Alpha Omega ZP^^^

Ok so from today I felt a bit of a lack of confidence when I woke up. Pretty sure it was some recon but it passed by the time I was awake for a couple of hours. Handed my resume in to the manager who told me about the job (which yesterday I forgot that he told me that I’m the only rideshare he ever offered a job to). He’s been asking me to give it to him for over a month but a lot’s been happening so I finally got around to it.

I was just officially reassigned teams since I switched shifts, but funny thing is he asked one of the female supervisors that has a crush on me to get me ready for promotion (she’s not my team lead though). Not sure what’s with her but she’s gotten way more friendly with me this week. Not gonna say it’s just me though since I’ve noticed her in a better mood in general over the past week.

I’m getting tired of the phones already and I’ve already easily manifested so many things lately that I feel confident in going for a promotion right about now. My managers only complaint seems to be that I’m quiet at work. I have plenty leadership experience though so I know how to get ppl to work together if I need to, but this’ll be my first time leading a sales team.


Something has changed. I haven’t been feeling nor expressing my usual level of confidence. I’ve been feeling kind of off my game the past few days. To boot my mother tried to end her own life yesterday morning and has now been committed to an institution just so she can be monitored 24/7 and be prevented from attempting to do it again.

I’m not sure how to process or react to it, somehow I’m going about my normal routine like nothing happened and haven’t even notified some of the few close family and friends I have left. Maybe part of me doesn’t want to believe she really tried that. Maybe if I told them it would solidify it for me but honestly it’s been hell trying to find her the medical and psychiatric help she’s been needing. Maybe this had to happen to get doctors to take her case more seriously than they have been.

I might need to just stop subliminals for a few days in order to mentally stabilize while I process all this. Not sure what’ll happen next, I’m just taking everything moment by moment.


I’m really sorry to hear that my friend, I hope your mother gets the inner peace and contentment she deserves, and having a son like you is sure to make her feel better.
I advise you to try taking a few days off of work to spend some time with her, show her your compassion and love for her, because regardless of the type of relationship you have with her, the truth of the matter is that she’s your mother, and we only have a limited time with our parents before they become memories.

I wish you and your mom as much bliss and love as possible :heart:


This was very heavy. Like Invictus, I hope you and your mother finds your inner peace and equilibrium. I don’t usually comment these days but I feel for you. My mother means the world to me and one of the inspirations why I am running our subliminals is to be a better man and provide for those whom I care about deeply, her very high on that list.

Take good care, and I hope things get better brother.


@Invictus @Apollo much thanks to you both.

  • I kept getting heavy amounts of attention despite my mental and emotional state, seems despite that the auras from the ZP’s are still firing strong. I’m not sure if it’s the energy I’m putting out but everyone I’m running into today is treating me very nicely.

  • A male supervisor figured out that playful girl likes me, he secretly told me to go for it by speaking in code in front of everyone. It was kinda funny, made me smirk a bit despite my mood.

  • Playful girl can sense I’m not all that normal right now, she’s being playful and flirty regardless. Attention from everyone is high today, even sexually which I’m surprised about cause my lack of confidence has me feeling unattractive but obviously I’ve got more important things on my mind anyway, so I care a bit less about how I look right now.

  • VIPs have been calling me sir all day too.

Seems somehow despite my inner state I’m still getting the exact same results from the ZP’s. Could this mean that ZP manifestation is bulletproof? (meaning things like energy levels and vibrational states don’t matter?)…I’ll look more into this when my head is clearer.


As noted during the private testing period, results with ZP can shine through even during recon, as I had some of my best results while being completely in recon at the time.

On a side note, what is your current stack?


I’m currently trying to decide, I’m pretty sure that soon I’m gonna make it Mind’s Eye and ascension chamber. I haven’t been running subs much the past week or so and just came off of a washout.


Meant to post this here

  • Playful girl is starting to get increasingly sexual and straightforward when talking to me. Making it super obvious that she wants to sleep with me and wants to have a good time doing it. She’s even saying stuff like this with other women around and not exactly at a low volume either. I’m starting to get the feeling that she wants me to herself. We haven’t spoken about a relationship at all. She’s also starting to refer to me as an asshole lol. Apparently that’s not holding her back. She wants me to look at her “naughty” places and wants to increase how much we touch even right in the office, of course I’m trying to keep it low-key.
  • A girl from the other side of the country texted me by accident thinking she was reaching out to her friend. Out of nowhere she’s started a conversation with me via text, even after I told her it was the wrong person. She’s even trying to get to know me.
  • I’m in a much better headspace from a few days back. I was able to process everything and accepted that this just may be what had to happen for my Mother to get help.

At this point I’m feeling ready to go ahead and make my next stack Mind’s eye and ascension chamber. Planning for this to be the last stack I run before I go ahead and get my custom. I’m considering this next stack a warm up for that.

Edit: I’m actually planning to just go ahead and add ascended mogul to the list and see what all the hype had been about. I figure why not boost my manifestation power and abilities while also continuing my overall development (as it seems ascended mogul helps with). I’ll start my new stack tomorrow:

Mind’s eye and ascended mogul every other day at 1 loop each, and ascension chamber once a week on Sundays.


Closing this journal out for the time being. My journey to becoming a WorldBreaker starts soon.