Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

I think it’s generally a good idea to run a healing sub every now and then after you did the big thing once.


Some might get their fix from it and it’s fine. Nothing wrong with laying hotties.

But for many this isn’t what they seek.

Anyway get a seduction sub, lay a bunch of 10s and figure it out yourself :muscle:

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For whose benefit?

Subclub, and for ours. i’d like to know and im sure im not the only one, a list of benefits that i can expect from running emotional healing subliminal , even though it is very subjective maybe there are stuff that are collective and it’s somthing that i would really like to take care of. (example : some anxiety)

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This is a magnificent program so far. Glad I haven’t bought a single main title since, as I clearly see it is changing myself and my objectives and what I value.


See more in A SubliminalUser is Reborn.


Like if you’re still running this :slight_smile:


I think the universe is telling me to get Dragon… I’ve had numerous little “mini dragon” visitors in my house lately… little gecko/lizard critters. I haven’t figured out yet just how they’re getting in… but at least they’re easy to catch and set free out in the yard!


I am running ST4. 4.5 months solo. Now stacking with Survival Initiative.


At the risk of taking this thread off-topic for a moment, may I ask, How do you catch them?

We’ve had 3… the first one, we chased after it for nearly an hour, like an episode of the 3 stooges… eventually my wife was able to grab hold of it and dumped him into an oatmeal canister I’d pulled from the recycle bin.

2nd one I was in my office and my wife was busy with the kiddo, so I had to figure out a solution on my own. After some fruitless chasing, I reasoned that the lizard was scared and would run to a perceived safe space… so I stuck the same oatmeal can (now dubbed the lizard trap 9000) into the corner and just tapped a ruler near him until he ran right into the can to hide. Then, I clapped a piece of cardboard over the top and carried him out to the yard. Total time, 15 mins.

3rd one I did the same trick with the oatmeal can. Total time, 5 mins.


Running through all four stages of DR before focusing on any other major sub is just unbelievably great foundational work that will set the success not just for subs but for life.


Could not agree more with you, your journal is a great testament to this :slightly_smiling_face:


@SubliminalUser I was thinking earlier how it probably wouldn’t hurt to run Dragon Reborn with Love Bomb.

100% agree! As tough as it was, im so glad i commited to DR as my first sub. IMO DR seems like most important sub subclub has to offer, it indirectly affects everything you do afterwards, and this kind of shadow work really just makes your entire life just better and more enjoyable.


This combination really helps make DR a lot more managable. After some tough recon we all just need to feel a bit of love lol.

Yea. As much as it is against recommendations, DR would be an amazing sub to run first. If someone told me years ago when I found subliminals to run DR before anything else I wonder where I would be now.

Not to worry, I’ll get there soon.

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Right there with you. I still at times wish I would have had Dragon Reborn 10 years ago. I would definitely be in a very different place

@SubliminalUser As for why I don’t run Dragon Reborn in it’s entirety that is sort of a difficult question to answer at the moment. I feel at times that although I have gotten incredible results I feel like at times allowing myself to be more vulnerable emotionally has left me open to those that would take advantage of it. On the plus side running Dragon Reborn has helped me calm my emotions infinitely quicker to the point I rarely get super anxious anymore. I still struggle with my age a lot and the never ending feeling that I am rapidly running out of time which unfortunately creates a high level of urgency. Maybe continuing with Dragon Reborn would help me let go and be patient. Enjoy the process instead of feeling like it has to be all right now


Ironically, switching from DR early creates that even more because it’s something not done!

Glad I have stuck with it all these months and that I am starting ST4 in a few days

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I’ve taken about 3 weeks of DR during my ‘healing crisis’ and then just kind of drifted out of it.

I believe DR stage 2 has been processing and executing greatly in this time and I can agree.

There is a sense of the flavor of that stage still churning and healing things the good and the ugly. Part of me doesn’t want to go back but I will go back and complete stage 3 and 4 as I think that will be key in fully moving out of this background flavor.

Same here. It’s bullshit, by the way. Intellectually, I know that. Even, intuitively and instinctually, I know that. But so what? Apparently, I’m still fine with struggling with it periodically.

I guess I kind of get it. Doubt. Doubt looks at me like, “@Malkuth, have you read my name? It’s on my f**king collar. I’m Doubt. What do you expect me to do?”.

So, sometimes, you gotta just let doubt doubt. That’s kind of his thing.

Anyway, the time and age thing is one of the reasons that I included Khronos Key in my custom. I knew I needed a bit of help with my relationship to time.

I think other natural counterbalances to Doubt are Joy, Enthusiasm, and Engagement. That’s why people who push too hard and work themselves to the wire often end up paying for it on the back-end. Nerves have myelin sheaths surrounding them. Engines have their engine oil. Hearts need their joy and enthusiasm. It lubricates the whole thing. So you don’t overheat from overly intense determination.