Ascencion QV2 Journal

Hello. Today I purchased Ascencion from SC. I will try to update every day.

I’ve felt like a wallflower for most of my life, seeing others have the luxuries I want and the girls I’ve liked seeing me as nothing and choosing my friends over me. That ends today.


Good luck on your journey :slight_smile:

Do you have any goals in mind?


Welcome to the forum!!


Welcome to the community! :slightly_smiling_face:

Wise choice In selecting Ascension to begin your journey i will be following your journal. This sub works fast and will work even faster if you dont stack and run this solo for a few months. I feel youll be pleased with the changes ahead of you🙂


Hello, thank you. Yes I do have quite a lot of goals. First of all I want to build a colossal self-esteem and confidence as a means of building solid bases that will keep me driven regardless of all the obstacles I will face in life. Confidence is the key to getting everything from women to good business partners and an impecable professional image. Also some charisma always helps!


Thank you!

Thank you very much, friend! Do you have any further recommendations on how to listen to Ascencion? Should I listen during the day or is it better overnight?

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November 9th, 2021/Day 1:

Today I listened for the first time. 2 loops in the morning. I’m not sure if this is a byproduct of the audio but I decided to stop wasting time on videogames as much I have been doing so for the past couple of years. I also decided to shove away my phone completely when working on my art/writings/music. It’s gonna be a challenge since I use my phone to get anatomy reference but I’ll see what I can do. I’m starting to procastinate a tiny bit less and that is in my opinion the single greatest roadbloack to success in my life. Procastination. I want to beat that and overcome it completely. On a smaller note I also detect more glances from women straight into my eyes even if one of them was with a man (I assumed that is her boyfriend).

That is all thus far. It’s still midday where I live so if anything else happens I’ll write it down in tomorrow’s entry.

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November 10th, 2021/Day 2:

Yesterday I had the most productive work day in a LONG time. I had to transcribe an hour-long interview I did on Saturday to written text and I managed to write 30mins of it. Without interruptions and anything getting in the way. Today I will finish with other 22mins left. I’m extremely happy with these results so far. I’m feeling a very slight boost in confidence, nothing too big. I can’t wait to see how this audio keeps working in the future.

Tone down loops a bit to make ride smoother and thus faster

Qv2 hits hard and ideally You want that precious processing time, I generally enjoy my stacks the most when I’m listening to less loops and no matter how experienced you are, reconciliation is a bitch


Also damn bro I felt you on that opening post

Agree you did an amazing choice taking solo ascension as first program and hope you slay

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Thank you for your comments, Yazooneh. I will tone it down, I only listened once today. What is reconciliation exactly?

It’s when your internal reality changes and your outter world has to catch up

Think like muscle soreness after gym

Comes out as just frustration or anger or a want to give up on subs or clearly believing the subs don’t work

Keeping loops down battles it well and usually after recon you have that clear mind and bloom of results

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I see. I don’t think that I’ve ever gone through something like that and I’ve been using subs for nearly 3 years. Thanks for the heads up, it’s good to brace up for that moment.

Yeah no problem🙂
Ascension is such a light sub and i actually would encourage you not to stack until you reach the goals of the sub. Since its so light i would work my way up to 2 loops every other day but id recommend only 1 loop every other day for the first 2 weeks.

If you get recon just increase rest days or decrease loops if you end up running 2 after the first couple of weeks.

Good luck!

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Thank you very much! This subliminal is insanely effective and due to the prices I’m not planning to buy another one for at least 3 months. I’m eyeing Emperor or Dragon Reborn for the second one but we’ll see. I actually went back and re-read the benefits of Ascencion and lo and behold, there it was: “Eliminate Procastination”. This is the best and most effective subliminal I ever used and it’s been only 2 days.

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I’m glad it’s working for you. Keep it up :+1:t4:


Im about 5 months into Ascension and i barely feel like I’m scratching the surface of what this sub can do. 3 months is good specially if qzp titles become released within that time frame.

Youre on the right track i wish i would have started with Ascension like you are.

Your foundation is going to be solid in a few months that if you ever do decide to go for DR or Emperor youll be in a good position to do so.

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Thank you, friend, I will!