AzrielLight EmperorQ

well technically my first QV2 loops were Renaissance Man mid March.

I have had paragon in QV2 and I’ve run 2 loops or so a week with it for the last 3 weeks and Emperor custom a couple loops last week and a loop or more every day this week. So really only about 3 weeks with consistently playing QV2 and for part of that time not even doing it every day, until this week.

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Have you felt any tho from Qv2?

Felt any what?

Effect, benefits, reconciliation

on QV2 …for sure

recon felt like overwhelm and/ or fatigue in the begining-now just some minor fatigue but overall much smoother in less recon.

Benefits posted above for different customs

In a nut shell stronger, faster, and more congruent effects of the subs goals but in a way that’s more seamless.


Qv2 is truly amazing, I am running a decent amount of subs right now trying to get them all in a few customs lol. But while I can feel some recon it’s not as heavy as I thought it would be for what I’m running.


4 day of QV2 Emperor
6 days of total QV2 loops this weak
hitting some intense recon/healing/ distress
hopefully just passing

How about a bit of rest?

I’ll drop a loop today, and re-asses for tomorrow.

There’s some really tough life challenges all slamming me at once, I think what’s coming up for me has more to do with that and then processing fatigue.

Stay strong brother. You’re an Emperor, you got this.


Ran my Hero custom last night QV2

Cores/Modules to note

Emperor Fitness Stage 4
Paragon Ultima Core
A/PS Head
A/PS Ear
SPS Nervous System
SPS Respiratory system

Some initial notes on listening

slightly difficult to run while listening- tense jaw etc…

  1. Within listening and prominently after my breathing became significantly stronger and deeper-almost like I was on bronchaid or some ephedrine substance without the jitters
  2. My wrists, shoulders, and back feel significantly looser.
  3. I feel my mid-back for the first time in quite a while, I didn’t realize I wasn’t feeling it.
  4. I had shooting tight pain in my neck during run and then gradual my neck started feeling looser and stronger over the next day
  5. I have more moments of simply not noticing symptoms
  6. During running my ear felt worse but the following day better
  7. I woke up feeling, having slept less than usual, but feeling better than I have woken up feeling in quite some time
  8. I have stress displacement in another healing custom and not this one-but my stress seems way down, or way more level appropriate -possibly- SPS nervous system
  9. I absolutely obliterated my workout today, and left the hardest workout day of the week, where I usually feel wiped, feeling energized and like I could do another couple hours of mma or play football. Also broke every lifting record I have this year, which I do at least once a week consistently, however this time I did it with very little effort as compared to usual.
  10. I don’t know if it’s from the intensity of my workout and/or Inner Gasoline but after my workout, my balls felts like when you’ve had sex for hours but never cum-I felt like I had blue balls- this lasted a couple hours and then faded. I’ve been not PMO-ing this week, but hadn’t felt that yet, so that could have contributed.

Feeling very happy with this one so far, let’s see where it goes.


Thats really fast.sounds like the new modules are strong.looking forward to trying mine with hero modules and paragon.hopefully receive it by next week :smile: lately been breaking records with just empfit qv2 so curious how that will go.mines torso/arms/legs and muscular system though

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I always get strong results the first loop, with Q I tended to hit recon hard the following week.
QV2 is lightning fast in my experience.

my theory is it’s like when you wake up before you remember your day and your identity, and then that first thought comes about work, or your past, or a situation your dealing with and then the gears get set in motion…when your first run, there’s no/less resistance/recon.

Looking forward to hearing about it as well, especially how those modules will add on top of Emperor Fitness

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It’s funny, my eyes were skimming as they normally do and returned to funnest at least three times in an attempt to understand the reality of this word

I see creating customs as designing a masterpiece that not only has the benefit of aesthetic pleasure and satisfaction, but works that same wonder of art on the person that created it to allow them to become that same masterpiece over time.

As within, so without, don’t you agree? -sips tea-


I do.

There’s the joy of creating a coherent vision. And then there’s that galvanizing inspiration of knowing that this vision is becoming reality.

It’s good stuff.

And then there’s also the enjoyment of experiencing others creating and building into reality their own visions alongside yours.


Hahahahaha I love this!

So, I gather you are enjoying Qv2 for your Emperor custom (it took me awhile to catch up on your journal again)

Only you have run your custom so, in your own experience, what’s the most marked difference you detect ‘betwixt’ (:wink:) your original custom and Qv2?

I have always had the ability to live a bit through others experiences, whether that be vicariously, intuitively, intellectually I’ve never sat down to ask myself, but this is very true.

It’s always heartening to watch people grow and develop, especially when they’re guided by their Highest Good into manifesting their best ideal versions of themselves :slight_smile:

@Azriel which reminds me, your journal is MASSIVE. I honestly can’t recall the entirety of the first 500 posts, but from what I do remember your growth has been huge!

If you could go back, would you do anything differently in terms of what you choose to run?

My guess is no but I am genuinely curious.

Mudita, I like.


I’m freaking glad you linked this, I didn’t know there was a term for it. Dopetastic.

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@Azriel thank you for the detailed post about your custom!

I appreciate your introspection.

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