Alpha Omega ZP^^^

Than you…I love the sound of HOM, but I’m gonna need something to balance the recon I know I’ll get from the scripting that encourages building relationships, even family related ones. I admit that I did consider running it a couple months back.

  • I notice my mindset is starting to evolve from having my inner world adapt to my outer circumstances to me telling the story of my own reality. I making more consistent decisions of how things play out. From just seeing what happens moment to moment, to actually being more consciously involved in how to conduct myself and steer things more towards the outcome I desire.

  • Remember playful girl? She just so happened to take lunch the exact same time as me today. I almost walked over to my car like I usually do but decide to join her. She didn’t know there were benches near and apparently had been standing outside and eating since we switched buildings last week lol. I swear the seduction scripting from subclub is sneaky cause ever since QV2 came out I feel a weird perceptual shift before I escalate with a woman. Before I know it I’ve got her number or I’ve escalated in some other way if you know what I mean. In this case I flirted with playful girl and found out she’s a loner like myself and also likes to go out alone occasionally just like me. I must have found that somehow attractive cause before I knew what hit me, I passed her my phone and she got excited like she was surprised a bit that I was interested in her (I’ve been told before that I hide my attraction for women well). She put her number in my phone and I told her we could hang some time, she told me to be careful cause her mouth and her “kitty” are reckless (whatever that means). It took me a couple seconds after that part of the interaction was over to even realize what had just happened. I don’t consider getting a number a big deal, but I noticed that this sort of thing had happened more since being exposed to QV2 seduction programming.

  • A female supervisor on the floor tried to help me with a sale today, the caller was tough. It got so bad that after she hopped on she put the caller on hold and asked ME if I could think of something I save the sale. After about a minute I told her what to say when she refreshed the hold, it worked. Lol what I told a sales lead to say went from having the customer about to hang up to paying DOUBLE the price he would’ve with our competitor.

  • found out an entire clique of women have a crush on me at work, and playful girl is part of it (mostly stays to herself). Didn’t know that until after I got her number. Damn it, that kind makes me reconsider talking to her cause I’m not sure yet if she’s the gossiping kind although she doesn’t appear to be. I’m taking it molasses slow with this one.

  • im creating my own personal performance goals at work and manifesting successful sales damn near at will. Seems im getting better at controlling my money manifestation skills.

  • this week I’m being paid my highest check since I started the job.

  • Found out my manager told a work acquaintance of mine that he feels I’m next up to be promoted.

  • I wonder why when anyone else has a good sales day they just announce it casually but when I do, it’s gotta be front page news lol.


Can you share any specific examples?

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So for example with my sales job, instead of going with the flow I’m starting to dictate the experience I’ll have with my shift that day. Basically I declare how I want my day to go and it goes that way, has happened 4 days in a row now.


I see. Thank you.


So by declare…you mean you state it to yourself in your mind? Like thinking to yourself “Today I will x and I will accomplish a, b and c while not tolerating y from anyone” type of thing? Or am I off base

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not again.

you’re basically saying that if (for example) you went to work today but said “I won’t be doing any work today”, then you end up actually not having much (if anything) to do at work for the day, right?

if so, then you’d be happy to know that we’re still in sync, and this thing has already made my main partner at work to pick up on it and comment, his exact words were: “bro I won’t tell anyone, but do you have any inside connections here?”

he really thought :rofl:

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You’re close, let’s say for example I declare that “I’m striking no less than 5 deals”…well I happen to make 5 or more deals which at my job is a pretty good day. Or I’ll mentally tell myself something like “I’m gonna take a small amount of calls but still close at a high percentage”, that happens too.


Lol wow that’s crazy. Yea that’s exactly what happens, even in my personal life if I simply start the day saying it’ll end up being an overall great day, cool things happen despite random obstacles that may pop up.

Little does your coworker know, your connection is a divine one lol.

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went to Taco Bell for the first time in a while. 10 minutes before I left home I said there will be no line. Well when I got there I was the only car pulling into the drive through. My order was $13.13 and an item was forgotten, as soon as the thought came to mind for me to go inside to get it the worker came out and gave it to me in the parking lot. Things like this are telling me that events are becoming ore synchronous for me and once again manifestation is improving rapidly. This of course is a smaller example compared to other things I’ve been manifesting. I’m certain I’ll have control over reality (my own) completely by the end of this year.

  • I played a loop of rich ZP on my way to work as a booster. I never realized how aggressive and focused the energy makes me feel. I see why it took the alphaness overboard for me when I stacked it with Stark and emperor.

  • A girl I thought was intimidated by me was in a meeting with me this morning. She stood unusually close to me and even giggled at a couple things I said and did during the meeting.

  • Swear the operations manager gave the perfect sales prep talk this morning. Between rich and that, I’m ready to kill it on the sales floor today. Unfortunately it was slow and I couldn’t strike deals in the first ten calls, that’s what made the operations manager send me home early today. Before he did though a female supervisor with a crush on me tried to jump in on the conversation and keep me from being sent home.

  • In a crowded elevator, playful girl decides she wants to come all the way to the back just to stand right in front of me, then looked back with a mischievous smile lol.

  • it seems like my inability to sell well yesterday got to me and triggered insecurities related to feelings of being worthless (maybe because now I’ve confirmed I’m capable of much more). Overnight and a good portion of this morning I mentally, emotionally and spiritually felt down and depressed. Damn near suicidal just like right before I started using ZP titles. I chose to play CFW for 1 loop which throughout today allowed me to shake off that feeling and had me come back today and have one of my top 3 days of selling since I’ve been here.

  • I was sitting in a row full of women who were attracted to me today, but one was acting a little desperate to be honest. One of my female supervisors also kept touching up against me when she would come over and see how my sales calls were going. Anytime she put herself on me, brushed up against me, or we made skin to skin contact she didn’t shy away, or apologize. A couple times while she was standing by me, she put her thighs up against my arm, where her kitty sat right above my arm. Mind you, all this happened right next to playful girl whose number I just got the other day.


Starting to notice that the only things I’ve been feeling like doing most of this week are making money and sleeping, I have no interest in anything else. As for playful girl she’s turning out to be a little more reserved than I thought in private. She may just be like me and only lets people in slowly. But man, at least I know how to be entertaining and aloof at the same time. Apparently it’s not a common talent.

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Starting to realize that between me becoming more logical over the past year and a few other factors, deep down I’m becoming an even colder individual than I realized. I can still express certain emotions but I barely feel anything anymore. Got a massive amount of rest yesterday so times to see how it benefits me throughout the week being that I plan to go hard with making money.

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  • stares galore, even caught a guy staring at me through a window while I walked towards my work building. A new female trainee also stared at me with such sexual intensity I actually turned away a second after we locked eyes. Damn she looked like a predator.

  • Everyday (except for 1) I’m blowing past my sales goals with almost minimal effort and stress the past 3 weeks.


Repeating numbers are nothing new to me but I’ve been seeing them more and more the past 48 hours

  • I still can’t understand how I went from accidentally creeping a woman out to her becoming subtly infatuated with me.

  • I can really get used to this whole money and manifestation on-demand type of thing that’s been occurring for me the last few weeks.

  • My manager just got back from vacation, he must’ve been in a good mood or maybe I did something right today cause he let me take a break, then right after I made a sale he let me go to lunch. He’s known for making ppl wait to take breaks to make sure we’re properly staffed at all times to take sales calls. Cause of that sales call there was only a 15 minute gap betel my lunch and my break. He would’ve sent me sooner if I wasn’t on the call.

  • My money has been lasting longer than normal.

  • Women are becoming much flirtier and a female supervisor who acted weird toward me was super friendly today (and yea she has a crush lol). She complimented my hair when I came in and kept congratulating me on how well I sold today. We actually had some laughs together too, our interactions have been pretty cold and a little awkward the past few months.

  • Playful girl sat next to me and wasn’t shy about about her behavior today. For one I’m starting to notice that if I don’t give her the attention she wants she’ll do things like throw empty balled up gum wrappers at me, walk by and pull my hair or tap me on my head while I’m on a call. She got put on time out cause she had a bad sales day. She came to sit right at my cubicle and listened to me sell while management had her off the phones. Between my calls she joked around with me, and touched me and played around in general. She also would do things like fall over me and laugh when I told a joke. Seems like my funny cocky side comes out when I interact with her.

  • I was the only morning rep not sent home during a slow time. Since I had the highest closing rate I got to stay and managed to make hundreds of dollars worth of commissions in just a few hours

  • Ever since run that loop of libertine I’ve been feeling extremely sexual. Don’t think I’ve thought about sex this much since I was a teen.

  • Manifestations keep increasing in frequencies and intensity.

  • My head manager and the operations manager both were highly impressed with my recent sales performance. I’m above average in all areas but one, and I’m currently the leader when it comes to selling one of the products we offer.


Can you share any specific examples?

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Well let’s take my latest manifestation. For the last week I’ve thought to myself almost every day that I’m beginning to dislike working on Saturdays. Well as of tomorrow we’re switching to a new phone system. After I got off work a manager gave me a call and asked if I’d be willing to take tomorrow off and work Sunday instead due to all the training that’ll be happening. Got me a free Saturday baby, didn’t even have to call out of work.

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