Acension - A skeptics journey

All the best :pray:


Okay, so I listened to 2 loops of Ascension ZP last night. I’m still shocked that I don’t have to listen to subs for 8-10 hrs like I had heard from other places. Today is my rest day, and I find myself a lot more motivated to do the usual stuff - breakfast, cleaning, finances, etc. I feel antsy like I want to do more, but be patient at the same time.

I’ve used mindfulness in the past, so that’s what I’m going to do today, whenever I have any feelings come up. I know that benign attention placed upon something helps to transform it into positive energy.

“What we resist persists, what we accept, we gain the power to transform” - Igor Ledochowski


Fantastic to hear, then you’ve come to the right place! Subliminals are the perfect tool to get inside and correct the things that are creating your current circumstances - and there’s none better than SubClub.

You already know it’s an inside job, so when changes on the outside happens, that’s confirmation that you’ve cracked the code.


Note: in order to tag someone, add the @ symbol before their name.

Eg- @aklimatize

You can find my current journal here:


You got some change ahead, and fortunately here are good tool, and support, to help you.

I would encourage you to run 1 loop 3 times a week of Ascension, such as M W F.

Also what are your thoughts on Elixir, Rebirth, and/or Sanguine?

No problem mi amigo! Also being a skeptic is going to be understandable, I will be honest I was too in the beginning, but I had a very open mind as well. I didnt label things as coincidences or anything like that, I accepted the work the sub was putting in for me. So that is very good that you do have an open mind.21 days is a good start and possibly another cycle (21 days) would be beneficial as well before you add another sub, but that is ultimately your decision. As I said yesterday Chosen is a good sub for the positivity but another sub you could look into is Rebirth. I would also stick to no more than two subs for a while mainly to help prevent “Shiny Object Syndrome” and to give Ascension more room to work, but thats just my opinion.

I do have a journal, it shows a lot of internal growth and basically is the end of a dark period in my life to putting in the work for a better future. IMO since I have done a lot of inner growth, the journal just started to sound better haha. I will also point out that my journal does have me realizing about taking action as well in there near the end.

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@aklimatize Welcome to Sub Club be patient ,read a lot of journals and most of all enjoy your journey :+1:


So, yesterday was a rest day for me, and the whole day, I just kind of felt restless. Today, I listened to Ascension for 2 loops, back to back. I turned off the audio focus setting on my music player on my phone, and played a relaxing playlist I’ve created on Spotify, while the loops were going. I like this way of listening to the loops, and I know that this is encouraged, from reading the pdfs that came with Ascension.

This morning, I feel at peace; I don’t feel restless any longer, but almost like I have this kinetic energy, ready to be released. My mind seems to be thinking clearer, as I’m starting to knock out things with a To-Do list once again (something I used to always use, but stopped due to not being able to get things done recently).

When I was doing self hypnosis, I used to love the feeling I got after a session; Igor Ledochowski (whose program I was following) labeled it a “mind massage”, and I really liked that way of looking at it.

I feel a similar “mind massage” while listening to the music and Ascension loops as well. I’m pretty certain this same feeling of “flow” will follow me throughout the day.

If I could put the idea of “mind massage” into more coherent words, I’d say it’s an effortless relaxation into the flow of a direction you’ve chosen. It’s like if you were trying to push a big rock uphill, you’d be straining and stressing to do it…and then you realize you could build a simple machine to get the job done…and you have to put a lot less effort into doing what you were trying to accomplish, and you can relax the over-exertion, because you see things just working, and without all the strain and stress - it’s a relaxing into that sort of mindset - that’s what the “mind massage” refers to - just letting go of all the exertion and effort, and letting the mind do what it does without your conscious stressing getting in the way.

Another way of looking at it is in the terms of mindfulness. Mindfulness teaches us to not CRITICALLY judge anything - if anything, we are judging things, but in a benign way “this is good”, “that is okay”, etc. So, when you place a sort of benign (or friendly) attention upon something, it release that thing to just be as it is, and you stop having to use so much brain (energy) power to keep the “negative” feelings from hurting you. Anyway, that may be a bit technical, but hopefully you get the idea; if anyone is interested in this, feel free to ask me, and I’ll tell you more.

Looking forward to my day; got a lot to do to catch up on some stuff I’ve been letting myself slack on lately. Today, I’m going to start knocking things out again, and get my life back on track.


Thanks @Lion - I did actually figure this out, but unfortunately, not before I wrote the reply to you all the first time. I was looking for a quote button, and didn’t see one, but then I selected text to be able to copy it into the box, and was given the option to add a quote. Similarly, I also saw that others were putting an @ symbol next to my username, so I did that, and a context menu popped up, and I saw how it worked.

One thing I’d highly suggest for new people is to send them a welcome message with this info in it - I got the info, but only after I’d performed the actions (I got the badges), I appreciate the badges, but having the info beforehand would have been useful.

Anyway, thanks!

Thanks, I am going to look at it today.


Yes @Uber_Elysium I completely agree with you; I have learned (from other experiences with working with my unconscious mind) that oftentimes it can seem like a coincidence, but that is the power of journaling - so that we can almost do a before / after snapshot of what our life was like, and what it’s like now.

Thank you, I was thinking along the same lines; I read in the pdfs that the more subs you add, the more time it will take to see results…being as I’m evaluating the effectiveness of subs in general, I’ve decided to stick to one for the time being (Ascension) and see where that takes me. It’s your opinion, but your opinion, which is backed up by your personal experience, so I highly appreciate it.

Awesome man; if the subs do actually work, the more honest we can be on here will only help others to see the dramatic differences between what life was like before and what it’s like now. I’m going to look at your journal, I appreciate the link.

Thanks @TheSunlightCaller - I am going to be reading a lot of journals, and journaling myself, so that I can track my progress. Thanks for your warm welcome


Hi @RVconsultant, I am currently following the listening pattern for one ZP sub, which from what I understand is: Day 1, Day 3, and Day 5 (with the days in between these as rest days).

Also, I’m not wanting to add in additional subs at the moment, as I’m wanting to evaluate the effectiveness of them first - to decide if I want to invest more time, money, and energy into this area in the future. I read in the pdfs that came along with Ascension that it would take more time to see results if you add in more subs, so I’m going to stick to one for now.

To answer your question, I had bookmarked all of those you mentioned: Elixir, Rebirth, and Sanguine, along with Godlike Masculinity and a few others. I chose Ascension, because somewhere it mentioned that it was a good foundation for additional subs in the future, and I wanted to work on my positivity and getting my life more under control again.

Thanks for your reply; if you have any suggestions for me, I’d love to hear them.


Immediately after waking up today, I jumped on my treadmill, and starting jogging. I have a routine that I’ve created to get myself back into shape, and I was following that, and my unconscious mind totally hijacked it…I literally had this strong impression not to stop running; so, I walked for a few mins, and then jogged some more (something we agreed on - I think we can speak to our unconscious - and it can speak to us). Anyway, this was definitely out of the ordinary for me, so I’m documenting it.

Also, I’ve noticed that I have a very strong desire (urge) to get into calisthenics all of a sudden. My conscious mind is telling me, “that’s crazy, you’re already maxed out in time constraints”; my unconscious mind is telling me “you need a goal, and it’s time you start working towards one” - so, I started looking up calisthenics training vids on YouTube. This also is very unusual for me, so I’m documenting it as well.


Keep it up my dude, it’s good that you are taking the action necessary and trust me you will start to see results quickly. Soon those actions won’t be unexpected and just be the new normal :wink:

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Keep going much, I wish you success!

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I have to say that I just…feel good…a lot better than I have in a long time. During my weight training workout, I felt a ton of energy, which I pushed right into my workout, and it was a great one. I’m doing a routine to get myself back into shape - I’m using ladders (if you haven’t heard of them, I suggest you look into them if you’re looking to work on strength training and cardio training simultaneously).


@Uber_Elysium, I can’t wait! Well I mean I can, but I’m just excited if that’s what you’re noticing at this point.

@Kyuss, thanks, I appreciate you.


This is day 5 for me on Ascension; I listened to 2 loops this morning upon waking up. I’ve been following the listening guidelines (every other day). I’ve been listening on my phone’s speaker, along with relaxing music playing in the background, simultaneously.

I had an interesting situation come up today. I got in an argument with one of my co-workers over something fairly trivial. In the past, my stance has been that if I have a disagreement with someone over something unimportant, I just ignore them, and let it go. I’ve been one to question my reactions over the years, to wonder if it’s something in me that is faulty or if I really did react in an “accurate” way. I’ve learned over the years, that this is pretty much bullshit, because how we are feeling at any one time, is simply how we are feeling, and that is our truth, our reality, and it’s important to be authentic to that.

So, anyway, back to today, I had this argument, and I stated my stance on the situation, and they stated their stance on the situation, and neither one of us was technically right (it is an example of purely being driven by one’s own opnion, no objectifiable proof per se). Normally, I would have questioned my stance on the situation, wondering if I was inaccurate, and today, I was just downright pissed that the other person couldn’t see it my way. This felt authetic to me, so as weird as it sounds, I felt good that I felt pissed, because I was just letting myself be exactly what I was, without trying to control it or change it in any way.

I wasn’t worried what backlash I was going to get if I let my anger show through, I wasn’t worried about how technically accurate the feeling of being pissed was for the situation, I was just being purely authetic and letting my feeling just show through.

I don’t see myself as having people pleasing tendencies, but this has got me thinking that maybe I actually do, and just have not been aware of it. If I do, it probably stems from my upbringing with my mom, where nothing I could do was ever good enough or just “enough” in general. I learned a long time ago, that I had to just take care of myself, because other people just are not trustworthy and will always let you down or try to use weaknesses against you - as ammunition for example.

This is good, I see some really positive shifts occurring in me, in deeper ways than I had originally thought would occur. Don’t get me wrong, this is no walk in the park, as I have to now face some real tough questions, like have I been people pleasing all these years, and just didn’t know it? Do I have a false sense of security, and only rationalizing that I can only depend upon myself, so that I don’t have to be vulnerable? All these sorts of questions are coming to my mind, and I now need to deal with them.

I definitely prefer this though; you can’t fix what you are not aware of being there in the first place. If you can see it, you can deal with it. Deal with it I shall.

I’m looking forward to this.

Date: 7/16/22

Subliminal: Ascension

Day: 9


I listened to Ascension 2 times through my phone speakers, early this morning, while also listening to a lecture on the history of the Industrial Revolution. I did not hear much, as I drifted off to sleep quite quickly.

When I woke up, I felt pretty normal; then, I noticed myself getting very discouraged quite easily. I began thinking in terms of what I was thinking like 9 days ago, before I started this journey.

I should mention that my daughter had been on vacation with her mom’s family, and my mother also had been gone for 10 days, so I had the house to myself, and that’s when I initially started Ascension and started posting here.

I was doing well, as I could get up, didn’t have to deal with any drama from anyone, and could just take care of myself. Now, my daughter is back, as well as my mother; there is a lot of friction there, and definitely some push back. I won’t go into details, but let’s just say that I can easily manage my own life, yet when I have negative influences around me, it becomes increasingly difficult for me to stay positive and keep attacking life on my own terms. This has led me to become discouraged in the past, only focusing on the problems, and not the good things.

Anyways, I think I am going to listen to Ascension 2 more times today, with headphones on, in order to cancel out any negativity I’m getting from external sources, and have thus begun to internalize.

I would say that this is a positive note; me thinking in terms of how to overcome the negativity I am noticing within myself, instead of just giving in to it, as I have in the past.

I will post here with any changes I notice.

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I definitely think this subliminal is having an effect; I listened to Ascension 2 times in my headphones (while Coldplay was also playing), while cleaning up the kitchen from making breakfast, as well as cooking some chicken for the next week.

I noticed, almost immediately, my attitude began shifting from one of complaining about what was going wrong, to thinking about how I can fix the situation, and more importantly, what I want instead. I know that we usually get what we focus on, but oftentimes, I still find myself complaining about all the things that are not good at the moment, instead of asking myself, “what DO you want?”

So, I’m definitely seeing a measurable effect from listening to the subliminal and will start stacking another one on top of Ascension, because I think I need some more aggressive pushes in the direction of cutting out all bullshit from my life, and moving towards some real and definite goals for myself.