Ascension QV2 & More

operate from heart/Love not from the emotions of your inner child. Like my masculinity mentor told me, Fearless expression from your true self. It’s the most attractive you can be, But also probably the hardest commitment to make.

Ps Flummoxed is a cool word


Dear diary, today I learned a new word “Flummoxed” :smiley: I like the word Bamboozled, but that word is also crazy.

Agree, I have been on this journey for a while now that I want to rediscover my natural expressions and to follow the impulses that arises. One thing I’ve discovered recently is the lure of being in a comfortable mindscape, but this kills you slowly from the inside. It’s predictable, repetitive and boring.

By living and actively searching out the unknown the mind stays ripe and energetic. The amount of lifefull energy I have had recently is so much more abundant. But I also had to move away from my old home, familiar faces and intellectual security.

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If I were a higher primate who had evolved attachment-based social organization as my dominant survival strategy (which I am), I would consider it quite logical to approach interactions from a perspective of love.

Loving discernment and discerning love.



Very curious to know your definition of Alpha Male

A man who has learned to be at home facing pressure and wielding power.


A man that do not put others down but raise them up, A man that is kind and compassionate yet wants nothing back in return.
A man with absolute social freedom, and confidence in himself. Even if he have flaws he’s aware of them and don’t try to hide them.
A man that don’t try to manage perception of himself so people like him. Some people love him other don’t and that’s ok.
A man that’s relaxed and make others feel safe and relaxed around him.
A man that brings the fun.
A man that lead others to fun and love.
A man that is so secure in himself women can fully surrender to their femininty around him(This one takes work)
A man that do not judge girls for their sexuality or anyone else for that matter.
A man that express who he is fearlessly and boldly creating win win situations for everyone.
Just a knowing that you are attractive as you are.
A man that do not lie or manipulate to get women into bed(And therefore create trauma)
A man that do not dominate others but he is able to dominate himself to go towards his goals.

This all depends on your level of growing up though.

This became more of a poem. Haha



This is the reason we grow so much on that forum!
Stupendous definitions that I learn a lot from.

Thanks guys.


Wasn’t describing the ‘perfect man’ or the ‘ideal man’. Just an Alpha Male. I guess there should be many, many different kinds.


"Alpha Male is any man who knows what he wants, and invests energy towards getting it."

paraphrasing CaptainJack (a retired pickup guru)

Conversely, a Beta Male either doesn’t choose what he wants, or spends his time doing things that won’t lead to the fulfillment of his desires.

Whether your interests are Emperor type or Daredevil, Primal type or Spartan, Khan type or Wanted, Alchemist type or even Limitless, … the common factor is the same.



So basically as soon as you run a particular title you are alpha since you going after what you want?

To me alpha just means organised and having order. A man that goes after what he wants and is fearless. A man with lots of persistence and is constantly working on developing himself. A strong man mentally and physically. A man with a plan and goals.

I also think that this term ALPHA MALE is just distorted in media.


Yea alpha male is so distorted. Feminine masculine as well. LIke men that have more feminine energy should not try to be more masculine in that way. It fucks up their congruence completely.

The best womanisers in the world have either been feminine energy majority or masculine energy. Don’t really matter.

For me an alpha male shortly is just man that expresses himself fearlessly and calmly in all endeavors of life, Business dating and so on. And feminine energy or masculine energy don’t change this.


Next question…
How would you know what type are you? Like more feminine or more masculine so that you don’t run a title too masculine…

I asked my mentor this too. You kinda know in your heart if you don’t. Look at what girls you are attracted too.

Not just physically but energetically. Are they very feminine in their nature or are they more masculine.
Are you drawn to women who are just complete chaos and love or do you more surrender to the chaos and love. And let her be the anchor and safety.

Be aware though, When you ask yourself this, Don’t put some of society standards on it or your friends expectation. Like I like dominating feminine girls because I learned that it’s good from a book.

When you feel most at home, In silence and stillness or just absolute overwhelming love?

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I love very feminine girls… especially shy…petite. I stay far from the loud and masculine ones.
I feel good and at home in stillness


Defnitely masculine polarity then. Don’t forget to give your feminine energy some love now and then though :slight_smile:

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Check this post out. I’ve referred back to it a few times and it’s a very interesting comparison. Different types of alpha can apply depending on if it’s an alpha in the work world or the social world or the sexual world. There’s also an internal alpha and an external alpha, one who’s status either oozes out from within (confidence) versus someone who’s status rests on his accomplishments (power).

Both are valuable. Someone who masters both truly is unstoppable.

Here’s the post I’m referring to in full…

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As stated above, there’s so many interpretations of the word Alpha. Leader is the first word that comes to mind, but the leader of what? One have to be the leader of oneself first.

As seen with the many different programs SubClub offers, one can see that there’s so many different archetypes of an Alpha. I think it was Sadhguru who said that if you live in the western world, it’s not hard to make a living, even an ant can do that.

Find your inner compass and follow it to the end of the world if you have to. Go raw, strip away all the outside influences including all parroted beliefs, social norms etc. Dare to be silent and see what comes natural in the void of nothingness. If you just use the mind to seek for answers, it will be someone else’s answer and not your own.

A new favorite for me is to remind myself that Beliefs = Fantasies. Because somewhere along the way I imagined it to be in a certain way, so then it must be an imagination that I solidified through repetition. Calling it a fantasy makes it seem like a walk in the park to change it, and to accept the new fantasy as perceived reality.


Had a terrible headache yesterday & felt very fatigued. My last loop was Tuesday afternoon. Today it is Friday.

I feel a sense of positive energy that I can’t describe more. It feels like an awakening of some sort.


Probably something heavy that was cleared out and created a lot of resistance as it got released. Now this surge of energy is created from it’s absence.

I imagine a mighty lake in the middle with many small streams of water all connecting into this water reservoir. Over the years a lot of debris from the past has clogged these small streams, and even one or two beaver families has built small dams there. So this mighty lake is now starved of its former glory.

And what happens when this almost dried up lake fills with water again? The water levels once again rises, and the lake is flourishing again with all types of fish and organisms. Birds starts to flock again to seek shelter and food, and the moon is now majestically being reflected at night time.

A young teenager now stands by this lake tossing a stone and watching the reverberation spread far and wide over this mighty body of water, touching all the shores with its wisdom. Then it falls silent again, cleared from all noise and disturbance, it becomes a perfect mirror again, a mirror so pure that it reflects reality.

→ Hm, I blame the morning coffee for this mind dump :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Definitely this!

I am also getting headaches that come and go in waves. It’s seems like more is being removed or cleared out.

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