Ascension + Regeneration + PCC not working

@Michel is rebirth Ultima better than regeneration? And since it’s Ultima title does it dig deep to heal past issues, trauma? Maybe later il get that, but from what I’ve read here Khan st1 total breakdown helped users massively, from what they said and observed. I wanted to get Khan solely because of its total breakdown stage. Or maybe even include it in a custom with other alpha and healing titles? What you all think? Ofcourse this won’t be till I see results with Ascension. Starting Sunday il be restarting it Ascension alone and like @COWolfe mentioned, run it for a while.

Also, following Hermits advice and Saints as well. Upping the loops, running it by itself, and changing my listening pattern and modify accordingly.

Rebirth Ultima is supposed to be temporary (or permanent, didn’t really understand it) but could give you a quick mental view change boost.

RegenerationQ is still the one for trauma. When Elixir becomes Ultima you can switch to that for more trauma releasing.


You can use Ultima-powered titles to cause fast acting and profound, yet temporary state shifts and effects, for example, running a “sexual aura” Ultima title before hitting the club or an Ultima-based productivity title before a hard day at work. You can also use Ultima-powered titles to boost the effectiveness of your subliminal stack. For example, using an Ultima-powered productivity subliminal to help you take action alongside an empire building title, like Emperor or The Ecstasy of Gold.

The Ultima scripts are written to cause a short term state shift. Of course, any subliminal will cause permanent change, but the Ultima scripts aren’t made for broad change. They’re boosters. Use them like you would stacking modules or superchargers.

What this means is, they’re not as broad and life changing as a major title, but they can have incredibly profound effects. Rebirth Ultima is much more potent than the original ever was.


That’s what confused me, because Rebirth felt a like a mini sub with a narrower focus, whereas something like Libertine had a clear temporary aim. But I guess it’s all moot point now when they’re made with the same build.

That must means a Elixir Ultima is on its way?

Elixir Ultima would be awesome with Phoenix down scripting added to it and other goodies. :slight_smile:

Keep seeing everybody here posting sensible advices and doing the right thing while my advice was something along : Jump on the Emperor train, it will kick your ass then you’ll kick people’s ass!! :muscle::sunglasses:

Emperor V2 to developp anger issues!

I wouldn’t say you develop anger issues. lol. It is more along the line of you are bringing up the thoughts of anger which were buried.

Yeah i know, it’s just that the old emperor made you short fused and a little angry, I was just making jokes about it :joy:

Awesome. Elixir Ultima anyone?



I vote Elixir Ultima, as well. Thank you for the idea!

I think it would be great to update all the superchargers to Ultima, and keep a version with the audible script of guided meditation because I like having something to meditate to some times.


With Phoenix down added to it.


Let’s also officially request Phoenix Down (or something better) be added to the Q store!

@SaintSovereign and @Fire

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Doesn’t phoenix down bring ‘trauma’ to conscious awareness, for users to work with it?

I’d rather not always have to do that every time I run Elixer Ultima :joy:

You will run it with regeneration. You will be fine. You will be releasing at an accelerated pace. After 1 month, imagine where you will be.

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What are you afraid of?

While it may take courage to deal with certain things,

I want to be able to run a healing Ultima sometimes with bringing things consciously to light deal with
and sometimes not.
Actively healing, vs. passively healing in a sense.

Using the powerful new PrimalTech v2 technology and exclusive technology from Regeneration you will be able to intimately involve your conscious mind in the process of healing.

You will experience what it means to disable and remove all that holds you back, one by one.

One by one you will become healthier, more stable, more grounded in your reality. One by one you will get rid of useless beliefs that were implanted in you throughout your life. And one by one you will empower yourself, steadily moving forward to your dreams.

Elixir will help you root out any and all insecurities, limiting and negative beliefs, pain, negativity, traumas…

Combine Elixir alongside Regeneration for the fastest possible healing, and watch carefully how you react to it, since healing is not always easy.

If you are ready to drink the Elixir and start the healing process…

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Why not get every angle? Complete healing on all planes. Sounds like a good idea to me.

If anyone gets the reference (without looking it up!) what I want is Talsit… :nerd_face:

If it’s in Elixer now, it works for me.