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There scripting doesn’t force you to do anything. For example Productivity Unleashed & Carpe Diem Ascended are surely focused upon enhancing focus & productivity although you’d have to consciously take action for the scripting to be activated. It’s more like a reward system, you consciously take action and it rewards you with pleasure whereby you’d want to take extensional action.

In the end this method is even more powerful then forcing you to take action, because guess what happens when you force someone to take action when you don’t feel like taking action it’ll instantly give that person reconciliation. With Subliminal Club scripts on the other hand, you consciously take action because you feel so or because you will it and then you get rewarded unleashing a streak of relentless focus and action, I can assure you this is the way to go, it’ll give you so much pleasure that you forget eating, sleeping and what not. Haha, not even joking!


Great. I got worried there for a second. If they help me take action, I’m happy. Thanks for the reply.

Since we’re discussing this, is this something you could add in the Q store? That way a customer could choose wether to be strongly urged to take action or not. I can see that as an option for important goals people might have where all else has failed or people who are so afraid of taking the first step that they need a push.
I would definitely recommend strong push rather than force, and I can see how it could be misused if it were offered without the name embed though.


This is a great point. I never realized the scripting was only rewarding having taken action vs “pushing” you to take action. Maybe because with Stark I could definitely feel the urge to engage with others, even before having socially engaged in any way.

What COWolfe said is spot on. Some people will be stuck at the starting line because they are not ready to take the first step. Even if it’s all downhill from there, they will never know…Now I REALLY understand why you guys push so hard for people to take action.


Action starts with a thought, all subliminal’s here will make those thoughts available to you, while giving you an urge to proceed them. Yet it is up to you to actually physically spend the energy and follow the train of thought, physically pushing or forcing you to something, is like I said counter-productive.

Yes, the subliminal’s here urge you in a certain direction, and yes you’ll be rewarded when you do so.

So basically, the aforementioned by @COWolfe and @Ichiban is already covered.

I really think many people here underestimate these scripts and mentally placebo themselves to have less preferable results. Inner voice is a module that pretty much covers positive thinking, which is something that is very powerful, to say the least. A person can only stand in between him and his own success, you attract what you are.

Affirmations alongside Subliminal’s work great, give it a try.

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If we add scripting to force you into fulfilling the subliminal’s goals, you’ll lose the ability to stack. Point blank.

Beyond Limitless has a strong “take action” module that’s somewhat temporary (though it should build up over time — at least it has for me, but I’m running it solo at 4 loops / day right now). The upcoming free sub, Executive, is pure productivity too. That’s what Ultima is for, it allows you to boost your results without compromising your stack.

Also, @Hermit has a point — adding that scripting into any major title will trigger reconciliation like you’ve never experienced. When I tested it, it put me out of commission for over a week. I stopped going to work, I stopped going to the gym, etc. The problem is, a broad spectrum subliminal is always going to have elements that you don’t quite agree with and it’ll take time for you to reconcile your personal thoughts with the subliminal’s scripting. Now imagine being told to do something you are diametrically opposed to for hours on end, while you sleep, while you dream. That’s what happens when you force it.

Run BLU or the upcoming Executive. It’s a better alternative.


Right now, somebody somewhere is thinking: “Will it stop me masturbating?” :slight_smile:

I would have to say, since SubClub subs so far have been more effective for me compared to the alternatives, I would kind of love a proof of concept of it. “Run this sub called MOAB on repeat and see if you can even make it to the second round, you lightweight!”

What do you mean, I’m showing masochistic tendencies?!


Thank you for your time and great work Subliminalclub

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Yes, and that’s how this whole debacle came to be in the first place. Experimentation was always the name of SubClub’s game, but now it’s biting us in the ass. We warn people not to do something, we give them as much advice as possible, they don’t listen and then blame us when their results aren’t what they expected.

We may have to reconsider that model, as people are now running around leaving bad reviews and calling us all sorts of names for protecting our business, when all of this could’ve been avoided. Between that and other issues that we haven’t even mentioned, we may have to cut back on the number of available options and technologies. Terminus Squared is probably the last time we’ll release a prototype technology early, and we’ll probably have to resort to very private testing.


What about a narrow spectrum subliminal, eg a custom that is only focused on a particular topic? Let’s say a fitness based custom with the following modules:

Emperor Fitness Stage 1
Power Unleashed
Master Coordination
Serum X

If there were no elements that the listener does not agree with, and scripting is added to force him/her to fulfil the sub’s goals, how would this turn out?

Oh y’all got those PMs too? I ignored em.

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Yes, please report these.

“You can have it in any color you want, as long as it is black.”
– Henry Ford

The module set you just posted would yield a script of about… 100 pages (@friday this is why we have a 20 module limit, you don’t realize just how big these customs are). If there’s any scripting, whatosever, in that 100 pages that you don’t agree with subconsciously, forcing you to do it will result in extreme reconciliation.

This why is subliminals aren’t “mind control.” If we tried to sneak stuff in the title that you just didn’t want to do, you’d fight it tooth and nail. Hence why government “mind control” programs involve torture. The physical pain, stress and trauma breaks down the conscious mind and forces you into a suggestible state.


So like Emperor v1 when it would suggest you do things and you didn’t lol you would get reconciliation in someway but if you had put that forcing method in there and you didn’t do it things would really suck for you in a way?

Yes, exactly. Emperor v1 was a rough ride, and it didn’t even have the full “go do it” module, just remnants of it. It didn’t make the program that much more effective anyway, because people just fought the “go do it” module and reconciled themselves into quitting, lol.

So, run BLU or Executive (hopefully coming this weekend).


@SaintSovereign What about the Ultima Test A that you said would be the first free title? Would love to test it…

Now looking forward to the weekend for more than one reason! :blush:


I am guessing that this IS the “Executive” since it’s a free sub :smiley:

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Does that mean that 20 module custom would be ~200 pages? That’s like stuffing a novel into your brain in an hour. I don’t know if I should be amazed or scared. No wonder I feel exhausted after 3 loops.