Anyone train in MMA or boxing here?

Whilst i was training in Thailand i gave Krabi-Krabong ago and actually enjoyed the weapons side of the system. My instructor at the time told me the art seemed to come natural to me.

Rare footage of Blackadder training at the Shaolin Temple in Tibet. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


You smart if it comes to choosing your opponents as I can see, however. this time your judgment failed you, Doctor. :heart_eyes:

Damn that make you a force to be reckon with, by the way ive been thinking why dont we have a multistagr for learning any martial art/ combat skill not sure if this will be a good multi stage

Never been a fan of multi stage products i prefer if its feasible to have just the one stage to keep things simple.

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@TheBoxingScientist @Yazooneh Have either of you trained in Muay Boran?

No never it was one system i wanted to explore along with another thai system called lerdrit however lerdrit that time was only taught to the thai army noone else.

With ledrit fists are never used as they are prone to fractures they only use the open hands and kicks below the waist.

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I find they work, it basically builds up and help you choose/work on specific things you want to

Exactly. The last fight I had, I beat the guy with little problems, but my recovery took so long that it was alarming. I didnā€™t even get hit much and couldnā€™t believe how much pain I was in.


HAH! Glad to be training it.

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There is no one answer to that question. It depends on who you are. Look for the best system FOR YOU. Your physical build, and mental tendencies play a big part in that.
More important than what art you choose is what gym/dojo you choose. You want someplace where the training introduces you to hitting and being hit, manhandling and being manhandled, but are not solely focused on sport competition.


Did you see that BBC series where Idris Elba took up Muay Thai at 41?

This guy was the inspiration for Sagat from Street Fighter . Heā€™s 63 now


Just enjoyed this fun video and remembered this thread:

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this guy speaks truth, if you donā€™t have power on your side then do BJJ for example, if youā€™re of a stocky build then learn to box and just knock dudes out if you have to, if youā€™re very short compared to others and have good leg strength then learn to kick, really does play into calculations the gifts and strengths and body type you have, Iā€™ve gotten my ass kicked on the mat by tiny girls in bjj so thatā€™s the one martial art that every human can fall back on if they got nothing else to teach them to fuck over others if they had to.


I really donā€™t think someone short with good leg strength would have a natural advantage with kicking. I take muay thai and the best people there are almost universally all tall and long, with vary degrees of muscularity but none of them being heavily built.

If I was short with good leg strength Iā€™d go into boxing, boxing teaches defense a lot and striking power comes from the hips and legs most of the time. Boxing also helps with closing the distance quicker using movement as well.

Personally Iā€™m not a big BJJ guy, I understand its value but I also lament its lack of applicability in a street fight scenario.