Alchemy of Renaissance - Alchemist Stage 1 + Dragon Reborn Stage 4 + Renaissance Man + Dragon Reborn Ultima (FINISHED)

Do you plan on running dr again in the future with the new tech upgrade?

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Fantastic, I love hearing about this awesome progress. May your next stack be even more potent.

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Did you do a summation of stage 4 specificity, I may have missed it?

I would be tempted to run DR for the rest of my life, especially as a precaution against any toxic influences.

I would also say I think it is making other subliminals easier to run.

Some other tools deal with that nicely too like the Emperor or the Alchemist. :slight_smile:

Thank you for mentioning that.

Yes, it was a short summary in here:

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I don’t think there will be any need to do so but I don’t exclude that possibility. On top of that, almost every sub has some healing component. I’ve been running subs for six years and a lot of garbage has been cleared out and I ran DR only to “male sure” if there is anything more to clear out… and there was. I think I shall use DR as a toolbox, so if I needed some healing I would go with Stage 2, if I needed some more congruence and life navigation I would go with Stage 3, if I needed to remove some blockages I would go with Stage 1. I may also use Stage 4 + the Ultima as a refresher in some time. For instance, before running some really heavy subs/stacks like say the Emperor + PCC or Khan.

@Sub.Zero you could also keep running DR U (v2)!

Yes, I could indeed yet RebirthU is aimed at what I need most now, reframing and enhancing the results.

I created a new journal since I’m done with experimenting for some time and I know what I want to run long term.

I haven’t had any flashbacks related to my two major traumas since I finished the Dragon that may indicate that I finally got over them. My relationship with my dad has been healed, at least on my part. Memories related to my dead brother are none but positive. I’m really glad I decided to run the Dragon and I may want to revisit it one day and do it at a proper pace to see how much further it could get me. Great, great sub. Thank you @Fire and @SaintSovereign


Happy for you man!

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Can the creators kindly confirm this ,If polyglot is included in RM or not?

I guess you would have to submit a ticket and ask about that that way.

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