Ascension + Regeneration + PCC not working

@BLACKICE Are you a software developer or equivalent title?

I looked it up :slight_smile:
Still very funny

He essentially runs a biotech company, even though he never had a degree in biology or microbiology, he invented the main product, and as the lead in sales and marketing, knows more about it than anyone else in the world.

I believe the product is a nano-tech extremis virus prototype

@BLACKICE Did I get it right?:crazy_face:

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It’s a meditation

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Cleansing of impurities

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Talsit data. Classic

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Descriptions of what it is and what it looks like. Classic

It is only descriptions. @BLACKICE wants more details.

what are you referencing?

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Talsit of course.

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We need @BLACKICE to confirm. lol

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oh lol duh
Adding this last sentence otherwise it wouldn’t let me post.

Haha… @khan gets it! Eon is odd, but amazing.

Now that you figured it out, however, the black helicopters should be arriving shortly. :sunglasses: :rofl:

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I have to catch up on the discussion that came before this. I’m just starting from here, but @Elme, those are some truly kick-ass suggestions. I’d like to put them up on billboards somewhere.

If I ever found my own city, those will be on the billboards that you see as you drive into it.


Chief Technology Officer as well as Chief Operating Officer, actually. I’m an engineer by training, though I do dabble in coding here and there. I do much of the PHP work for our websites, and I did website design & dev for a couple of years to help put myself through school.

Excellent, I can tell you have real world experience.

I hope so, if not, I’ve gotten older for nothing… :rofl::rofl::rofl:

@Malkuth glad you liked it, we could make a thread about this and how its heavily connected to other areas… regarding ultima its a kick ass sub but like i used and made this kind of subs in the past you tend yourself to not take action and hope everything comes to you… and thats not a recipe for growth and learning. After learning about this i made a sub some years ago called Aproach autopilot…man i was meeting woman left and right and i couldnt even stop doing it :grin::grin::grin:

Like @SaintSovereign said its a booster, dont use it as a crutch or " do nothing" kind of approach, it will only boost your ego instead of giving it humility by failure of action.