Ascended Mogul, Limitless, and Spartan

How is telling people that to succeed in business you have to fulfill a need in the market (bring value instead of just following passion), make sure your idea is scalable, that a 9-5 is not the best way to get rich… Full of shit?

Because that’s his main speech.


I agree with @deon10 here. Unscripted wasn’t a bunch of motivation. It was a book of principles for starting and running a business. Just because he doesn’t give the exact step-by-step formula to start a business doesn’t mean the book is any less valuable. Creating a product that fills a need, is of high quality, and delivers on what people are asking for is the message he is sending. I see nothing wrong with that message and his message is exactly why I’m trying to make something that is high quality and not bro-market some half-assed product that leaves people disappointed.

@remarkable have you actually read any of MJ Demarco’s books?


Yes. (Obviously).

It is feel good pablum motivation.

And motivation is for losers.

If you actually collated all the useful information in it you would get a couple of sides of A4 at the most. But DeMarco, not being an idiot and wanting to sell books has to pad it out so the mug punters don’t feel ripped off and has to include loads of motivation because the target is the mass market. And the mass market is lazy and stupid people looking for a quick high and if he can get them to buy his first book he can get them to buy his second therefore increasing his profit.

Remember, the lazy and stupid are not looking for actionable advice, they are insecure that they are not living up to their potential and full of fear they are not as good as they mistakenly think they are.

Don’t get me wrong, this is a lucrative way of making a living to keep the mug punter in an emotional state but is not exactly a moral good, is it.

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As of my weigh-in this morning I’m down 1 pound, putting my total weight loss at 32lbs.

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Solid work, @JayFlex. :muscle: Keep it up. Inspiring stuff.

Check out Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples. Full of applicable info.

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I will check that out. Thank you for the tip and the support. I have been reading your journal, looks like you’re making some great progress as well. You’re making be want to try out WANTED.

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Not nearly as productive this week as the last couple of weeks. My priority shifted in terms of business ideas. I think Ascended Mogul is helping me find the best opportunity for me. I found an opportunity that is similar to my current career and plays off the strengths I gained when I was a fire inspector. The start-up costs and training are high, and it will take a while to get established but I’m willing to put in the work. I have a lot of personal stuff going on that is taking a lot of time and energy but once all that gets settled I’ll be going forward with the training and setting up an LLC.

I purchased The Copywriter’s Handbook by Robert W. Bly. I’m enjoying the read so far. I want to read Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene M. Schwartz, but the book is impossible to find for under $400 for an original copy. I found one retailer that sells a reprint, but it’s still over $120 for a copy. I’m sure with enough searching I can find a PDF somewhere on the internet.

I’ll be done with week 9 of the workout program after I do my leg workout tomorrow.
Edit: I thought about adding Emperor Fitness back onto my playlist but I ended up buying WANTED. All the stellar reviews on the main thread sold me on the program. I’ve been overweight for years and have confidence issues with my body image. The physical shifting and a confidence boost for my self-image are exactly what I need right now. I’ll be adding that to the mix after my rest days.

Current Timeline with Subliminals:
Spartan: 12 Weeks
Ascended Mogul: 4 Weeks
WANTED: Starting 31 May

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Maybe your library can find it?

Feeling much better this week. Thanks to @Sub.Zero I realized I had been stonewalling the last couple of weeks. I slowed things down a lot. Had two days on subliminals this week so far. Cutting back has been amazing. My motivation is back, in regards to fitness, and business.

During my long set of rest days, I became very short with people. I’m not sure if that is from Ascended Mogul. It wasn’t an aggressive being short with people, I just wasn’t putting up with any shit. For example, I was on a mission to get everything done and I was not going to play any games. My wife and I are currently buying a house and our landlord was giving us a hard time with breaking our lease. I was direct and communicated how we have been good tenants and that it is disappointing that she is unwilling to work with us. I left it at that, my wife was upset and said I was being too aggressive. Later that day our landlord emailed me saying the owners will let us out of our lease early so we can easily transition to our new home.

I noticed that my weight loss motivation had slowed down. Weight loss and getting in shape were my original goal with this journal. To rekindle that fire I started doing the Tony Robbins weight loss program The Body You Deserve. Listening to that helped get my motivation and goals back on track with weight loss. Did one 24 hour fast on Wednesday. I also started doing a different workout plan. I am doing a couch to 5k program and a full-body workout using only body weight. I do the run and full-body workouts on the same days. Part of my reasoning for this was because it will enable me to fit it longer fasting days. After all, I won’t need the calories that I need on workout days.

The two days I listened to subliminals I did one loop each of WANTED (solace), Emperor Fitness ST4 (ultrasonic), and Spartan (Ultrasonic). I’m a fan of the solace mask, it’s much less aggressive than the main one. Nothing much to report in regards to results other than getting my motivation back and my skin looks nicer (WANTED?).

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Weight in this morning put me at 282, total weight loss is at 35lbs. I’m done with this journal and will be exclusively using my custom starting in a week. My new journal is here:

@RVconsultant can you please close this thread? Thank you.

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Closed as per original poster’s request.

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