A SubliminalUser is Reborn

@Enchantress @Lisa

Above are some meditation posts. Perhaps you will find them helpful.

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Another notable EMDR experience. I thought about how it was too late to catch up in life with regards to some things (e.g. financially, physically). Flashbacks to things that happened in the last decade (and memories I usually donā€™t think about) came up this time. But then I thought, wait a minute I have QUITE a bit more time! Even better, Iā€™m just in time to utilize some amazing technology (e.g. subliminals) that will allow me to reach my goals faster than ever before. In addition, where I currently stand is significantly better off than a lot of my peersā€”a vast majority of them didnā€™t even bother setting up a home gym when the pandemic hit, for example.

Then I thought about my upcoming hang with a friend (he messaged me a few hours ago, funny enough itā€™s probably one of my manifestations) and how I have been feeling very inwardly-focused recently and that I may not fully feel like it. Then I remembered how people have come and gone throughout my life (felt sad at this point) and I shouldnā€™t take people for guaranteed. In addition:

People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

So I will get myself out there and talk well, connect well, laugh well.


Another session of EMDR yesterday. You gotta try this folks.

Did not like Khan with Inner Circleā€¦ perhaps it was just me but Khan really repels people rather than drawing them in.

Inner Circle seems to work way better on Stark as youā€™re approachable, but really depends though.

I take that back actually because it is rather a misconception ā€“ you will only attract those who are on your level. (on Khan).

@Hermit itā€™s funny because I just read pacmanā€™s thread where you were raving about your khan IC custom.

Feeling bad. Like I want to end it all. Running Sanguine now.

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That helped only for an hour. Gotta take a walk. Feels like everything is collapsing

Are you okay?

You have had so many releases of old stuff lately thatā€™s been supressed, I know that feeling. That usually leaves a feeling of emptiness or a void. It will pass. The walk sounds like a good idea. Stay safe.

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Could be better. Walk helped, then got a call to let me do my dentist appointment a bit early.

At the dentist right now. Feeling a bit better after talking to one of the assistants who just so happens to like the product I work on (work). Nice change in pace.

Yes. I feel like a lot of BS is coming out. Milk tea after the dentist appointment planned!


Hang in there man. There are lots of people who are cheering you on. More rest days? Fewer loops?

If I told you the shit DR has dragged up for meā€¦ you might believe me but itā€™s weird. Maybe Iā€™ll post about it some time.

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Letā€™s cheer on this fellow Dragon! Please see the above 5 posts.










Please read above 6 posts and cheer on our fellow Dragon!











Hey dude.

I completely understand this feeling. I get it.
But itā€™s really not worth it. Please donā€™t do that.

Iā€™m here to talk to if you want to reach out, I understand if not.
However, I can relate more than you know.
Whilst your world might feel like itā€™s collapsing, it isnā€™t. Itā€™s just a feeling.

You are an incredible guy, and youā€™ve got so much to accomplish and youā€™ve come so so far. Keep going my man.

Iā€™m proud of you, and we are all proud of you too.


Thanks for the words B!


Hey man, this will pass. Sometimes your mind makes you feel like everything is falling apart because itā€™s re arranging itself. You will get through this.


Iā€™ve wondered this too! Thank @COWolfe!

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Wow, @SubliminalUser, EMDR. I was using it more when I came here 2 years back, but Iā€™ve not done so in quite a while. It pulls up stuff quickly and clearly, and de-escalating the awarenesses was not really successful for me. I was doing it alone, but in years prior Iā€™d been with therapists and it was common for them to back down when strange emotional awarenesses would surface. I discounted it at first, but when a memory unfolds, Iā€™d often wonderā€¦WTF!? EMDR is no joke. It works, and works quickly.

Pairing it with DR is mighty courageous, imo. Youā€™ve got two powerful, precise scalpels doing work on you simultaneously. Thatā€™s a major move. I have yet to read your larger story of why and how youā€™re using EMDR, so Iā€™ll take some time and read. Youā€™re one in a million doing this.

Youā€™re not alone.


Thank you for posting here and now @subliminalguy!


I think this is a perfect place to add an encouragement.

I bought an EMDR book years ago by one of the major therapists using EMDR to heal inner trauma. It was mentioned that walking, of all things, is healing since it mirrors the left/right movements in the brain. It is roughly equivalent to a good, focused EMDR session. Plus, you expel the tensions coming up too.

And I second this belief. I used to walk a good half-mile stretch near my house when in college. It was mostly vacant at the time, so I could be in my head and, essentially, just calm down internally. A good walk stays with me for hours.

And my mom, who was a lifelong alcoholic (with a lot of unprocessed trauma), told me she used to walk for miles when under stress.

So, Iā€™m here reminding myself tooā€“go take a walk. It does the brain and body good.

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