Art Thread for Artists

Songs with rhyming

I’m of the hip-hop generation

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One of my many mandalas People love this one.


I only say this because I saw it just now, and now that I see it I can’t unsee it…

RV, your title is great… To a ‘t’.

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First time I could draw something like this!


please do keep them coming @dorfmeister. It’s great to be able to experience these for free. You would definitely be able to sell these pieces.

A couple of digital watercolors from back when I actually used my tablet.


Thank you, Malkuth. I appreciate the encouragement.

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Interesting thred if anytbing ill post something here later down

Oh damn these are nice. I like how you capture the sunlight in the first one.


Am doing watercolor too for my game damn this look good keep it up

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Thank you! I haven’t done any art like this in years, but I am pleased with how they turned out. I wish I’d done them in higher resolution though, this isn’t even desktop wallpaper resolution anymore let alone print resolution. :sweat_smile:

Thanks! I did these 9 years ago now, I honestly don’t even know if I remember how I did them. In addition to the painting there were lots of custom Photoshop actions to enhance the effects… long since lost, on old computers.

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Well was nice seeing them, am trying to get my own style sone my games will be one of a kind

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Don’t think I put this one up here yet. If I did, then…then I did.


Hunter’s Moon

And another


Great work Malkuth. I like a lot.


Ah! Thanks, @dorfmeister!

Since art means a lot of things, why not poetry as well? One of my old favorites as a bard. I was thinking of another poem from years ago which was basically the INFP anthem I wrote called “Be Yourself”, but when I went looking for it on the Wayback Machine I was reminded of this one instead.

Man of Worlds

I got a dream of what can be done
To make the world better for me and my dog
I dream in technicolour, my head full of fog
And when the mist clears comes the sun

Its freeform this desire to acheive
To give, and better – to receive
To flow in and out like a lungful of smoke
Expanding oneself toke by metaphorical toke

Yes wouldn’t you love to be recognised
Wouldn’t you love to be loved
Be seen through the eyes of another
A picture, a painting one day rediscovered
In the art gallery of the Anima Mundi

The spectacle can’t distract me
But my walls sometimes can
Its always renovation day inside the inner man
Each hint of conversation, a way to clear the mist
Doing one’s will as the pathway to bliss

A small step is giant if seen from the right
Perspective, in the interplay of shadow and light
Just keep moving, and one day you’ll find
Yourself closer to heaven, drunken
Almost satisfied.

There is no pill of happiness
And some see love as a bitter joke
But the romantics go on unphased
The rest of the world is dazed
The Great Work is love made visible
In the eyes of those your actions touch

In meditation, the self finds itself
Desires are uncovered as the mind is stilled
To know thyself, then act – all else is naught!
To know the other in self and self in other sought
To be real, and unafraid to be
Naked before Eternity.

Who does this can do no ill
This is the pathway of the True Will.

(Jan 11, 886 Anno Ordanis)


What about our subliminal artists, Saint and Fire? :smiley:

Two joints from 2016



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