8 Months of EoG (and others) - SHADOW WORK 2022!

Funny, I just saw in my YT feed a clip with Alan Watts who had this title.

Also about what you said that Khan tuned you spiritual, that makes sense to me as Khan removes a lot of toxic things and brings you closer to your true nature as a man. Sometimes we need to reset the body and mind and things will flow naturally again.


Day 4 - Primal ZP

Uuhh I am liking this.

There is an insanely comfortable calmness to Primal. Like a Predator, like a Wolf, waiting to attack at any given moment.
Just wandering through the world, not thinking about anything or anyone, what they think of me.

Just me and the wilderness.

Although it FEELS like sex will be raw, to finally unleash that power. We’ll see once it happens.

On another note, some healing still lingers around and made me realise ALL the mistakes I made in my relationship ever since I got into it. And how everything that came to be was an extension of my mindset and the things I did.
Virtually, the woman my wife became is 100% my creation. I always said your woman is exactly what you make of her. And I am not satisfied with that creation rn. But it’s not her fault. It’s mine. Many DEEP insights gained in the recent days.

As it runs right now, I’ll likely come back to Khan sometime this year. Building the foundation now, EoG will stay, 100%, maybe I add a Stark Khan at some point. We’ll see.

I might however skip Khan ST1 right away.


So idk if it’s Primal or EoG but I just came across this video:

And it resonated on SO MANY LEVELS I can’t comprehend.

I realised I do this ALL THE TIME. And considering my past, it makes a lot of sense.
It feels like Primal EoG is JUST the stack I need right now. Yes it’s not DIRECTLY healing, but it tackles the issues I need fixed the most rn.
My self-belief and money/success-beliefs.

Also this guys channel is LEGIT. Check it out!


Btw I do exactly the same with subs.

Whenever a sub starts to run well, I switch… self-sabotage even on Sub-levels!


So the 7 minutes of a 15 min title seem to be the golden path for me.

I never had so quick results than I do right now with just running it for 7 mins.

Been journalling like mad all day, many realisations and insights, but I want to share a bunch of them here as well to be reminded.

One of which is about money

A fallacy of mine:


Reminds me of that old Swiss cheese joke with the holes in it:
More Cheese = More holes
More holes = Less cheese
So: More cheese = less cheese


Obviously it’s bs, but it’s the same idea.

But this is definitely a mindset I cultivated due to money being tight in my childhood and my mother’s issues with it.

So by spending every penny I make, and sabotaging myself money-wise I avoid feeling that pain from childhood again.

Got this from a video the guy above also made.

Clearly EoG manifesting that Youtube channel.
By the way, anytime I run a sub I come across a new channel that has all the answers lol

EoG ST1. What a KILLER.
Absolutely what I need rn.

Being aware of this detrimental mindset of mine is already the first step. I don’t need to be afraid of losing money, because I am not dependant on my parents again. I have my own money. And losing some of it is not painful. Also, it might not even happen.

Gaining money DOES NOT equal pain.

Fear of success…


I used to have the same issue. It seems that ZP has fixed it.

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So I found my personal SWEET SPOT listening routine for ZP, @SaintSovereign might be interested in this.

After overloading myself a ton, I reduced and reduced until I am finally at the point where I get immediate results with almost no recon. Virtually none. And the results stay. There is no up and down.

And that is:
2 subs a week, one loop each, just 7 minutes of the 15.

Which makes it:
Monday: Sub 1 for 7 minutes
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Sub 2 for 7 minutes

This leaves me with only 2 subs OR if I run 3 subs, then the third one takes place of sub 2 in the second week.

So I have one core sub I always run on Mondays, and the Thursday sub can be exchanged on a weekly basis.
After 21 days, as usual ofc washout.

Mind you, this is FOR ME. For some this might be a little too few loops, but then again, considering how many people keep overloading themselves, maybe y’all need to cut down. Except @Invictus :smiley:


I’ll be interested to see if this interval remains constant or if it changes as your mind adapts to the stimulus over time. (Say 1 month- and then 3 months out.)

Either way, this seems like a valuable observation. Especially since a great many listeners engage with programs in briefer time frames (e.g., 1 to 2 play periods).


I was thinking if this is maybe just an initial pattern to get used to it. I will report.


That’s an interesting listening routine. Thank you for sharing.


Day 9, yesterday EoG ST1 and AC

I need to report from last weeks Primal run. Holy hell.

What a great sub!

Things I noticed right away:

  • Lack of social shaking like GONE. I thought I was already good at this, but Primal supercharged it.
  • Complete inner self-confidence, relaxation, that all is well
  • Superfast status rise, I could tell because my wife was immediately shit testing me which I easily passed

I feel just SO FINE in my own skin. I wouldn’t be anyone else.

I also KNOW what I want. My standards have risen a lot. I am not putting up with bs anymore, and I am clearly saying what I want. This keeps happening over the last days, where I see things I don’t like and I need to work on them. Mention them.

One “negative” thing is that it keeps me a bit focused on the things which are not right. As opposed to Chosen that made me accept and forgive.
However, I think the former is the better approach for now, because I NEED to fix these things, otherwise the emotional undercurrent won’t leave.

Also I did notice the Inner Game a lot. I feel aloof. Sexually fine and “ahead” of my wife for example. SHE needs to put in some work because she’s been slacking.

I still understand the situation we both find ourselves in but I am done accepting mediocrity.

I am also completely outcome independent.


Why subs made things worse

I saw someone recently mentioning that ever since he ran subs everything went to shit. Exaggerated, but I had a similar thought.

Like, when I started my self improvement years ago with the Red Pill, etc. I slowly became better with women, my confidence, my life, etc.

Ever since I started subs, specifically healing and from Khan, things got worse at first. And I was like, “why the hell is that?”
I felt better, but externally something was off.

Until ever since my recent Primal ZP run I realised what’s going on.

Before the subs, that confidence and “knowledge” of women was based on insecurities.
The FOUNDATION wasn’t there. I still was anxious every now and then in interactions. Consciously I forced myself to apply the knowledge, subconsciously I was still weak.
Same with money, myself, other people, etc.

Only NOW, since I am on Primal and I don’t feel any anxiety in a fight with my wife, or openly voicing my need with people, have I realised that NOW, TRUE confidence is being built. I clearly see the difference. Because now the subconscious and conscious mind are in tandem. They’re not fighting each other. They belief the same things.

So, yes, it got “worse” at first, but that is because the foundation was built on sand. Now it is built on concrete. It had to be broken down (hello Khan) to build all of it on proper soil.

Well, healing is tough :wink:


How long have you been on EoG stage 1 now?

Trying to remember if you’ve run Dragon Reborn yet. And I’m pretty sure I’ve already asked you that question. Sorry.

2 loops.

I haven’t, yet. At some point definitely want to though.


My goal is to do at least three 21-day cycles of EoG1. I believe. I have a lot of stuff to clear.
Have you seen any good changes yet after two cycles?


For me, cycles are a 21 day cycle.
I only did 2 LOOPS so far :wink:

But, from this I noticed:

  • Productivity is way up. It’s also focused productivity. I always had the issue of jumping around. Now I get shit done.
  • In my mind, I am already rich. Time just needs to catch up. Like, it’s not just a want, it’s CLEAR in my mind that at some point I will make it. It’s not a question.
  • I am emotionless when I make money. This is vital. When a new sale comes in, there is no “hoorah” kind of feeling. It’s normal, natural. This is important, because you already need to FEEL and operate as if you were a rich person. When Saint makes a sale, I doubt he is jumping around, dancing. It’s normal. So I already feel as if this is daily normalcy.
  • Regardless of reality not being close to my mindset, it doesn’t clash. I see what’s what and I work on things, well knowing it’ll all be fine.
  • I feel free.
  • I also feel more creative when I do things.
  • I see ZERO restrictions for what I want to do and how I go about it. I don’t think about potential failures. I just do it.

Good to hear your report on this sub. Curious if you would still run R.I.C.H. if you went back / how it compares with what you’re doing now. I also have the same question of Mogul if you used it.

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I will add RICH at some point along this journey for sure.

I mean, EoG works on the beliefs etc, but manifesting money is never a mistake, is it?
RICH stacks well with any wealth sub.

Mogul I did not run, it’s a baseline business-building sub IMO, and I already have that. What I need is the beliefs, etc.
Mogul is good if you have nothing and you want the financial foundation set up as a single stager!


Day 10, processing

Let’s have a quick review on Primal which I will run again tomorrow.

  • Complete lack of social shaking or ANY social anxiety. I never talked this freely to people.
  • I became quieter. I am more inwardly pointed. Pondering. Not blurting out any thought (which is a good thing).
  • ABSOLUTELY ZERO INTEREST IN PORN. Wasn’t expecting this, but that cures any porn addiction right away imo. You’re just TOO GOOD for that shit.
  • On the topic of too good. I have insane self-belief and confidence. I am dominant by nature and I actually noticed that in my wife, she became a bit intimidated, which was followed by testing that frame. Which I passed ofc.
  • I don’t feel above everyone else. I feel I am good, as most people are in their own sense. I just like myself a whole lot. Including my body.
  • Zero external validaton. When someone congratulates me I don’t even recognise this really, because I KNOW it’S good what I am selling and doing. So they’re just confirming what I know.
  • This is also super helpful when it comes to women. Because I don’t expect anything of them. Well, I have standards, which you could also call expectations. But there is no hard feeling if it doesn’t happen. I just know I’ll find someone else. And life will be good.

Last part might also be from Ascension Chamber which made me REALLY calm and positive towards the future. Ha.