A Decent Rule of Thumb for Beginning to Work With Subliminals

Here’s an interesting rule of thumb to apply when getting into subliminals:

The subliminal will improve my chances of success with a target goal by at least 35%.

Keeping this rule in mind, you’ll want to choose goals where you already have at least a 40% to 65% chance of success without subliminals.

That 35% number is an estimate. Moreover, as you work successfully with subliminals over time–improving your familiarity, competence, and confidence with them–that number is going to increase.

So, imagine that you’ve chosen an “impossible” goal. One in which you currently have a 0% to 5% chance of success. You run the relevant subliminal and then go out and try to meet your goal…and you fail. You fall short.

But guess what? The subliminal did its job. It did increase your chances of success…to about 35%.

So, particularly at the beginning, be wise and discerning in how you select your target goals.

Doing so :

  1. will make you happier because you’ll be meeting your goals, and
  2. will help you to gain confidence in working with the subliminal programs, opening things up for them to help you even more


  1. will help to keep you out of the ‘passive-observer waiting for a handout’ mentality and keep you involved as an active participant in meeting your goals.

This is not a formal or official Sub Club guideline. It’s a theoretical observation from another user just like you.


Hum I’m curious how you’d see that number progress over time or a general time-laps to get it there ?

Or was it for ultima subs ? Like those one’s who only need 1 loop ?

@Simon and this is why he’s hyphenated :wink:

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Dont think in time frames. With conscious effort (and a bit of help of the subs) you can over time achieve steps that gets you closer to your goal and that in turn increases your chances of achieving your goal.

Thinking in time frames can get you in, what malkuth mentioned as “passive-observer waiting for a handout mentality”. Simply listening to the sub alone is not gonna be enough, you gotta take action.


I understand what you mean, my though was just about the possibility to increase the number in general over-time.

Like for exemple when you start it give you a nice boost of 20% then after 3 month 35% and 6 - 50% (and I don’t think it stop at 100% because you can always do it ''harder, faster, stronger" )

In my current journey in subs, in both that I’m using, I’m doing active work toward the goal too :wink:
I’m not resting on the sub just to be sure to be understood

(it’s just that my question is quite 1st degree, like taking the observation of Malkuth as an all-time truth, so maybe it sound a bit confused)


In my experience its hard to really put a timeframe on things, as the effort you put in and action you take directly contributes to how much the sub can even do. For instance, i did stark 2/3 months during lockdown before college started. During that time i barely had any relevant changes as i just couldnt take much action. Than when college started and everything opened up i started taking real action and in a months time ive seen far far more changes (wether they be from the sub or because of the effort i was putting in) than in any of the previous 3 months.

I do agree that the longer you run a sub the more you can get out of it though.


Really good point. This is incredibly important when building customs. It’s way too easy to get excited and put together a wishlist custom that’s not in the realm of your current capabilities.


This awesome, interesting perspective on subs… On Target :dart::dart:

My opinion this perspective is applicable for goals that related mostly with outer manifestation (money, women، etc

While goals that deal with inner change for example(( Paragon,elixer, regeneration etc )) this mental model may be not applicable . Because already the sub is working directly with the user .


I agree with this. It is more useful to create an environment where you can take action than simply listening for a long time.

I haven’t changed much during the vacation, but I’ve been showing a big change since the semester began.

Although simple time can improve, we should slowly evaluate how well qualitatively productive we have achieved.

Of course, it is essential to secure some time because appropriate rest and brain adaptation are required after subconscious use.

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I imagine the subliminals’ effectiveness would grow similarly to how all organic phenomena grow.

In short, there will be periods of plateau with no discernible external improvement, there will be sudden leaps of increase, and there will be other periods in which there’s a gradual, constant improvement.

We should be clear here that, in fact, what is actually growing and progressing is not the subliminal stimulus—that remains consistent and constant throughout the process, rather it is your systemic capacity to respond to and integrate the subliminal that is progressing.

That is the growth process we are talking about.


this is the most important rule of thump i think

ive fallen into this trap many many many many times, and im still im lol

a good way to solve this trap, is to imagine yourself that you never discovered subclub
and that youre alone on your journey to achieve that goal or that purpose

when you adapt this mentality, you will do your best and take action consistently because subclub never existed right? so its all on you the heavyweight and everything

thats a really good way to adapt a mentality of action and never waiting for a passive change that happen out of the sky, you have to do the work, then the subs will be more effective and you will build more habits that create that reality

cause our subconscious has lots of limiting beliefs and those beliefs has some sort of effectiveness and weight to their existence, they have been around for years and years repressed with some emotional weight with them.

those belifes are like mike tyson inside fighting any change that you wanna create, hes too strong hes gonna knockout any change, if you just gonna throw jake paul into the ring (passive mentality)

and wait for jake paul to win on mike tyson, you’ll wait a long time.

cause mike tyson has been there with years and years of experience and practice (your old limiting belifes and their emotional effectiveness and blockages)

and jake paul is just a new guy who just started boxing and have almost 0 experiences inside a ring
(the Subliminal that youre trying to introduce without implementing action with the process)

however if you invite jake paul to the ring and add a friend to assist him, 2v1

they will beat mike tyson, no matter how strong he is , better power and force

but it will take time, but way less time than letting subs just do the work

funniest example hahhahahha but i hope its clear

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How did you come up with that number?

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I have a different experience
I think this is a good realistic number to gauge generally
but there are x-factors for me
something like seduction/ dating - using subliminals strongly oriented around that
increase the effort I put into, natural occurrence, and effectiveness of that by closer to 90%.

HOM likewise increased the possibility of large commissions and income that was not even on my radar-so closer to 70% rate of success

Where as my main goal of financial independence and my own business given where I was at while I started was closer to 20-30% chance of success- so while Emperor moved things towards the goals- I have yet to break escape velocity-so I can see it added around 35% movement in that direction.

Of course I am making all this numbers up-but the point still comes across.


You’re definitely not a beginner.

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