Whats the difference between all the alpha titles?

@Grimm1390 - Ascended Mogul + Ascension would be pretty powerful i think. Might as well add Mogul to it too while we are at it lol

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Well by my standards I am taking action, currently I’m not chasing girls as I am in the journey of semen retention, but if it happens it happens, I’m just not out looking actively to engage with girls. Couple days back me and couple of friends went to a hookah bar, there we met more friends and some girls were there. I chatted up one of them just talking and it was the same as before I started subs, but most important for me was the interaction between me, my friends and friends of friends. I was the same as before, couldn’t chat up or stand up to banter or say anything that would involve conflict. I was the usual quiet myself before. I did engage in conversation ofcourse but I already felt a beta before the alphas…if you know what I mean. I didn’t take control of anything and I always second guess myself just like before.

One of the books I love to re-read is the original Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins. In one section Tony was working with a client and asked the client to feel a certain thing… being powerful, I think. The client said he didn’t know what that felt like, so Tony suggested that he pretend he did. Asked him how he would stand, how he would move, etc.

I’m extraordinarily introverted, and one trick that has helped me in the past is to pretend I was someone else, who exhibited the traits I wanted to feel. I visualized myself as that person and acted as I thought they would. To this day, if I want to make people laugh I often imagine myself as a comedian (either Russell Peters or Jim Carey usually) and i find it much easier to crack jokes. In my experience, subliminals help with this greatly but the initial action still has to be taken with the right intent.

I’m not sure if any of this is helpful, though I hope it is!


It looks like you already know how to make use of the Raikov method…


That’s just based on what little I’ve read about it, I’ve never fully studied it… I’m excited to add the Raikov module into a custom and see what results I can get :sunglasses:

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@Lion that was an awesome explanation with apt power animals

I’ve looked into this ALOT :slight_smile:
I’ve run Emperor for 4 months
tested Ascension
tested Stark
Have Khan Stage 1 in custom
have Primal Seduction in custom
This is my observations personally + what I’ve read

so I’ll give my best shot at the explanation -all versions are Q

Emperor-Extreme masculine dominance, Sigma Male default lone worlf, does things on own, easy and at home socially if chooses, Alpha can lead and gather groups as needed, optimism, flow, high self regard, driven towards excellent and perfection (not perfectionism), challenge manifestation, recognize and owning your darkness and light. STRONG push towards independence and being self-reliant-cutting reliant ties as necessary, hard to run unless you can set and choose your own days/schedule or walk away to do something else as needed. Romantic and sexual attraction available directly and as a by-product of being a man on purpose with high status and focus on his life/business/mission. Priority will usually not be woman or social. Insane focus, determination, unstoppable. It’s lone wolf entrepreneur so has incredible strength to take on anything solo or with others. Has Ascension, Mogul, Sex Mastery, Quantum Limitless lite and Emperor Core ‘under the hood’

Ascension- Increase internal strength, that grows, motivation to follow your own path, motivation to better yourself, increase confidence in everything you do-Ascension makes you like cool guy- as I see it. Self determined, more Alpha in terms of your behavior. It’s like it brings out the best of you. Priority is more consciously directed. Strong increase in masculinity that grows and grows

Ascended Mogul-the above with the added effects of mogul-which in and of itself is a financial title-not necessary status/alpha oriented.

Khan - Dominant playboy, social and sexual dominance, enjoys social interaction and strong focus on romantic/sexual conquest- wealth, focus, and finances come amply to but in service of power and sexuality, and lifestyle. Strong leadership as well.

Stark- Fame, humor, untouchable, intelligence, becoming the best in chosen field, wealth through inventiveness, innovations, and inventions. Less directly alpha or focused on the surface, due to strong focus on creating network and alliances and other social aspects but the strength and Alpha nature is there as needed. Has EOG, Daredevil, PCC, Inner circle ‘under the hood’

Primal-carefree, flow, presence, social dominance and status with extremely strong sexual undertones, full uninhibited self expression and sexual expression, can create a sense of ‘falling in love with woman again’ from a place of masculine dominance and sexual strength. Healing and empowerment of the inner wild masculine Alpha we all have or have expressed/ embodied at times.


@Azriel - Excellent! loved your detailed explanation of the various Alpha titles in terms of characteristics and behaviors. Especially relevant since you have personally experienced them all.


Thank you!!
have not really run them all though
I have not run Stark or Ascension long enough (only a few days) to remotely see anything other then the initial effects, which were quite strong though in experience and behavior.
Never ran or tested Ascended Mogul at all and Khan Stage 1 in a custom could hardly be called Khan :slight_smile:
I am very clear of how Primal from Primal Seduction has massively impacted me in the last 6 weeks though since having it in my custom.

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@Azriel - StarkQ made me super friendly while at the same time helped me hold my frame. Sometimes it happens that when we tell a joke, we feel beta but none of that in StarkQ.

Must admit that I didn’t get the full benefits of Khan since i ended up stacking too many other subs with it while at the same time taking less action. But no denying that it did change me into having a more masculine edge especially with family and friends.


Sounds like good effects for both those subs.
I rarely feel beta these days, even when I make fun of myself,
or tell jokes. That’s one of the reasons I’m addicted to Emperor:)
When I switched down to Ascension for a few days, it was really cool too, it just didn’t have that some level of Alpha.

I’m running a very dense stack now and it will get more dense as I add customs, however I’ll run Khan stages 2-4 solo or in custom focused on them. At most I’ll stack Sex Mastery and maybe Iron Throne at the very end.

What are you running these days btw? I think you said Emperor Fitness Stage 1 was one thing.

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@Azriel - have made a new topic in the Emperor’s Lounge section on Physical Healing if you have any inputs on it.

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I can definitely relate. I have felt that way sometimes. Never with close friends or family, but I can be like that with people I’ve just met, specially if they seem higher in status or are more dominant.

My recommendation would be to increase the loops since you seem to be on the low end. Also, understanding what’s going on at a conscious level can help. It makes you aware of the thinking processes that lead you to having those feelings.

This book (https://www.amazon.com/Not-Nice-Pleasing-Speaking-Unapologetically-ebook/dp/B076VVH14M) helped me understand what’s going on, which in turn let me break thinking patterns that result in “nice guy” feelings and behaviors. I can’t recommend enough. Very engaging read too. You can tell the author knows exactly what you feel in those moments of “weakness”. Hope it helps you as well.


Man, I feel for you. That’s got to be such a challenge.
I’ve had this physical jaw/ ear/ face pain and ringing (could be ear infection/ sinus infection/ fallout from intense grinding/ TMJ or some combination ) for the last week and at times I can really slip into depression and that’s not as bad as what it sounds like your dealing with.
I think focusing on just healing as it is such a priority for you would be good to try for a bit. I would do Survivial instinct, Emperor Fitness, Regeneration and maybe Spartan as it REALLY helps with mentally dealing with physical injury or physical lack of well being. At least until there is some improvement.

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As soon as able-post covid-I recommend taking MMA or Brazilian JuJitsu -3 years of that killed my nice guy behavior as much or more than any subs I’ve ever run. It gets you in touch with your masculine energy, great workout, really fun, develops the brain incredibly (mind-motor connection), helps with training the ability to be with tension and confrontation and think clearly in the moment and when you see how easy it is to maim or kill people with the right leverage the niceness starts coming from an authentic place of power and ease and saying no becomes much easier. Not to mention the humbleness of tapping when your outmatched seems to train the boundary of submitting when it’s appropriate as no big deal


How do I find?
what’s the link?

@Azriel - oh yes. Spartan does help with mental strength. Will add that to Survival Instinct and EF ST1. Thanks, man

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Yes of course. Have you noticed any healing from Surival Instinct distinct from Serum X or Emperor Fitness?

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@Azriel - if i do, i will report.

“1 year of Khan-ST1 killed my nice guy behavior as much or more than anything else I’ve ever done. It gets you in touch with your masculine energy, dominance, discipline, fun, develops the brain incredibly (mind-boner connection), helps with training the ability to be with tension and confrontation and think clearly in the moment and when you see how easy it is to dominate or chill people with the right attention the niceness starts coming from an authentic place of power and ease and saying anything becomes much easier.”


Beyond Ascension, Khan is my recommendation to Nice Guys.
It does take a few weeks to calibrate into.


That’s probably why Khan ST1 is aptly titled Total Breakdown. I just might give Khan another go.