Ascended Mogul, Limitless, and Spartan

I decided not to switch all my subliminals. I really like the benefits I’m getting from Emperor Fitness and Limitless. I’ve used Spartan for a couple months and really like the mindset shift I got from it. I picked up Ascended Mogul this morning. I want to get promoted at work and start a side business, Ascended Mogul has the best of both worlds in regards to those goals. I’ll throw that in after my next set of rest days.

@RVconsultant I definitely misread what you wrote earlier. Would listening to four major programs be too much? I’m at 10 weeks on Emperor Fitness, 8 weeks for Spartan, and 4 weeks for Limitless. Would adding in a fourth mean that my results will diminish or just take longer to manifest?

Generally the instructions recommend sticking with 3 programs.4 could be too much.

Next, we recommend that you stack a maximum of three major titles, plus one Ultima (if used as a booster). If you’re using an Ultima as a major title (for example, listening to Beyond Limitless Ultima in the same way as you’d listen to Limitless), that will take up the spot of one of your major titles. To illustrate:

Three major titles, plus one Ultima as a booster
Two major titles, one Ultima used as a major title, plus one Ultima as a booster

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Weighed in today at a total weight loss of 24lbs. I’m getting used to doing a 16 hour fast everyday. It is probably the most beneficial habit I’m implementing throughout this process. I have made improvements with my diet but the fasting has given me a tool to use whenever I have a cheat meal. If I have a cheat meal I don’t dog on myself, I fast longer the next day. It works, I’ve been consistently losing 1 to 2 lbs a week since implementing fasting.

I saw a post in another journal by @Sub.Zero that resonated with me. He talked about reevaluating your goals every month. Looking back over the last couple weeks and my strong desire to add in a money/productivity subliminal, I think it was more personal growth than recon.

For the last two months I’ve solely focused on fitness and getting in shape. I have the foundation in place and it is working well, so I’ll be keeping Emperor Fitness. I mean I still have two more stages to benefit from.

My Russian studies are going well. I’m getting more comfortable speaking, reading and writing. I’m still reading around one book a week. Limitless is here to stay.

Two other goals that came up are wanting to get a higher level position at work and to start a business. I bought a course on starting an online business from scratch last year but never did it because I was afraid of failing at it. Spartan helped bring that desire back and elimated my fear. Starting next week I’ll replace Spartan with Ascended Mogul. I like this mix of subliminals I’m going to use, I’m working on being healthy, wealthy and wise.

I’m glad you are attaining your goals and making progress.

If you want to try to add more programs, please think about adding a new one perhaps every 2 weeks (just a general thought, not a hard rule), and make sure the other subs are giving you results before you do add any more.

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Hey, I wanna know what you think of using Quantum Limitless with Spartan?
My idea is to have the motivation and mindset of Spartan and the cognitive benefits of Quantum Limitless.
Right now Quantum Limitless is working great as far stuff like focus and cognitive benefits however I have no motivation to workout or be motivated in general (I’m usually a fit guy so yeah).

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I think that combo would work great. I posted a couple weeks ago about having absolutely no desire to do anything, but I still studied Russian and got in a solid workout. I have noticed a focus from Limitless that helps me study better than I have before. Spartan gives me the ability to push through anything, not just working out but life in general. It gives me a let’s get it done attitude.

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Super random but are you in high school or college?

Finished up week 5 of 12 for my current workout program. No one on one Russian lesson this week but I still practiced flashcards each day. Currently on day two of a three day break from subliminals. Started rereading Unscripted by MJ Demarco to get ready for Ascended Mogul.

I started Ascended Mogul this week. Can’t tell if it was working yet or not, but I acted as if it did anyways. Each day I set up a to-do list and followed through with everything I tasked myself to do. I made a conscious choice to stay off the forum for most of the week. I would check it maybe once a day to see about updates. I love this forum but it is distracting, plus someone was rude to me last weekend and said insulting things about people who have served in the military, which definitely pissed me off. This forum and community is supposed to be a place of support for people working on bettering themselves, not a place to put down others because of personal insecurities.

My current playlist that I used Monday through Friday went like this:
Ascended Mogul x2
Limitless x1
Spartan x1

Business: I started the business course that I have been sitting on for the last year. Turns out ACTUALLY doing the course helped me find some business ideas. Not having an idea has been my excuse for the last year. Now, I have three ideas. One involves coaching, the next involves a book, and the third involves an e-commerce site. The book will be the easiest option. I wrote a book last year and got it published. It didn’t do well because I made a lot of mistakes during the launch and didn’t market it well, which is on me. If I write a second one I’ll know how to launch it correctly this time. I like the e-commerce idea, it will take a minute to set up, I bought a course on Udemy last night for making a Shopify store. Glad I’m finally taking action in this area.

Workout Plan: I finished week 6 of my workout plan. I have six weeks left. My current weight loss is at 25 lbs total. Still doing intermittent fasting and eating better.

Russian: The Russian learning is going well, but I’m losing steam on it. I enjoy learning it but the business stuff is taking a priority, I can feel a mental shift in my focus (maybe from Ascended Mogul?). I think I’ll keep doing the flashcards for now, but if the business stuff needs more time, I’ll put language learning on the backburner.

Overall, excellent week, took a lot of action, and am happy with the results. I’m almost done reading Unscripted by MJ Demarco. The book was an excellent choice to start off this journey. My two favorite insights I got from the book are the kaizen philosophy and action faking. Kaizen involves letting go of comparison to others and constantly working on improving yourself. Basically, you are the only person you need to compete against. Action faking involves working on things to give yourself the illusion that you’re taking action. Like reading about starting a business instead of doing the program to help you start one, like I had been doing for the last year.

Current Timeline with Subliminals:
Ascended Mogul: 1 Week
Limitless: 5 Weeks
Spartan: 9 Weeks



Would you please post the link for that post? I might have missed that. Also in the future, please feel free to flag the post or tag a moderator.

@RVconsultant I’m not sure if it was you or another moderator who took it down. I flagged the post as soon as I saw it last weekend and it was deleted. I wrote about it to vent and remind people that the forum is meant to be a place of support for one another.

Needed to read this today.

Thanks for sharing your progress here. Really enjoyed reading your entries. And you’ve sold me on choosing Spartan as my one of my first subliminals. Sounds like the mindset shift is powerful.

Good luck and keep it up

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Spartan is a superb choice. The mindset shift is the reason I kept that in my stack over Emperor Fitness. I have this understanding that I can achieve anything I set my mind to as long as I put in the work. I’m not scared of challenge or trying something new.

@summit are you going to journal on the forum to track your progress?


@JayFlex I don’t know since I already journal (almost) daily. But seeing as how your journal was very helpful, I may keep one here to post weekly results updates and track the major shifts.

Nice. This is exactly the kind of boost I’m looking for right now.

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Thank you for clarifying.

Another good week. Although I’m seeing a lot of benefits in terms of productivity from Ascended Mogul, I’m also starting to see a downside. My boss at work has been acting aggressively towards me. Prior to listening to Ascended Mogul, it was always somewhat contentious(I’m not afraid to tell him no), but over the last two weeks, it’s gotten to the point of plain bullying in the workplace which I will not stand for. I think what is happening is he feels challenged by me and that made me think of a line I read in the instruction booklet.

On the flipside, there will be those—particularly those used to “the old you”—that may become frustrated that they can no longer control you and may attempt to tear you down or “put you back in your place.”

I’ve been documenting his actions and will take it further if it continues. I was bullied badly during my early years in the military, I’m older now and I’m not putting up with that shit.

Business: I continued the course and have formed my offer. I even made a questionnaire to ask friends and family about what they think of the offer and how to improve it. I’ve also worked more on the book idea. This one falls in line with the main business idea I’m getting from the course and will help me gain credibility and authority in the niche I’m looking at operating in. I’m also getting a lot of insights about what I did wrong with my first book. The way the course talked about building a business was by looking at it like a Parthenon versus a one-legged stool. With my previous book, I only marketed the book on Amazon which significantly limited my exposure and ability to grow a business off of that. I could have done more work this week, but had some family visiting and was busy at work, still happy about the progress I made.

Workout Program: I will finish week 7 tomorrow morning after I workout. Each week is a huge accomplishment in this area because each new week becomes the longest I’ve ever stuck with a workout program. Weight-wise things are going well, still doing the fasting. As of my weigh-in last Sunday I was down 3 more lbs, which puts my total weight loss at 28lbs.

I decided to cut the Russian out. It wasn’t bringing me joy anymore, and I didn’t really have a “why” for learning it. Without a why I didn’t see the point in continuing. It’s interesting because quitting something used to fill me with regret and self-doubt, but not anymore. I’m done beating myself up for stopping something I don’t feel like doing anymore.

My playlist was the same as last week:
Ascended Mogul x2
Limitless x1
Spartan x1

I’m glad I journaled tonight, currently listening to Love Bomb, my mood is increasing and everything feels alright. The work situation is rough, but talking about it here helped. Also, documenting my boss’s actions will make sure he is held accountable for his bad behavior. I hope everyone on here has a lovely weekend.

Current Timeline with Subliminals:
Ascended Mogul: 2 Weeks
Limitless: 6 Weeks
Spartan 10 Weeks


Good news. Down 3 more pounds as of this morning. Total weight loss is at 31 lbs now. :muscle:


Another good week. I picked up Limitless Executive Ultima last Sunday. I tested it on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Monday and Wednesday didn’t notice any extra energy or drive, but I still got most of my tasks done on those days. Friday though, that’s another story. I woke up about an hour earlier than normal and listened to it while laying in bed. I got up and went about the day like normal. About two hours later I felt like I had taken a shot of pre-workout. I was off to the races. I started operating like a machine, I looked at my to-do list, broke my day down in chunks, and got everything done for that day and more. It was by far the most productive day I had this week. I’m impressed with how well the track worked and will be adding it to my stack on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Business: I started the Shopify course. The course was different than what was described in the sales copy. It is meant for people looking to do freelance work by making Shopify stores. While that isn’t my goal, the process of set up and designing a store is exactly what I need right now, so I’ll still be able to get something out of the course. I’ve continued to craft the product I’ll be selling in the store. I have multiple friends testing it out right now and am currently using the product myself. The hardest part is the product takes a lot of time to build so I’ve been working on more efficient ways of constructing it.

The idea for the coaching business has been put on the sidelines while I build the Shopify store. Building a business takes a tremendous amount of time. I haven’t closed the door on the book I want to write though. This week I spent a few hours doing keyword research on Amazon. My initial choice for a niche turned out to be a bust. People don’t like the word ‘assertive’ so I’m having to go with a softer alternative. I like the word assertive, but it has a negative connotation, which is the reason the word is not an ideal keyword/subject for a book.

To prepare for writing a second book I’ve been giving myself daily writing exercises each day. I’ll sit down, listen to trance music, imagine myself writing, then look up a random writing prompt. Once I start I won’t stop till I finish a full page. I did a process similar to this when writing my first book. This time it is easier to do. When I was writing my first book I was drinking heavily. I haven’t drank since February. I’ve noticed words flow much easier than they did when I was drinking. Could be a mix of Limitless/not drinking/writing daily, I’m not sure what is leading to the results I’m getting, but I’m happy with it.

Another skill I’ve been interested in learning is writing sales copy. At the end of Unscripted by MJ Demarco, he mentions how sales copy is one of the best skills a business owner can have, I’m going to take that advice. I love the copy they have on this site, it is exceptionally well done, especially when compared to other subliminal sites. I started rereading Copywriting Secrets by Jim Edwards. The book is a giant infomercial for his program that writes sales copy for you but still has some good tips. Plus, I don’t own any other copywriting books.

P.S. I’m open to suggestions for copywriting books if anyone has any.

Workout Program: Week 8 of my workout program is now complete. I have four weeks left till I’m done. I’ve been doing more cardio. Losing 3lbs a week over the last two weeks is incredibly motivating. Once I complete this last month, I’m going to start a program that involves the same equipment but adds HIIT cardio into the workouts. It will be interesting to see if I still need to do slow cardio to maintain the weight loss, or if I can cut that out entirely because of the HIIT cardio.

This week has been incredible, but I know I still have a lot of work ahead of me. I can feel the momentum building week by week, propelling me closer to my goals.

Current Timeline with Subliminals:
Ascended Mogul: 3 Weeks
Limitless: 7 Weeks
Spartan: 11 Weeks


DeMarco is basically full of shit as he is nothing more than motivation for the idiot masses.

However, sales and sales copy is a necessary skill to have.

“How To Write A Good Advertisement” - Victor O Schwab
“The Copywriter’s Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide To Writing Copy That Sells” - Robert W. Bly
“Break-Through Advertising” - Eugene M. Schwartz
“Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content” - Ann Handley “Copywriting: Successful Writing for Design, Advertising and Marketing” - by Mark Shaw

“Secrets of Closing the Sale” – Zig Ziglar
“The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation” - Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson
“The Science of Selling: Proven Strategies to Make Your Pitch, Influence Decisions, and Close the Deal” - David Hoffeld
“If You’re Not First, You’re Last: Sales Strategies to Dominate Your Market and Beat Your Competition” - Grant Cardone
“Predictably Irrational, Revised and Expanded Edition: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions” by Dan Ariely
“Influence : the Psychology of Persausion” by Robert Cialdini