A Northern Power (Not Nice)

Wow brother i am happy to see you have changed. Almost felt nostalgic when you stood up… reminded me of myself exploding with years of ascension on my head.

What i suggest is what i did…i told everyone to fuck themselfs and created my own job and to add more to the party timed perfectly the birth of my son, my vacations and then left, right before christmas when they needed me the most…conclusion? Store is almost closing and the team…well most left. The bullies? Well they are fucked bcs they are the ones who need to work more and teach the new guys.

Now i earn 100x times more, have more health, have time for family and time for other projects who make me money and also invest.

So start doing some giggs on fiverr or etsy if you are an artist, i can teach you proper trading if you want.

Life is limitless and we need to know our worth… the good thing about covid is that ppl now know what really matters the most…quality time.


@elme Brother, that’s some premier level bad ass boss moves you’ve carried out there. Good for you that you quit that job leaving the bullies and scum in the lurch, because they frankly deserve it. Who is laughing now?

I will address the creative part of my life with a artist custom and take on some of your great suggestions, including RICH. Creatives deserve to be rich.



Those are individuals too.

Who have gone through trauma I need to abuse others to fill their void and to return the pain onto others for what resides deep within themselves.

If you see them as such, victims, it will be not become such a violent threat in your mind…

Victims of the same broken system.

If we see them as threats instead of victims they become enemies. That keeps the perpetual cycle going.

@Michel, I think you are Great person, such creativity, and you have a lot of desire and strength in you too.

All that pain you went through is like using mud instead of water, and your beautiful self within, that needs water and nurturing can never sprout into it’s whole being. It’s been kept restricted by darkness.

What if we can just heal ourselves, become fuller and more whole, and in doing so, without a form of oppressiveness affect our environment; passively?

Imagine our mastery, if our reactions to all that destructiveness (and what it really is—darkness), it just a calm, ecstatic, unwaveringly strong and warm response. A true Man, who is not shaken by the negative emotional, mental, or physical actions perpetrated against him.

Because he feels the deepest of compassions, for he is whole and full on the inside. And this unshakeable warmth and fire of the Soul is like protecting enchantment—keep us alive, and comforted in even the most disastrous of times.

A vibrant, charismatic, strong male without the need for competition for he competes only against himself and the Lion of vulgarity within that needs taming.

I think you can be this strong, healthy, vibrant Man who is whole and full within. Who can set firm boundaries, being strong in his expression but also having such tremendous caring love and warmth to him.

I think as Man we must all aspire to become such Divine emanations.

@SaintSovereign can we have a specific titles for this?

Instead of Godlike Masculinity… Divine Masculinity.

A full Core program to become the ultimate, virtues, strong, incredibly attractive and grounded Divine Achilles. Enchanting, friendly, kind, warm, powerfully strong, grounded, one who carries himself with great strength and deep calming faith.

Someone who knows his manhood, and know what it means, knows the rights and purpose of masculinity and it’s ardent desire for fatherhood and authority over creation — one who knows the ultimate power but does so from incredibly morality, righteousness, and incorruptible honour.

Superman? The ultimate powerful being who does not know weakness nor dishonour because his hard is pure and full.

The hammer from Thor or the Sword excaliber

Who can be pulled only by the worthy and righteous, the one with the Heart that is pure and full.


Breakthroughs from the custom:

  • I’m getting that little bit stronger within, like a hard core is starting to form. Despite having the initial urge to bypass unpleasant feelings by emotionally “leaning” on others, I was forced to cope with it on my own, and I succeeded.

  • Instead of letting things spiral out of control by being passive, I took charge of my last shift by guiding my colleague, deciding on the spot what needs to be done and somehow putting my own needs first. There are a ton of things trying to distract me (noises, two people wanting my attention at the same time, complainers, jokers, idiots etc) but apart from stressing out once, I managed to calm myself down and regain control. Lashing out occasionally isn’t the end of the world, I am human after all.

  • Masculinity means assertiveness, frame and drive. I’m finally finding mine, along with a renewed sense of identity. No more just accepting things from scarcity, If I don’t like something, I have the power to change it for something better and I have the right to do so. Who cares what others think?

@Houdini you’re ultimately right however the darkness of being betrayed needs to work itself out first. The lotus has to wade through shit to get through to the water’s surface. No shortcuts here.


I do agree with your messge but living in reality its an entire different thing.

If no one faced Hitler how was our world today? I have a guess enslaved and 90% of population at that time killed.

So i do agree that we should always aim to be the best selvs we can be, but unless we are an hermit or live in a cave in a more aschetic life style we need to face this type of situations.

We should never pay with the same coin but the fastest way to learn a lesson is to eat your own poison.

The laws of karma exist but we should never be complacent with evil deeds nor should we turn heads whistling to the other side…cowards do that.

Masculine energy is action, is assertivness, is power, is facing any kind of threat coming your way, its protecting the weak…its also facing bullies and give them a lesson they should never forget, so they never do that do no one else.

We should walk the middle path, living in harmony with our enviroment but never be a carpet for ppl to step on just bcs you need to be good, you can be a good person and remain in your power.


110% this all day long. Love and light but nobody should ever accept crap. Speak softly but carry an Uzi.


Emperor core custom highlights:

The challenging

  • At my second work, was given a solo pitch outside, pretty soon a long line of customers formed, I’m panicking inside thinking what the actual fuck have they dropped me in? Usually I have a team around me if I need help… However most of the customers were women and I could always charm the pants off them… Everything was fine at the end, but still… thrown in the deep end, stood upright for 6 hours, no toilet break, confusing directions from supervisors and told to get on with it? Damn that’s a test for dat ass.

The bad

  • I now know why I am far too hyperactive on the job, it’s a stress response from my past childhood trauma. When stressed out and overloaded my brain responses causes me to switch off logic and go into flight/fawn mode. I need to calm down and ground myself for my own sanity.

The good

  • I no longer see myself as a wreck, letting others fill in the blanks on how lowly I think of myself. Now I just don’t care, I don’t even think about trying to plead/beg/cajole for approval! My self container has content in it and outside prods and projections has little effect on me.

The courageous

  • Decided to leave the first workplace! It happened so quickly. I’ve filed for a transfer, I’ve had enough. I got that job in my previous non-custom state where I was still a junior Emperor, subject to nonsensical jabs and back gossip for just being there. Now, I took action and made the jump myself - felt the fear and did it anyway and found out the universe is giving a helping hand.

Lesson learnt. People are cruel and will take from you, but only if I let them. Boundaries, less tolerance for crap and a much better self definition helps a lot in overcoming and thriving in life.


Definitely understanding this, the boundaries theme is hitting me hard, going through my past.

I realize yours is experiential though, Awesome update Michel. I enjoyed reading it very much. Keep up the great work bro!


The good:

  • Standing up for myself took a new turn where I went nuclear by emailing several senior managers in regards to how much I get screwed over in this job – and got a response! Still not as vocal and strong in my opinions as I would like, though.

The bad:

  • Got let down heavy by my place of work. Tried to get a transfer to another city where staff say they need people, then got let down by management.

The ugly:

  • Morale at the shop I’m working in is getting lower by the day – a manager who lashes out when they get squeezed from above by their supervisor. I received some strange fire for having the temerity to take less of my allotted lunch break. Not more, LESS.

What the fuck?

Now several people want to quit, including myself, however I believe this same person has smeared me to other supervisors to stop me from moving away. There’s a reason Ebon Maneuver got selected for my custom.

I realise it takes time to strengthen, so baby steps with speaking out against the bullshit, planning for the future and concentrating on my own talents and how to make the most of it.


Wonder why it’s difficult to get a hold on life because:

Adding Godlike Masculinity to the custom.


Finding the positive

  • Losing a ton of weight around the middle. Prompted to buy some keto powder as I keep hearing radio commercials about it. Well, as an adult I’ve never been this slim and trim.

  • Letting the work situation not crush my spirit, in fact working with a colleague who is very professional was a complete blessing. My boss is unprofessional… But I now have the modules to deal with the situation, which is to run.

  • Also learning how to stand up for myself. Yes there are numerous thieves who steal my peace but those “good” times will come back to bite them threefold. No need to search for justice, it happens eventually.

  • I’m further along in how much more secure in myself “I AM”. I usually feel a sting of insecurity, when in the company of strangers and women, now my self never ever questions if I deserve to be on earth. Courage Rcclaimed made me take the leap to another city.

  • I don’t feel much reconciliation from the self identity modules (I AM, ARES, Februus). Was expecting a ST1-type breakdown but nope, it is smooth.

  • I don’t like being constantly challenged, but can’t deny I’ve sharpened up. That’s the Emperor Effect.

  • I’ve looked in the mirror. Damn! Masculine, lean, looking like I mean business, taking up space, feeling centred enough not to be affected by hater narcissists, not flinching at the job anymore. Even I caught a fiery female coworker occasionally flipping her hair (she’s already coupled).

Sometimes the drama of work does blind me to the good things happening.


Told you so they are powerful! :pray::pray::pray:

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The good

  • Whilst on the train an Essex boy (US: jock, Chad) with his kid sat opposite me. Before sitting down, he already imposed himself on someone I sat next to. I vowed he was NOT going to do the same shit on me.
    I fucking hate bullies with a passion and had a flashback of all the times I got taken advantage of in the past. I conjured up an energy of “do not even think about fucking with me” and a look that could have killed. He shifted uncomfortably in between wanting to flex at me.

The bad

  • I’ve allowed a (very dominant) work colleague to push me around and bark orders at me for the whole shift. I tried to give a little push back on his antics but felt utterly destroyed and stressed out. After speaking about it to another colleague, I recognize that it is disrespectful to treat anyone like a slave. I still have trouble recognising when to say no to bad treatment (as I’m well conditioned to accept it)

The reason

  • The goal of this Emperor custom ultimately boils down to building what @Malkuth calls ego strength: having strong walls, a fully formed identity, taking care of my health, speaking up, recognising when someone oversteps the mark and taking action against it. My ego strength has always been weak, hence others feeling they could easily push me around, shame, guilt trip and command me with impunity. “He’s too soft, he doesn’t speak up”, like my father said.

Do I have ego strength now? Is it strong enough to keep all the wolves at bay? Not yet, but it is growing each and every day.


What does that mean? How did he “impose himself” on someone?

I love reading your posts @Michel. You don’t pretend and BS yourself or others here, and I honestly take example at times.

I’m not there myself. But your choices give me choices I had not considered.


Behaving in an obnoxious manner that caused another person to sit elsewhere. Like I said, I do not like bullies.

@subliminalguy thank you, being honest with oneself isn’t pleasant and the truth isn’t nice, but its half of the solution.


I agree!

  • Going back to my lack of masculine confidence and the fact that women take advantage of my kind nature, it sounds like I am a Nice Guy who had no strong father presence. So I’ve made an adjustment to the custom with Godlike Masculinity and Ascended Mogul. Emperor is far too much at this time. A downgrade? Maybe but it’s easier.

  • First play – GLM touched upon something upsetting from the past, then healed quickly and then felt happy. Lots of positive energy flowing through my system.

  • However I’m suffering from workplace bullying from my boss, however far from reacting in a panicky mode, GLM has me calm and collected knowing this person has already changed! They picked the wrong person to fuck with. One email to their boss is all it takes. Looking like I may have to jump off the crazy train.

  • Grounded, settled, relaxed, present – love it. Already a female coworker who is very fiery felt a little uncomfortable with the extra attraction I brought. Promising.


Sometimes you have to shift a gear down so you can quicker gain traction. Highest gear is not always useful.

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The power to command, the quiet confidence to know for sure that he will prevail, and the daring to go for it and take what he wants.
A commanding presence even if he doesn’t know it.
Fearlessness–or daring or courage even in the face of fear.
He who dares, wins.
Calm assurance.
The absence of any hint of asking for a favour or appealing to pity.
Directness. Activeness. Effectiveness.
Not hiding behind a flirty exterior never daring to risk being direct.

Classic Henry Makow describing masculinity