[ADVANCED] The Superior Invictus

I am glad you mentioned this, because I been thinking of using it all day.

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I second this.

Emperor + ZP script = your vision of an emperor.

Both me and @Billions seem to have somewhat of a similar “vision” of what our ideal version of an Emperor would be like, and connections are something we both value.

So @Iceman, what kind of an Emperor do you envision yourself as :smirk:?

Also, the other day I mentioned running Emperor first and then Stark, and how good it feels, but honestly, Stark first always felt better before and I’m back to that now.

Does it make a difference? Yes, to me at least.

What kind? Well;

  • Emp then Stark → a warm “vip” vibe, with a heart of gold, love for everyone, grounded and disciplined.

  • Stark then Emp → a cool “playboy” vibe, with your inner child and ego coming out as a type of charm that people can’t even bring themselves to hate, even if you seem like all you do is talk as if you’re the pinnacle of the human race.


Connections are of course v.important and when its win-win even better

“So @mj1, what kind of an Emperor do you envision yourself as :smirk:?”

One that is rooted to the earth, full of compassion and playful too.

So a stark/emperor zp hybrid.

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@Invictus If I remember correctly, you are using AirPods Pro for the subs. Have you tried out if noise cancelation has any effect on it since there is some processing happening?

there is also a stereo to 3D mode…I wonder if this also has any effect but I guess all the processing isn’t recommended when listening to subs.

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Not really, no.
I don’t like using the noise cancellation feature unless it was for music at the gym, or else I always use transparency mode.

No stereo or 3d modes either.

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just found this by Saint, as a good clarification:


Updates from yesterday (was too busy and exhausted to journal):

  • got my final documents and now I’m just waiting for my CID check to be done (shouldn’t take long) and I can go to work.

  • went to the uni again yesterday to give my girlfriend some moral support (she has an accounting and finance competition), and the one thing that both a friend of mine and my girlfriend told me was this: “Stark’s social dominance is in full effect”.
    Why? Well, when you are the life of every social group you enter, put people in trance with your stories, make people crave your attention because of your vibe, and be socially confident enough that you talk to just about anyone and everyone, then yeah, that does mean that Stark is in full execution mode :stuck_out_tongue:.

  • some of you might know this already, but the uni I’ve been visiting (to pick my girl), is the same uni I attended, so when the principal of the campus saw me yesterday, he came to say hello and stuff, and then asked me to meet him next week, as he would like to make an “Alumni Profile” for me at the uni, mainly because of where I ended up getting employed at, as well as the fact that my batch was the first ever batch to join the university’s international campus (the one in my country).
    So why the hype?
    My words and my face will be hung up on a wall at uni (with a few others from my batch), and to me, this is the start of a legacy :wink:.

  • my style is evolving as well. I was curious about this since the season is changing right now, but man was I surprised yesterday when I threw on a pair of dark grey ripped jeans, a black tank top, a bomber jacket :rofl:
    As per my sister’s comment, I looked like a “Fuck Boy”, but she’s a hater :stuck_out_tongue: and we all know that I looked like a juicy playboy :muscle:t3::sunglasses:.

Now as for today, I’m just not bothered to do much, and most of my friends and my girl are busy with their families, so I’m probably just gonna relax today and play some games or watch some Netflix.

So far no recon, and listening based on intuition, which marks today as a rest day.
Kinda funny how based on intuition, I’m doing 2 days on and 1 day off. Maybe this is the one I would like to stick to :thinking:


Hmm I may have to play around with the order of my stack but when I do emp then Stark I definitely don’t feel nor project a warm friendly vibe.


Nice results, and funny how this morning I was just entertaining the idea of two days on with one day off. I’m starting to get the feeling that my results would explode that way.

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Can you explain? Never used CFW, so really want to know your experience

Cfw has to be really used to be experienced, it’s one of those subs that give different results for everyone.

For me it was like being on a good holiday.

The way I judge it is based on my interactions with people, specifically my girlfriend.

When I do Emp first and then stark, my actions are somewhat different than the other way around, and this was something that I have been noticing since the start of the preview, that (for me at least) the order matters a lot.

Also about the “warm” thing, I used that word because it was the best way to differentiate it from the “cool” vibes of stark.
But even with all this, the overall goal of the subs won’t change, it’s just the little things.

Well it’s been happening kinda automatically for me, but I feel like it’s a nice balanced pattern, because honestly, sometimes I don’t really feel like using subs, and just want to chill without having to do my subs at all.
So having a couple more rest days here and there is better, in terms of balance.


It was a good idea to have a “lazy” day today, why?

I want you to take some time and read my last 2 updates:

Notice anything?
Barely anything that I wrote could be related to mainly Emperor, because of the fact that Stark already has been doing the things for my “life goals” and personality, so why do I have emperor?
While yeah, it does have a good synergy with both Stark and EF, I’m willing to bet that everything I wrote above would have played out the same way even if Emperor wasn’t in the stack.

Now let me open up about why I had emperor in the stack:

You see, I had an issue with my girl, which started because of how fast and intense my results were from libertine (trust me, getting results extremely fast isn’t always “awesome”), which even lead to her crying and us almost breaking up.
So I thought to myself “what should I do?”
I had 2 options, which I knew would help because of how they effect my girl; wanted or emperor.

I went with emperor, and it did fix everything from day 1, but do you notice something?

The whole idea of using a sub, instead of proper communication and understanding, to “fix” the issue, isn’t actually fixing anything, I was just using Libertine to excuse myself (to avoid being held accountable, since I knew what using libertine would do), and then I followed it with Emperor to “influence” my girl, so that she gets over it.

I don’t know about y’all, but I see that as manipulative behavior, and while I technically didn’t do anything wrong (I used tools to make my life easier), it was still unethical, to me.

Which is why, I’m removing Emperor.
Am I gonna add something else in its place? Most probably yeah.
Do I know what I’ll add? Not really, but most probably something focused on making me a better person.

Going back to Chosen (same stack as before the washout) with Stark and EF is an option,
Mind’s eye is another option,
And lastly, my last consideration pick is PCC.

Any opinions?


But were you still experiencing Libertine effects afterwards or did they go away once you switched it?

Mind’s Eye sounds like a good idea, to visualize your goals better. to me ME looks like one of those subs that don’t sound all that attractive(to me) but might have profound results, since visualization makes a great deal of difference when achieving goals.

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After the washout? They left.
I have mentioned this multiple times before, I can “erase” scripting from my head somehow (only the ones related to behavior, mindset and aura).

Well, mind’s eye can do a lot more than that.
If you can visualize it, mind’s eye will manifest it.
Had way too many things happen with me that proved that.
Like I’d think and visualize about something, and then it would happen.

I’m still somewhat attracted to the idea of either returning Chosen, or maybe just keep it stark and EF :thinking:

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I’d say just keep Stark and EF for now to let those programs shine more.

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What do you mean, what did Emperor fix?

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I had a similar thought recently, maybe induced by Primal.

I had been running these external subs for sex and whatnot, as well as giving my wife specific subs.
Virtually manipulating here instead of CUTTING THE SHIT and OWNING MY SHIT. :wink:

I guess Primal really did that, where it told me, BRUH, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, then everything will work out.

Which it does.
I am only running EoG and Primal, solely focusing inwardly. And the external world couldn’t be better, because my internal is superb.

It also gave me INSPIRED ACTION as Saint always said to fix shit and talk to her about things openly and directly, in a masculine way.

Long story short:
Same feeling. It feels better if I support the sub with my conscious actions (of course, right?)

Then again, maybe AC is just bringing out conscious and subconscious mind closer together.

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I was thinking about doing this, but something felt like it was missing, going from 4 (sometimes 5) subs to just 2 feels weird.

Basically when I tried Libertine, my results were too fast and powerful, and if I was single, then I’m telling you that I would have probably posted multiple sex stories by now, because of the effects, and I often just let results flow you know, like surrender myself to the subs, and that caused me to act in a “libertine” way.

Let’s just say that she’s not into being open sexually like she was before, mainly because back then I said I didn’t want it, but I did want to hook up and enjoy as many women as possible, and knew I could do it any day at any time.

Emperor calmed all that down, and made me focus on my relationship with my girl, rather than initiate something with someone else.

So in conclusion, my issue was that I got results too fast and too intensely :sweat_smile::rofl:.

I was very close to playing Libertine or SM ZP on ultrasonic in my car without her knowing, so that we could do more.
That shit is way too messed up.

This is what happened with me and the other “me” last night (which lead to the post) and since that time the 3 suggestions I made, seem optimal.

Don’t get me wrong, emperor is amazing, but using a big dense sub for a relationship isn’t sitting well with me, especially since I’m just covering my own BS with it.

I ran Chosen today with Stark, since it kinda is my favorite combo (only rivaled by Stark + Emp), and so far, I’m feeling like maybe I should use PCC as well, and turn it inwards, to be more aware of my own BS and manipulative behavior.

I think @Michel ran PCC for long right?
What do you think bro? Can PCC be pointed inwards?


Absolutely, PCC will teach you how to recognise your own bullshit.