Advise on Wealth Subs

Hi everyone,

I am subliminal newbie, I recently discovered Subliminal club and this is my first post here.

I have been reading the forums for the last couple of days and I become interested in different subs as all can help.

My main goal of joining here is to increase my wealth as much as possible. I am a media buyer and I have been looking to create a marketing agency on the side. My goals are to increase my income as a media buyer and to start my marketing agency. I already know the model of the agency I want to start, and it’s has been on my mind for a while but I haven’t taken any action yet. So I would be starting from scratch in where I don’t even have the niche defined.

My intention is to take massive action and go full on in building wealth.

So far I have bought EoG and Emperor and I started to listen to them this week. I am intending to listen to 1 loop of EoG per month (so 4 months at minimum), but I have been also interested in additional subs like RICH or Limitless Executive.

Is it better for me to start on 2 subs rather than 3? And is Emperor a good enough productivity sub to make me focus on not just building wealth but also in taking action? Would it be better to substitute Emperor by RICH or a productivity sub like Limitless Executive?

Or do 3 subs like:
EoG + Emperor + RICH
EoG + Emperor + Limitless Executive

Am I missing a sub that would be better for me in my current situation?

I would appreciate any advise that could help.

Thank you!

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EoG + Emperor + Limitless Executive could do 1
EoG + Emperor + Executive could also
Keep in mind that EoG3 is pure action, so you may not need anything beyond EoG3 and Emperor in that 3rd month.


Thank you very much for your feedback.

I will add either Executive or Limitless executive to my stack. One question, the recommendations on listening 3 titles are: listen to 2 of them, then rest, then listen to the 3rd one and then rest.

But would it be too much if say, I listen to EoG every 2 days and then alternate the second title on each listening day?

Day 1: EoG + Emperor
Day 3: EoG + Limitless Executive

That should work I think. It’ll put the focus on whichever sub you run each listening day.

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Ok great!

One final question (sorry I am a newbie) and I really appreciate your help.

I am going for EoG + Emperor + Limitless Executive.

How long should I be running these titles for? I now that EoG is at least 4 months, but would you recommend to keep my stack for say 6 months or more?

Thank you very much!

I’d just start and see how you do. 6 months is a long commitment for someone totally new. I’d just do the stack as long as you would for EoG ST1. A month. Then assess during your washout

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Ok will do, thank you very much!

hey man.

i work in finance/capital allocation and had millions in earnings by my 20s.

my advice to you as someone who has is also here to make more money is to VERY CAREFULLY read the sales pages and then try products that your intuition tells you to use.

everyone always says mogul,rich,eog,etc…for more money but as someone who has very seriously tested all those products i can tell you that minds eye has helped me with my money goals MORE then all those products combined.

and if i had to pick a #2 product that helped me the most with my money goals so far it would be Sage Immortal

so you can see that these 2 products that no one ever recommends for money have helped me more then the products marketed for money

and the way i decided to use minds eye and sage was just a gut feeling i had while reading their sales pages.

so again my advice to you as someone who has already made millions at a relatively young age and who has been very seriously using these products to make more money this entire year…my advice to you again is read the sales pages very carefully, trust your gut and do NOT assume that the products marketed for wealth are the ones that will help you the most.


While i agree with some of this … I think it is best to note that Madara has switched subs after 3 loops so testing subs like that is something you absolutely shouldn’t do if you expect “significant” results


Welcome to The Sub Club family. Enjoy your adventure.

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Haha. Amen!

I’d take anything he says about a sub recommendation with a grain of salt.


@MBrito - highly recommend you look into Ascended Mogul.


Thank you!

Yes that’s another one that has been on my mind as some people say that it’s easier to start with instead of Emperor. Do you recommend me to switch to AM instead of Emperor to begin with?

Thank you!

I haven’t considered them and I will have a look.

Is 3 loops as in 3 months?

no 3 loops is how many times you play the audio file.

so 3 loops = playing the audio file 3 times

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Yes. It’ll give you a stronger foundation in the beginning and it’s much lighter than Emperor.


Ok great, thank you for your recommendation.

So I will be switching to: EoG + AM + Limitless Executive for the first couple of months and then I will replace AM with Emperor.


You’re new to SubClub right? I highly recommend against running 3 sub titles if you’re new. At least for your first couple cycles.

You want to build strong foundations in the beginning to minimize recon and to streamline your results. Plus running EOG since it’s a multi stager can be a bit overwhelming.

@Billions has a very good journal on EOG, he’s very experienced with SubClub and he’s running it solo.

Hey Valkyrie.

Yes I am new to SubClub and I have continued to read the forums.

Thank you for sharing that post with me. I have found Billions to be very insightful with his comments and actually, as I continue to learn from the forum about the programs, I think that EoG is not the best sub for me to start with (even though I have been listening to it for a week) as it’s very comprehensive and not the best one for my current situation, which is that I mainly want to start my business.

so I have changed my mind again (lol, I hope I don’t keep on changing it every other day) and I believe that the best combo for me so far AM + Limitless Executive, which I would probably run for at least 3 - 4 months before considering changing them.

Depending on how I go, I would either run them longer or change them to EoG + Emperor once I am ready for them.

I also noticed that you are also intending to start a marketing agency, so we are in the similar path and I wish you all the best

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