Are subs description will be forced? on my sub-mind?

i figured that out its a marathon not a sprint, ill see how 3 loops feels today

its about executing and doing action so if youre fatigue most of the time cause of the overload you wont progress and the sub wont help

so mild fatigue is okay, but also how do you know if youre processing if youre not feeling fatigue ? or tired? how do i know that im not stonewalling and that im in rec phase and processing ?

im asking too many ahhahahhaha

Hmm,if your getting the results of the programs or effects that you can attribute to them.your usually not stonewalling.Emperor would usually manifest as increased confidence,more wealth oppurtunities,standing up for yourself,etc.Spartan or empfit stonewalling,my workouts go to crap etc.Basically once you get a baseline with the programs,if you suddenly go really below your baseline with subs even though you dont feel overloaded.Your most likely stonewalling.Takes awhile to get an idea what a programs doing and its effects though.

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I usually have empfit or some modules im very familiar in my customs/programs.So when the effects of them dissapear.Means im stonewalling,lol.

true its my 4th day and i have no idea what the hell is going on

Probably will take a month to get a full grasp of the effects.Some people are highly receptive and can see things from the first loop but sadly im not one of them.i usually take a few weeks to get some effects unless its something ive ran before and just refreshing

With new users the PM functionality is not present until they reached their first Trust Level on the forum. Doesn’t take long a few days and some messages. The latter you have down as you two have been using this thread as an instant messenger. :slight_smile:

To answer the original question, the subliminals won’t force their script on you, they don’t change who you are. You have certain ideas of how you envision the goals and it will align with those goals. For example, while I was running Khan, I kept wanting to work out and lose weight and grow fit because I hold a belief that physical health and fitness is a very big part.

The subs supported me there. Even before physical shifting and Emperor Fitness.

However, the descriptions are meant to give a general direction. So don’t get a sub where the description is completely opposite to what you want. To name an example, we had a guy get Iron Throne and then proceed to tell us that sex and dating was the last thing he wanted. Bit confusing he would get a sub that was geared almost entirely around sex and dating. Can it be used for a marriage? Yes, but there are better options.

In your example, just because Emperor makes you skilled and comfortable in bed doesn’t mean it’ll make you put all that into practice. In your case, it may translate that into you feeling very comfortable in/with your own body. And when the time comes for sex, there would not be any anxiety and you could focus completely on the experience.

In other news, Saint and Fire nowadays get tagged so many times by people that it is becoming ever more likely they will not respond. They have told us that if anybody really wants to ask a question they should use the support channels available on the store.

While it may happen in our case as well eventually, for now RVConsultant and myself will still show up when we are tagged and check if it is a question we can answer, the community is perfectly equipped to answer or if we should indeed pass it on.


that was my main concern i was fearing that it will change my whole belief system cause i know that the sub mind and affirmations can do that easily thanks for making things clear

do you think emperor can help with manifesting social relations from friends to partners ? i like emperor overall and i read the description.

hahahah no i just meant like i dont want to be a sex machine im not looking for sex maybe im looking for sex within a relationship but not just pure lust, but i get the idea

it would definitely help with not feeling awkward or anything when time comes for sexual intercourse

and also how can i know the difference between subs,?

like emperor and StarkQ , they kinda fit in the same goals? empire building skills which translates the same.

Different flavors of alpha and methods of reaching goals


why is it soo hard to choose


i see this often, it doesnt mean that if someone is social he’ll be a lone wolf right :joy: ?

but i think its a general thing from my understanding that these results depends on the listener

so if im running emperor and im really social and i love talking and making friends it will manifest with emperor right? cause its not that huge of a leap, ( its not like im going for sex mastery when my goals is not to have sex :rofl: so theyre kinda similar )

Its not that you wont/cant be social but you may prioritize getting your wealth and life in order over being social and hanging out with friends.

also i can see that stark is more creativity wealth (music art stuff like that ) emperor seems all about business and sounds super alpha

but as i read you can redirect anything so even if you go for emperor you can still bang really good with music lets say or any field that goes for creativity so its kinda tricky going about subs

or im thinking too much :thinking:

Yeah,anything can be redirected.Still best to pick whats most suited or closest to your goals though so that dont have to redirect it too much,lol.though dont think khan is creativity,think its more sexual/social dominance.creativity like music/art would probably be better served with renaissance man

sorry i meant stark not khan

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Emperor is about branching out on your own, creating your own success. To the Emperor, the people he hangs out with are people that add value to his pursuits, people that can help him on that journey. He doesn’t do a lot of small talk, he’s all business and efficiency.

Stark is about creative pursuits, finding something that the world is lacking and give it to them, becoming the center of media attention. Stark surrounds himself with lots of people, both useful and less so. He’s social and extrovert and loves life.

This is pretty much how I picked it up. Once again, keep in mind you can still steer the sub. For example, there are people that have become quite social on Emperor.

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i like how emperor is scripted but, if im not going fully business oriented and starting something, i shouldnt be going for it right? im more focusing on my goals music and putting more hours and learning new skills and also social attributes and overall improvement

exactly even rn in my life i dont hang around with people that dont add anything to me, we have to help each other develop not just wasting time

its either im really having fun with them pure fun and joy or were helping each other and growing each other or were not friends, friends are either soul mates that you really enjoy life with and forget everything or friends that you both help each other grow and grow!

also for some reason i really dislike the aggressive attitude that im reading that when people run emperor they tend to be aggersive alpha male and “obey me” kind of stuff" ’ i need to work gtfo my face’ hahahhahah obv everyone is diffrent

you mean have it go my way?:sunglasses:

yeah i really dislike the lonewolf thing but i think i am already a lone wolf and slowly an emperor to become :sunglasses: cause i dont hang out with people that dont add anything

if they add love or joy or development or knowledge! were hanging out definitely ! thats what friends are too me

Thanks @DarkPhilosopher and @Meng123 and @Lion and @Palpatine for helping out!

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Rv youre so nice that i truly think youre a bot hahahahhahah i swear youre super duper nice man

:smiley: sending much love


Wow, I forgot about this, I’m surprised by how good a definition these are lol, especially as I hadn’t run many of those back then :face_with_hand_over_mouth::sunglasses:

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