Ascencion QV2 Journal

Oh really? Would you mind sharing some of your experiences with Ascencion when you were about 1 month or so into the audio? Or if you have one you can link your Journal.

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My journal is in the quintessence category of the forum.

As far as results in a month i noticed slight changes in my body language and with my inner voice(more empowering and positive towards myself)

To be quite honest it was around the 3 month mark when i noticed small changes in my external reality and only recently in month 5 going on 6. I have been stacking it with Primal Seduction so that may be a reason why changes were slower for me for Ascension but in your case itll be different since youre running just that sub

I suspect the major major changes will come 6+ months into the sub which is why i recommend to get comfortable with the sub so you get the foundation nice and sturdy.

What i love about Ascension is that its easy to stick with it because it rewards you faitly quickly with results along the way . youll just have to see for yourself😉

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I see, thank you so much for your reply! I’m gonna read your journal now!

November 11th, 2021/Day 3:

No noticeable or noteworthy results today.

November 13th, 2021/Day 5:

I didn’t update yesterday because like in Day 3 I had no results or changes. Today feels the same. I’m beginning to fall into insecurities and some sprouts of anger. I believe that this is the reconciliation stage that some users warned me about. Any tips on how to proceed with this would be greatly appreciated!

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Use the anger to make changes so that you Ascend.

Identify the insecurity like you did and consciously grow out of it.

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Thank you, pacman. I will fight through this.