[ADVANCED] The Superior Invictus

I was thinking about doing this, but something felt like it was missing, going from 4 (sometimes 5) subs to just 2 feels weird.

Basically when I tried Libertine, my results were too fast and powerful, and if I was single, then I’m telling you that I would have probably posted multiple sex stories by now, because of the effects, and I often just let results flow you know, like surrender myself to the subs, and that caused me to act in a “libertine” way.

Let’s just say that she’s not into being open sexually like she was before, mainly because back then I said I didn’t want it, but I did want to hook up and enjoy as many women as possible, and knew I could do it any day at any time.

Emperor calmed all that down, and made me focus on my relationship with my girl, rather than initiate something with someone else.

So in conclusion, my issue was that I got results too fast and too intensely :sweat_smile::rofl:.

I was very close to playing Libertine or SM ZP on ultrasonic in my car without her knowing, so that we could do more.
That shit is way too messed up.

This is what happened with me and the other “me” last night (which lead to the post) and since that time the 3 suggestions I made, seem optimal.

Don’t get me wrong, emperor is amazing, but using a big dense sub for a relationship isn’t sitting well with me, especially since I’m just covering my own BS with it.

I ran Chosen today with Stark, since it kinda is my favorite combo (only rivaled by Stark + Emp), and so far, I’m feeling like maybe I should use PCC as well, and turn it inwards, to be more aware of my own BS and manipulative behavior.

I think @Michel ran PCC for long right?
What do you think bro? Can PCC be pointed inwards?


Absolutely, PCC will teach you how to recognise your own bullshit.


Yep, was thinking of this as well.
And if we’re being honest this is birthed from insecurity. Otherwise we could be open about it.

Also, why the FUCK are you bringing up PCC??? I was thinking about that the last 2 days. Mostly for the "stop being manipulated "part and, well, it’s powerful. But I don’t want to add yet another sub!
Stop it!


I think for me it’s coming more from a lack of freedom, because I’ve been noticing that I’ve been feeling restricted when I wanna try certain new things with my girl, which she’s not open to, which coincidentally happened around when I tried Libertine and saw how many girls I could easily get at any time, who would be down to be even freakier.

Simply because of this

I really appreciate it @Michel, I’m gonna give it a few test runs and see how it goes.

Also @AlexanderGraves, PCC is one of those subs that I see as a balancer in my stack, because one effect of Stark that has been a minor inconvenience for me, is when I talk a bit too much and end up spitting out some things and/or my intentions, which I should have kept for myself.
Plus it can help me at work too :stuck_out_tongue:


I never looked at it as something that helps me see my own bullshit. But for that alone I should probably run it!

Plus, yeah, all the other bonuses ofc!

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With Pcc zp you can also see directly through other people’s corruption,

Being Naive is not good either and can be in for a shock when you see into people.


Makes me wonder if I’ll never need to run PCC again cause I’m naturally see through my own and other people’s BS from a mile away lol.

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I see pcc zp more like a booster sub too, because when you know you know right.


From what I can tell, it could also make you question your own view of ethics and morality, as in, questioning if your judgement is clouded by years of societal programming or not.
Could be handy.

Did you run it before?
Also, the thing with me is that I do see my own BS, however, I still do that shit anyways :rofl:

However, guys, do you think that the reason for why I’m opening and saying all this, is actually because of Emperor :thinking:?

Like one of the things the other “me” said today was “to be an Emperor, you have to become someone worthy of such a title”, what does this mean?

This might actually be a result from Emperor, because a while ago, I told my girl everything, like how I leaned on subs instead of owning up to my BS and all, and then apologized for manipulating her by using subs and their auras to effect her so much.

I feel much better about staying with Emperor now.


There is another @Invictus running around out there? Have you cloned yourself Invictus? :slight_smile:


Hahaha it’s what I refer to when I’m talking about the conversations I have with the voice in my head, that has been guiding me and sometimes pops up in my dreams.

At first it was just in my dreams, but after using Mind’s Eye for some time, it became much easier to talk to “him” consciously.

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Amazing. Approximately how many times have your ran Mind’s Eye? Did you run other versions besides ZP?

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I’ve seen Emperor take my power back many times.

Like a Soul retrieval.

I wonder how you would fair out with cfw, you got to try it.

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Can you explain what you mean by that?

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Emperor really does help to stop you from running away from your BS and confront it head on. There were a few areas of life I was actively ignoring and just ignorantly coasting by, but ever since adding Emperor I’ve been facing these issues head on, and my life has gotten significantly better as a result.


Around 1 cycle and a half :thinking: almost 2 I think.
And nope, Only ZP.

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Yea I ran older versions of PCC briefly. The new Emperor definitely helps make you more expressive in general it seems

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@Invictus apparently playing Stark before emperor does seem to balance things out a bit more for me internally, where it’s not an instant drill sergeant effect. With the order reversed I feel happy but still serious enough to where I’ll jump down someone’s throat if I’m tested.

I feel a bit more socially versatile by playing Stark first so for the time being I’ll stick with that order first and could always go back to the original if it feels like I’m softening up over time. Thanks for putting out how the order of subs effect you, apparently it really does seem to matter.


When you need to be extra serious with work, do it your way.
When you need to be extra chill and social, do it my way.

Fun way to get different effects without even changing subs, right :wink:?


When you want it all, make a custom with both.

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