Ascension for a new member! Up we go!

Day 4 - No loop ( Fri - 20th May 2022) - Continued

Just to say that ive not slept. I wasnt tired so had a shower which takes me a long time, not something I do with joy but mentioning it incase its the sub working on my procrastination of tasks.

I then went even further and made myself fried eggs breakfast which is great lol

After which its still beyond my sleep time and im not feeling the fed up funk I was as mentioned in the earlier part of this journal. That could be great.

im eager to just get into bed and play the sub for todays loop and then get to sleep.

Really hoping its working on me - 60 days as mentioned is the goal, but id love to see what happens before then.

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It still works but the basic idea is, if you fight the sub or don’t take action, the reconciliation is stronger. I.e. you’ll end up with increased frustration, anger, headaches ect. Because your subconscious is receiving all this new stuff to which is nudging you into changing/adapting and you’re consciously not taking action…it can causes issues.

That’s why I brought up taking action, in any form. It just helps facilitate growth :slight_smile:

You’re your own man, just wanted to share my limited experience with a fellow brother.


It might seem counterintuitive to your current mind, but it feels much better to take action than to not do so. When we say take action it doesn’t necessarily have to be something that makes you uncomfortable, just something that takes you in the direction of your sub. For example, in my last stack running a Quantum Limitless and Emperor custom taking action was spending the whole day plotting out a story, writing or few thousand words, or even spending the whole day reading, as long as engaged my brain I felt minimal recon, trying to completely fight it as @Geoff stated will cause issues.


thank you my brother I hear you ill update my journal shortly and will speak more about this then.

Did you have any fear or hesitation with any of these actions that you used to take you in the direction of the sub?

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Day 5 - 1 loop ( Sat - 21st May 2022)
I was unable to sleep until very very late. Mood wasn’t too bad however I got hungry and so made that breakfast I mentioned in the previous journal update and that may have caused me to stay awake so I didnt get to bed until hours after I should have.

Listened to the loop, I felt 15mins went quicker (not quickly just a little quicker) than before and I felt I could have listened to the sub more.

I got to asleep woke exhausted. I got woken up so wasn’t in a great mood about that.

Seemed sleepy for the remainder of the day and that could be due to the less than optimal number of sleep hours I got which I think was 6 or 7hrs. Don’t judge lol I need lots of sleep usually.

I checked my journal at some point in the time I was awake via my phone and read the replies above of @Geoff and @Dark. These replies were on my mind the whole day since taking action for me is very very hard. Both currently due to my personal situation at home (which I cant get into online) as well as my own internal fears etc. I was feeling what they said and thinking about it and well it concluded with me feeling pressured about taking action. Not at all what they intended at all however it was due to me thinking about it.

I then went to the product sales page for the sub I’m listening to ASCENSION and read the objectives to find the 1 crucial thing I’m hoping this sub works on. Out of all the objectives nothing else means anything to me as much as this as the keyword I was searching for was FEAR

Whenever I have a reluctance to do anything that I MUST and SHOULD and a prime example has always been any past school work and assignments, its always been some level of fear that has stopped me. That has always resulted in me being the classical procrastinator that then doesn’t do any work until the last minute.

Have I tried to overcome this? you bet. From lavish plans and goal setting to trying time blocking/boxing to pomodoro etc.

With the level of procrastination comes the fear of time wasted. I feel when I do do the things I must which mostly are scholastic and academic in nature I end up taking so long that I always wonder will I ever have enough time.

As a procrastinator however what does happen is when its very very last minute I then get on with doing the job and get into THE FLOW - THE ZONE and get the job done but not only that, I then am amazed at how this flow feels effortless and why couldn’t I get into it before.

When I then try again to get into that zone by working earlier, the motivation, the excitement, the sheer delight of that flow, that zone is just not there.

For me the fantasies of wanting to work, of wanting to be the kind of guy portrayed in movies such as Tom Cruise in The Firm or A Few Good Men are alive in my mind, of being the kind of guy that achieves high and gets the work done and doesn’t stress or have stress; however these are a person I am not and these are fantasies of my mind far better than any Marvel Movie.

Going back to the objectives so as I searched for the word FEAR what I was again reminded of (since ive the read the objective before) and what I was pleased to see was that FEAR wasn’t alone but PROCRASTINATINON was also present.

  • Eliminate and dissolve any internal sense fear, procrastination, doubt.

And its not just any fear but any internal sense of fear, of procrastination and also of doubt, self doubt.

For these to be not only dissolved but totally and utterly eliminated clear.

For me the true test of this subliminal is when im not 99% fearful of taking action but when im 49% and the 51% drives me to take action and for that 49% to decrease. If taking action was easy for me then the dread I feel of taking 1 small step for man, wouldn’t be there so much. Its not a fear where I’m strong enough currently to push through on and haven’t been able to push through in so many many years.

So for me the sub will truly work when it makes that initial first step easier where I myself can feel “ok you know what AJUK you can take that small step for man and a massive giant leap for yourself without any hesistation”…and then that snowball will continue to roll on and on making it easier and easier.

Good Luck to me!

Since writing the above words, around an hour ago ive been on and off the forum and returned to read the Ascension sales page again from there I ended up reading about ZP again over here: Introduction to Zero Point - Subliminal Club Support Hub

And it said something I want to share, and this is the goal and dream I have and to see this gives me hope:
Instead, Zero Point initiates INSPIRED ACTION, as if your best, most trusted friend gave you amazing advice that you can act on.

Inspired action is the BEST form of action, as it’s something you want to do with all your heart, rather than a feeling that you MUST act, even if it’s not necessarily in line with what you want.


Day 6 - No loop ( Sun - 22nd May 2022)

Finally got to bed and mood wasnt great, easily triggered. Slept.

Woke after around 8hrs sleep and exhausted! been feeling tired and sleepy all day.

Felt annoyed all day too and just not my happy self.

Spent time reading the sales page for executive and limitless (and other limitless cousins). Not to change to but perhaps to add on after, whenever I feel im seeing tangible results from this sub.

Nothing else to share except that im getting things done but im not feeling anything but kinda bored of life.

Since posting this so around 3hrs ago ive been watching a live youtube stream on a topic im interested in and I havent watched a live youtube stream of a channel in many many months and suddenly watched and joined the live chat and my mood improved a lot. So im glad lol

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Day 7 - 1 loop ( Mon- 23nd May 2022)

1 week on Ascension reached!

I cheered up a lot from the live stream and then listened to the sub which i feel I listen to a little loudly or its just loudly recorded/made but 1 click less in volume makes it too low it feels.

Anyway slept super late and woke or rather got woken up around 7hrs later.

Was tired but not extremely exhausted as yesterday.

No real negative moods, not joyful entirely but not down as such and just got on with chores which is my daily grind and responsibility.

Unsure if I lost my cool today but I seem to have that lack of patience (or some frustration) within, is this a sign of a beta male, or a sign of an Alpha taking no shit i dont know but its been recorded here.

Other than this nothing else to report.

Without going through my journal which I wont do, i feel my 7 days summary is simply a mixture of some feelings of being bored and fed up, some exhaustion and an understanding that I have fear and procrastination and need to not only overcome these but get into that ‘inspired action’ that is mentioned in the Ascensions sales page.

7 days done of a total 60 (at least, as i may do 90 days or 100 days before adding on a another sub but definitely NO sub will be added until i see and believe this sub is working for me and so far no tangible anything yet).

Extra : yeah I seem to be lacking patience with people and by patience I mean im getting frustrated quickly. Is that the sub I dunno but it suddenly just happened and I didnt lash out but I dont know why im like this.

Extra 2: Ok so yeah im way more frustrated and triggered. The earphones im using are shit! the chair im sitting on is shit! im definitely frustrated and pissed off and I think its just a combo of things all coming at me at once.

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It’s working. Be patient and give it time.

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Thank you Pacman! I needed to hear that again - appreciate it

Day 8 - No loop ( Tues- 24th May 2022)

Was tired and got to sleep hours before I usually do or have been able to do for the last 2-3 months. I only slept around 4hrs and woke from a dream.

The dream ended scarily. It was my graduation at university and on my row was just myself and my parents and sat down with my classmates behind me and maybe in front. It felt like I was sat at the pews of a church.

A teacher came with a register and after ticking off everyone in the row behind me, saw me, looked at her register, gave me a smile and then maybe to my parents and then moved to the row ahead.

I was shocked and confused, spoke to the colleagues behind and possibly in front and went to confront her. She was far ahead right at the front of this hall. I approached her and asked her where I was and she said I wasn’t on the register at all. Everyone else was except me. Her smile therefore was her just being polite but not even caring if I was on the register or not or she maybe thought I was there to celebrate someone else’s graduation from university.

Either way I said whatever I said which probably was I will sort this out and then came out of my dream.

I then struggled to sleep after that. I was wide awake in bed for another 5-6hours, bouncing from YouTube to trying to sleep. It was hot in my room but I had enough cool air too from the cooling fan and window yet just couldn’t sleep.

Eventually I fell asleep and then dad woke me up around 3hrs later. So yeah my sleep cycle and pattern is totally screwed but that was the case anyway before the sub.

Is the dream sub related no idea. Nothing I can say concretely at this stage.

So during the day nothing else to report. No inspired action, still fearful or hesitation within. I was however calmer until I got impatient with my mum but instead of saying anything out loud I think I kind of let rip in my mind briefly and wasn’t impressed with myself but rationalised that at least it wasnt out loud and I didn’t hurt my mum who never deserves that.

I was also during my inability to fall asleep came to the forum from my phone and got reading journals here. A lot I cant follow due to them using abbreviations of subs they are using but I felt some fear that I wanted to share.

I call it fear but it was doubt or concern. I seem to come across many here or possibly some that have been on subs for longer than a year maybe 2 years or longer and they are still on subs. They never seem to get enough of the results that they hope for and then move to another sub.

This makes me think of the other subliminal company that I was with for many years who’s subs failed me. It was the same there, people were told to patiently listen but yet they never got all the objectives from their sales pages and then moved either to another sub or to a sub that was upgraded promising better execution and thus fulfilment of the promised objectives.

So I’m wondering is it the same here. Has anyone ever successfully executed and achieved all of the objectives as listed on a sales page?

I am hoping that at 15mins, these ZP are amazing as ive yet to witness this myself.

I then also wonder, what happens if I then move on to ‘adding’ another sub to this one, will it slow down any further progress (assuming ive made any by then) of this sub and also of that sub. So whereas before its 100% power to this sub it comes 50/50 to both and thus when a 3rd sub is added will it become 33/33/33 and therefore lesser execution for all 3?

My Current Goal
I did read somewhere that Saint Sovereign answered someone that you should use the subs whether 1, 2, 3 or however many for 6 months - 1 year (1 year being the ideal) before even considering a custom.

This works for me as I dont see the point of going custom until I have proof and confidence that these subs work for me.

Fire had advised that I stay on this sub for 2 months approx and I am eager to add another 1 or 2 eventually but im happy to stay on this sub for longer if thats what it takes.

I do however have 2 hopes, 1 is that I use subs to improve my future plans and goals on top of this one but the other is that I later choose subs that clear away the garabage from the past not necessarily focusing on my future path but cleaning up the issues of the past if any.

Im not sure which would be the best option.

A question came to my mind, is there a sub that deals with fear, simply all and any fears, be it executing the subliminal, fears of heights, spiders or insects etc ?

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From the sales page of Limit Destroyer

“Limit Destroyer has a very specific purpose in mind — destroying, dissolving and removing any and all internalized limitations, including those you may even know existed. With each loop, Limit Destroyer will drill deeper and deeper into your subconscious, removing the fears and limits that hold you back from greatness. You could potentially experience incredible boosts of confidence, bravery and fearlessness in just a few days.”

I think adding this sub to ascension maybe next cycle or even later would help a lot. Because what is a fear if not a limit?

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Brilliant @Geoff you done it again mate!

Yeah seems like this could be the fear removing one.

For me im at a loss though its way to early to plan my next sub, but you can only listen to 3 subs at a time right?

So whichever 2 I choose next to add to ascension will be the limit so then its a case of do I look back at removing all limitations with Limit Destroyer for example or do I look forward at the goals I need to achieve and achieve asap?

Hmm the confusion begins lol

I would finish this cycle you’re on with ascension.

After your cycle + washout, you could add limit destroyer. Run that for 2 cycles. It’s a great pair, limit destroyer will help open you up to ascensions scripting. I’d assume less recon because you’d have less fears to get in the way.

You don’t need to run 3 titles. Each title is 100% of itself. It doesn’t dilute. You just have more to process.

I started with 1 title… after 1st cycle. I added a 2nd. My 3rd cycle I ran 3. All that happened was I felt more mentally full. Took longer to process, more recon ect.

I think limit destroyer would help ascension assimilate faster. I think it would trash your fears and you’d wake up to a whole new world of freedom.

Don’t stress about stacks. You’ll find 2 titles is the sweet spot. I think I’m going to stick to 2 as well. 3 can be fun but as far as efficiency 2 is it.

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Sorry for the late reply I went off to deal with some other things. Anyway the thing is I dont want to become someone that adds other titles until I have got the evidence ascension is atleast working on me, know what I mean?

The way i feel I may be on this for many months as so far what I have as some have said above is recon so its a start. Id love to add on other subs if I can but too soon to know if ascension works and changes me or not yet if that makes sense lol

So right now the other subs im considering (at moment as no idea how well ascension will work for me) are:

Limit Destroyer or another healing that does what LD does and lots more. May as well clear everything I possibly can.

Executive - anything that works on confidence and procrastination.

Limitless+ (something from the limitless family that will help me become a great studious learner someone that can read a textbook without fear or slow speed (ie quickly) and absorb it and same with video lectures etc. Someone that can learn things and keep having the joy to learn and add onto the knowledge easily. Even though I finished university the career im going to go into and plan to requires lifelong textbook read and learning as well as the fact that my knowledge is poor as I was a poor student and procrastinated a lot though i tried and kept trying not to - im a persistent fella! lol

I have seen Saint Sovereign and someone else maybe it was my mate Lion, not sure but asking the question of where do you want to be in 90 days time and I like that question and I also like a question of where do I want to be eventually in a year or 2 or 3 with the help of these subs. No point answering until ascension shows me its working plus in 90days what I want can be so unrealistic to achieve anyway lol


Hey brother! You are doing good, man. Was catching up on your journal today and you are showing all the signs of it working.

Getting pissed off with your current situation, irritability, etc are all good signs. Through a mix of subliminal programming and reconcilliation, your mind is being given new instructions.

It will take some time to incorporate with you but 2 to 3 months is too little a time for change compared with all the years you lived so far, don’t you agree? Before you know it, you will be looking back at this beginning positively. Because you had the guts to take this step and accept the initial discomfort for a better version of you in the future.

Onwards soldier!


Hey brother!! thanks for the support! Ah i hadnt seen you on so glad to catch you and thank you for catching up with my journal. Ive tried to keep it easy to read but I just let it flow it as it comes to me lol

ok phew perfect I keep needing reminded of this as its new to me very new lol So how does it work, is it you get recon then the mind accepts and then a new recon for the next step/objective of the sub and then its agreed and the mind accepts it and repeat with another new recon?

I agree! I was going with 2months based on what Fire said then thought maybe 3 at best but even if its longer I just hope I can change and act enough without fearing that I need other subs. I just want physical actionable change rather than just a change in thoughts and feelings if you know what I mean?

I cant wait for this! how long though do you feel it will take me… a year? :no_mouth: lol

hahaha thank you Major!!

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Something like this but don’t overthink how it works.

You are doing just fine. I know there will be a bit of impatience to get where you want to be sooner but take a deep breath and enjoy your journey. Enjoy it secure in the knowledge that you are getting better.

Try attributing the changes you are experiencing to Ascension. Whether it be anything positive or reconcilliation.

I noted a couple of times in your posts that you were repeatedly asking “is this the subliminal working?” The answer is yes. Try as much as possible to attribute changes to Ascension. It will help you get even faster results as your mind accepts the sub. Doubting it will hurt the results so I encourage you to look at things in that way.

Even a year is a small time for you to experience all these things. Count your blessings and march on.


thank you so much! ok ill try and do just that… giving each change to ascension starting with these frustrations then and say that yes the sub is working on me.

yeah I just fear I guess that im the one that cant be helped lol

So you dont think I should add another sub later on for a year maybe?

:muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

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Oh I wasn’t meaning it in that sense. I meant it in the sense that you are indeed changing fast in a few days (and will change even more in 2 months) with Ascension compared to all the years you tried to do so on your own.

Basically the subliminal will leverage your subconcious mind to use it to its maximum capacity.

Do go ahead and add another title after 2 months. There is still time to decide when you reach that place.