A new kid on the block - Introduction

Thank you very much for a warm welcome.
I guess everyone has their own challenges and looking it back I wouldn’t trade my path for everyone else’s. It all got me to a point where I am now and I wouldn’t like to change much of that.

Thanks for the advice I am flirting with Daredevil over the inner circle.
Do you think I will miss out choosing that one over Inner circle ?

thx once again.

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Thanks a lot.

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All scripts have a form of Inner Circle to propel the scripts goal. Adding a standalone version will have its own merits such as a broader potential pool of manifestation that is not exclusive to a major title’s goals, such as romantic, hobby/fun, even healing; as opposed to just financial as an example, since it will also be empowered by your conscious desires. Ultimately, it will be up to you. If you have troubles socializing, it might be a good idea to use Daredevil.

I’d wait a bit before jumping to either. Regen and AM might tackle and eliminate whatever is holding your expression on their own, opening up new options for you to choose from.

I hope that this was helpful :slight_smile:


Welcome brother,

My personal suggestion would be Spartan + either Ascension or Primal.

Ascension/Primal will accomplish the same goal of improving your self worth/self image whilst at the same time improving your social circle, they just have different side goals so i’d read each page and see which gels with you best.

Spartan will work on strengthening and improving your health whilst at the same time, and more importantly, giving you the mental strength and discipline to brush those health fears aside. I’ve also had a hernia and it left me with such a strong lingering “i can’t lift this it’s too heavy and may cause my hernia to come back” mentality which was completely fixed by listening to spartan for a few weeks.

I’d stay away from regen and healing for now, focusing in on healing is a big time investment and since you’re already running your own business the insecurities and things it could bring up might do more damage than good. Any program you decide on will heal you in a sense, you just decide if you want it to be a slow gradual process or to really fixate in on it for a few months (the latter often feeling very disruptive).


Can you elaborate on examples of damage ?! Did you run regneration while having a business?!

Thank you for warm welcome and suggestions.
Spartan looks good, however, from description, I got the impression its more intended as a workout enhancer than anything else?

I will stick with these 2 only and once I see improvements in that area might add something more.
I have learned that anything worthwhile in life takes time, so I am not in a rush here.
Pilkington suggested that I take spartian and ascension.
While spartian looks cool,from my understanding s for workout mainly.
What are your thoughts on this?


Which 2 are you referring to? Ascended Mogul + Paragon, or AM and Regen?

Spartan is a great program, especially for the mental fortitude. IMO, if you have no desire to workout or train in any form, then you’d be wasting a lot of processing energy, most of the script would go to waste. Might as well just take Limit Destroyer, or something similar for mental fortitude.

I think you’re good with AM, you fit the description of Mogul as well.

No need to be in a hurry like you said. Within a week or two on AM, you’ll get a clearer vision of what you need to add and work on in your life.


I am referring to AM + Paragon.
Yes, mental fortitude is really, really important for me as I often feel weak and overwhelmed by things.
Also physically I am a pretty big guy ( 190cm, 105kg) with pretty mean skills (10+ years in MT and boxing with over 70 matches combined) and yet I dont see myself as that strong and sturdy dude, rather the opposite.
I do have an interest in a workout, however, for the past few years, I am constantly blocked by injuries of some sort and motivational issues. Like I would begin training, do it for a month then my knees begin to hurt really badly, I need to stop for a week or 2, lose motivation, then resume.
And that cycle repetes with something else soon.

I am pretty sure to go with AM, just not sure what else to add next to it.
Options are Spartian, Paragon, Regen, Limit Destroyer .

Have to admit I feel bit confused by paradox of choice here, so I might just pick one and start doing shit :slight_smile:

Brother man, you also fit the description for Spartan :smiley:

AM, Spartan and Paragon will fit you well.

Ascension will work on your weaknesses and destroy them, however, those weaknesses might be broad, depending on what’s inside that heart of yours; so with conscious effort, or just in due time, it will target those ones relating your fitness and martial arts journey. Spartan will directly turn that nonsense that you just said about not seeing yourself strong around; you’re strong in my book and I’m sure in many’s.

Paragon helped me personally in many issues, such as tennis elbow from overworking my arm in the gym, it also helped my with a very old injury in my leg. Broke that thing decades ago and never fully healed right. It should help you out.

Some supplements for joints in case its skeletal related: MSM, Boron, Bone Broth and GLS.

Also, did you get blood work for that issue, specifically E2? Estrogen plays vital role in our bones, when its out of its boundaries it causes a whole host of symptoms, joints function is one of them.

Leave healing aside. Healing > anything else. Healing will overpower any other programs you’re running, it has a higher priority. So no regen for now.

Go with AM + Spartan + Paragon.

I want to ask, why haven’t you considered RICH? Sorry if I’m adding another variable :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m a ZP-enthusiast right now.

These programs are like ninjas the way they slip into your mind and make change so effortless.

I’m very excited about what you will experience in the coming weeks and months. You sound very resilient and like an incredible person with an incredible life experience. Welcome.

My personal recommendation would be to run Regeneration ZP, since some of the issues you mentioned are more about being able to trust that good things will come to you and that you can relax into happy times and positive conditions. The habitual perceptions of the past can be hard to release. Regeneration will help with that. Then in the future when the time is right Dragon Reborn will certainly take things to the next level.

Since you have been quite successful in your external life, I’d prioritize the internal adjustments first.

Then you can also have fun seeing where you want to drive things to next.

I’m a fan of CHOSEN ZP.

You can read the description here:


Thx for the support and awesome reply.
This is really weird with subliminal, when you think you have something, someone else bumps in with some other good program and you know that you could benefit from all of them.

To answer your question about RICH.
Atm financials are not my main concern.
I am doing pretty well financially and while there is a lof of room for improvement getting better there is not my priority right now.
As Malkuth pointed out below I would like to address this internal stuff first before adding “external” stuff.

No I haven’t tried any of blood stuff aside of normal stuff, that doctor subscribes.

Can you recommend or point me out what I should check?

Thank you very much for your help brother your comments have been of tramendeus help.


Thank you for the warm welcome and awesome comment.
I share the same opinion with you that I should work on internal stuff before focusing on anything external ( even social which is my weak point atm).
Regeneration is deffo on my list but right now I chose AM + Spartan + Paragon to be my stack where I hope I will address a lot of my weak stuff and I will add Regeneation next.

How can I get my hands on ZP stuff?
Read in your post these are slowly start to leak in in the December?


Time for the obligatory explanation.

My username @Malkuth is a concept from Qabala/Kabbalah mystical teachings that matters to me very much. It represents the reason that I came to Sub Club. I am not connected to the company even though your files contain a name with that same word.

I know no more than you about how titles are made or when they will be released.


Just a regular hormonal panel, like your Testosterone profile and Estrogen. If its estrogen related, they’d just prescribe you a pill that would regulate them levels to normal and you should feel better.

With the approach that you’re taking, I think that you’ll have a successful journey :slight_smile:


Thanks, made a move yesrterday and got AM. Spartan. Paragorn and Rebirth.

Staerted a journal , so lets see how it goes :slight_smile:


@Sinnology welcome to the forum. SC has two founders both are smart intelligent men. I am one of the veterans of the forum alongside WhiteTiger, OldChap. We assisted the founders in developing their products by consistent feedback. Back in the way we were always chatting to fire and saint. Then the community got rather big and we employed two excellent moderators @DarkPhilosopher and @RVconsultant.

DarkPhilosopher is a funny bloke and well versed in the use of subliminal technology.

Both raphael and Malkuth are the true oracles of the forum. They have acquired their wisdom through the use of subs and life experiences.

Health is vitally important i mean what is wealth without good health. Good luck with your journey friend. I love Slovenia by the way i have travelled their many times :slight_smile:


Blackadder thx for the intro and broader perspective.
Yes, it’s one of the nices countries in the world IMO. And it’s small enough that wherever you land I am about 1hr away, so next time you are around, stop by for a coffee and chat :).



Welcome SubClub forum, mate! :slight_smile: its a best place- great products and great community!


Thank you, Dimitry.
Looking forward to commuting with all of you.
