’m only continuing to run it for some of the unexpected benefits, not necessarily the direct external social/power dynamics.

Don’t get me wrong about Tesla, I agreed that he would have been better off with those lessons (or even some Machiavelli). I merely indicated he did not feel at home in a world in which it was necessary.

In that I am like him. I despise the fact that we live in a monetary world that can only thrive as long as there is debt, I despise that there are people in control that shouldn’t be. And yet I have out of necessity learned how to navigate this world. I am a natural when it comes to the 48 Laws. And when I find myself in control, I often use it to create outcomes that benefit all parties, even when some of those parties were perfectly content being a victim longer.

My experience is that due to the way that the book is written, you might actually be at an advantage by reading it now. In doing so, you’ll commit the examples to mind. When you do go out into the world, you’ll start noticing similarities and places where the laws apply simply because your mind needs to associate things to one another for faster access.

Do what you feel is best, but my suggestion is to read it without any pressure to memorize it. If nothing else, the historic examples are quite interesting.


Perhaps I can utilize QLQ and memorize all 48 laws of power using a memory palace or something like that. But then you say…

Why is that?

Anyways, I like the idea of running PCC and reading the book at the same time.