A SubliminalUser is Reborn

  • 5x ST2
  • 1x MFiH
  • 2x EFT
  • OMAD

Pretty good for routines.

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@Dom big thanks for pointing me to Gary Craigā€™s resources. Today Iā€™ve been going through it.


Something Iā€™ve come to enjoy and yearn more for during these times. The social side of me is almost not there. What remains is the desire to be heard. Heard about my challenges. It seems that DR ST1 stripped away all the social motivation that laid upon a faulty foundation (which both ST1 and ST2 are working on) for years. I cannot recall it being like this since sometime in high school.

I will return, though. Iā€™ve got DR and other subs to lead me the right way.

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Dude! You said it much better than I could!:sunglasses::clinking_glasses::champagne:

There have been days over the last two weeks that I would not like to relive, at all. In addition, Iā€™ve struggled to journal more, especially on here. What Iā€™ve noticed though is lots of internal pressure and some pain. EFT has helped a bit, so has Rebirth Ultima.

DR + My healing custom MFiH is just too much right now, so Iā€™ll avoid MFiH once again.

In recent days, that pressure has shifted from the solar plexus/heart area to my throat area. Feels as if something is slightly suffocating me.

My custom healing with DR has really given me some bad reconciliation, but I think itā€™s getting better now that Iā€™m sleeping more.

Do you have any sleep or dream oriented modules or programs in your subliminals?

Iā€™m running only DR right now (with some helper healing ultimas, like Rebirth Ultima).

Thanks for clarifying!

@James how do you think running Elixir with DR has helped?

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Currently on the second loop.

I must say, Dragon Reborn is like no subliminal or tool I have ever used in my life. I was rightā€”completed Dragon Fire was just the end of the beginning. No other healing sub has worked like this, period.

Iā€™m feeling a lot better today, though. VERY productive day at work with a satisfying conclusion in the last hour, followed by a very delectable meal (which is also my meal of the day). My fasting brain truly helped with work. In addition, thereā€™s a very particular market trend that Iā€™ve been following that made it today, just as the stock market closed! This all adds up to good stuff. Iā€™m feeling so uplifted compared to a few days ago.

Also, did I mention that I got a great rating for my performance in the last half (that comes with a nice bump in salary as well as a bonus)? Money isnā€™t going to be an issue, so thatā€™s great.

Weā€™re coming up against the weekend and that means I must be careful. The last few big mood crashes have occurred on the weekend in some form or another, either just because or due to some action. So here are a few precautions Iā€™m taking for myself:

  • No MFiH today. I may run more than 2 loops, but no MFiH. DR ST2 + MFiH just seems to be too much (this was the combo I did last Friday)
  • Working out on Saturday: Havenā€™t done it all week because I was feeling JUST THAT BAD, but now Iā€™ll go for it.
  • Treat myself with an extended eating window: Iā€™ve done OMAD all week. Letā€™s open it up a bit!
  • No major money moves besides financial education. I can tell DR has slightly affected the way I treat money.
  • Plenty of sleep, because that HAS helped me get through this. A sleep supplement is helping me now, but I hope to one day utilize whateverā€™s the best solution available from SC and be free of all sleep supplements.
  • Talk to somebody! I do want to be heard. Maybe Iā€™ll call someone for once.
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Strange dreams last night. I know this stuff is working deep behind the scenes.

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Unexpected hang out with my close friend today. We both had to get our cars serviced at the same dealership.

In that meetup I opened up to my friend about what happened a few weeks ago and he was sympathetic to it. Iā€™m really thankful for him to hear me out and he was thankful that I heard him out on his current challenges as heā€™s in kind of a rut himself.

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Iā€™m very glad to know this! Thank you for posting this about you and your friend.

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I walked outside today and I still felt stuff like ā€œfear of not looking cool when I get seen by somebody.ā€ Shows me that Dragon Blood still has work to do over this next month.

March = 2nd and last month of ST2.

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You look cool to me mate!:sunglasses::+1::grin:


Thanks @RVconsultant!

And I just looked back at these entries and thought wow, all this happened in 28 days??

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Letā€™s take a look at the game plan again. My experience with Dragon Reborn so far indicates that I have picked the right subliminal to work with solo for a while.

Dragon Fire: Dec - Jan
Dragon Blood: Feb - Mar
Dragon Flight: Apr - May
Dragon Reborn: June - July

Beyond this is not certain, because of the availability of what I want as well as what the situation is regarding the pandemic.

  • Asocial: DR U + Man For Himself (could be V2)
  • Social: DR U + Find People and Handle People (working title, social custom)
  • ???: DRU + MFoH + Social Custom (could this be done? Would it be too much?)

Could I run DR ST4 after July? Itā€™s a possibility. Honestly, it depends on whether I can even stack DR ST4 with another main sub effectively. Thereā€™s a lot of open questions which influence my next subliminal selections after DR ST4. Here are some of the criteria:

  • Availability of name-embedding.
  • Availability of the latest power tech.
  • State of the pandemic (this determines when I jump into a social custom, since I find it hard to justify running something like Khan while in lockdown).

A tangent Iā€™d like to add is that I find it unlikely that Iā€™d ever run a wealth-based mainā€”Iā€™ve thought this since day 1 of joining S.C. R.I.C.H. is probably about as far as Iā€™d go (pretty glad thereā€™s a wealth ultima thatā€™s focused on manifesting wealth stuff). So R.I.C.H. will probably appear in my stack at some point.

All in all, Iā€™d say that thereā€™s a long road ahead for me. However, Iā€™m glad that DR is SIGNIFICANTLY shortening that route.

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@Dom do you practice The Personal Peace Procedure for EFT?
@Malkuth looping you in since you do a lot of different practicesā€”have you tried out EFT?

I have to look back in the databanks for this one.

These days when I see EFT, I think of Emotion-Focused Therapy, developed by Leslie Greenberg and Susan Johnson.

But I know that youā€™re talking about Emotional Freedom Technique, which if I remember correctly also shares some roots with the Sedona method of Hale Dwoskin?

Anyway, my main mental association with this is that it involves tapping particular points while reliving/remembering certain aspects of difficult or traumatic experiences. Kind of like a tactile version of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming). I think I played around with it a bit when I was first reading about it. But I did not dive deep.

But I think youā€™re getting a lot of value out of it, yes?

Yea, Iā€™m finishing up part 2 of the gold standard EFT tutorial. https://www.emofree.com/english/eft-tutorial-en/eft-tapping-tutorial-en.html?Itemid=0 I can see why people may not fully realize its benefits as youtube videos donā€™t do it justice.

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