8 Months of EoG (and others) - SHADOW WORK 2022!

I also do notice that Chosen generally keeps me TOO much on the “all love and good side.”

Not the fault of the sub, I might just be TOO available for that sub to make proper use of it.
I definitely need the GLM runs to balance it out. That seems to make it better, but it also gives it this conscious reconciliation I am currently experiencing :smiley:


I just realised I fell prey to what Nietzsche meant with the Slave Morality.

If you want everything to be good and never offend people (I am not doing it, but internally I feel this is like the world SHOULD be) then you cover your cowardice with morality.

There is a difference between not fighting things or letting go of things because of virtue, because you’re a bigger man (holding the other cheek) and doing it out of fear.

By JBP’s means the shadow, and the anger/beastly side of it will help you to face that fear and pull through regardless.
Nice. I actually thought I already knew all this, but GLM definitely brings it to the forefront more clearly. With better understanding. Deeper integrated.

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It’s so interesing how the subconscious mind works and/or how life makes the things happen you want.

Because it always needs to happen in a way you don’t expect.

For example, I always edited my videos with Final Cut Pro X by Apple. Recently, somewhat randomly I applied at a company for a video editing job for some extra cash and improve the skill.
They said they only edit with Adobe Premiere Pro.
So I checked it out in the Trial.

Turns out it has a super powerful auto transcribe functionality, with which I could make my TikTok videos for my brand much better which are now exploding, thus playing into the wealth scripting from the subs. Because it makes me more money.

Literally the most confusing, unexpected ways is how life makes the things happen you want.
Or from the subs.

Look in the weirdest places and connect the dots and you’ll see the subs working.


Day 115, GLM/AC

So it’s been a while since I journaled here because it’s a deep, internal journey for me.
Interesting revelations:

  • My relationship with sex changed COMPLETELY. 0 external validation from it, 0 “I need it to have a running relationship”, 0 “I need you to do this and that,”
    I don’t even want sex. It’s more of a connection thing we engage in every now and then. MASSIVE change. Awesome.
  • I notice my masculinity being NOT influenced by how I portray myself. As in, I am not trying to BE a specific type of masculine guy as it is portrayed everywhere. I AM myself and that is good. Having fun with that. Being that.
  • TRULY relaxed and chill. I don’t care about most things, I just go on with them.
  • Having a lot of fun with feminine energy outside of the sexual context.
  • Finally overcoming an old addiction:

I have been addicted to porn for about 15 years. I kicked that a few years ago, so I am not watching it right now. But I do notice, when I am overexposed and hunting dopamine, I am eager for sex/porn/etc.

However, after reading the EasyPeasy Quitting Porn method in the other thread, I realised I have been using the willpower method (which rarely really works), or rather, has the problem of being able to fall back into old habits at some point.

So while this method helps A LOT to understand what’s going on, I still decided to build a custom that tackles this ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Here it is:

  • GLM Core
  • Sanguine Core
  • Quit Porn and Masturbation
  • Inner Gasoline (to transmute the energy)
  • Eye of the Storm (yes, porn is not a habit but and addiction, yet I feel like this module will help)
  • Divine Self-Image (to value my body more by NOT doing porn)
  • Path of Forgiveness (forgiving myself and the evil people who created this trap)
  • New Beginnings (to REALLY dig deep and find any bs still related to porn NEED)
  • Courage Reclaimed (for good measure)
  • Mountain Breaker (EasyPeasy mentions that porn isn’t really hard to quit, still, this module seems powerful, even if it just gets rid of that)
  • Stronger
  • The Wonder (for a bit of positivity and seeing the good in all)
  • DEUS
  • Yggdrasil

As you can see, this custom makes it possible to keep running GLM, is still narrowly focused on just masculinity and the porn quitting. Again, I am currently not doing it, but I want to have it ALL removed, or even the slight “fear” of falling back onto it.


I am still pondering between Ascension and GLM. You seem obviously very satisfied with GLM.

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Imo these are way different.

GLM is really focused on Masculinity. Ascension is status.

Not the same.

There are overlaps, especially since Ascension is somewhat broad in what it does, still. GLM is very narrowly focused. I wanted to focus fully on masculinity first before I go more into status, sex, etc.


May the force of masculinity be with you.


Honestly the best result from GLM so far might probably being the masculine leader.

As in, I don’t want to change my wife (or anyone) into someone else, just to adhere to my needs.

I want them to be THEIR TRUE SELF. FULLY express themselves.
Which is why I am pitching Chosen of Nature to my wife. And I am not even telling to just run it as I did with all subs before. I sent her the objectives. Her decision.

I think this is true leadership. If she asks me, I help her. But I am not forcing anything on her.
That gives her a lot of personal power, while I still help her solving her issues.

While writing this, I realize this might be a result from my Emperor/Chosen custom still lingering around more than GLM. Who knows.

Either way, it feels good.


Came across the anthem of Dragon Reborn:

To all you Dragon Riders out there. We will Remain :wink:


Are you waiting for this? Did you order it already?

Already ordered but please still say anything you have on your mind.

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Foundation and maybe Pride Unbroken.


Good suggestion for sure!! Especially pride unbroken !!

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How’s that been effecting your sex life? What’s your wife’s reaction to that, positive or negative? Sounds like a powerful frame that would benefit you both, but I’m curious about how that plays out in reality.

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We never had so much fun while having sex. Simply because I (!) don’t put pressure/expectations on her anymore, so she can let herself go. Enjoy it. Be free. Etc.

Plus, way less performance pressure for me, because I just enjoy the moment.

Also told me yet again, that if the sex life sucks, in 99% of cases it’s the guy putting pressure on her.

Stressed women don’t fuck well :wink:

Positive from my POV, simply because she now also chases me sexually sometimes. In other words, she is more sexually available because I am not hellbent on it all the time. She can relax.


Jesus christ those are good results. You should post them on GLM disc. thread

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I just built a custom and debated putting this in, but decided the risk of the energy NOT transmuting and effecting my productivity was too great. Would love to see how transmutation goes for you

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Will report back!

Day 120, UNCHAIN Custom

Ran the custom I mentioned above yesterday. Felt a slight overload. It might also be that Path of Forgiveness and/or New Beginnings fark me up a bit, feeling a bit low.
Still, it’s important to run this.

I might stack it with CWON for a bit of positivity.

Generally, tho, I feel GLM making me real chill and unperturbed. Which also helps a lot with this custom!

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Day 122, rest day

I really love The Wonder module.
The joy it brings just in every day life is insane. Colors are more vivid, life is more fun in general.
Paired with Sanguine and GLM which just makes you SUPERLAIDBACK this is awesome.

I generally feel awesome regardless of what happens.

The confidence is also going through the roof. I feel like I can tackle everything without issue.

What Stop Porn did though is killing my libido. But it feels like it’s healing. As in, it is removing that shallow-porn-induced sex-drive that just focuses on fucking, and I am slowly developing a more mature sexuality, more focused on energy and interaction. I can literally FEEL it.

Plus, as someone else mentioned, any old porn-thoughts or images from the past popping up get ZAPPED right away lol
I am FOCUSED, sexual energy REDIRECTED into my endeavours, or even using it to create sexual tension with my wife.

Also I am starting to realize why the Red Pill is so bad in marriages. I feel like I am truly getting what @Luther24 has been through. Congruence, as well as, understanding that the Red Pill just uses manipulation to get what they want, instead of PLAYING with the feminine, having fun, being vulnerable and open without losing frame.

I love these narrow subs, they tackle issue HARD and DIRECT.


Day 127, Chosen of Nature

Last loop before washout (and the only CWON loop). Rest of this cycle was only GLM and/or my GLM/Sanguine/StopPorn custom.

The first thing I did after the Chosen of Nature run was set ALL my apps on light mode lol
The darkness sort of triggered me :smiley:

Outside of that, over the last days with the custom, I noticed something: I don’t care about just lust anymore, I want a deeper connection with my wife.
Sex is cool and all, but once you have enough of it, you can do 2 things:

  1. Rail a new woman every now and then for the novelty thrill
  2. Build a deeper connection with your existing one to gain more from that

I chose 2 now.
BUT, I also noticed how love vanished a little bit over the past months. I was very focused on myself, inwardly, etc.
I wanna get back on this. And since I wanted to test Chosen of Nature anyway, let’s see what it does.

Next cycle we’ll be back on EoG, this time Stage 2, plus Heartsong and maybe my custom again.

I also realised a perfect new sub pattern for me.
Since ZP sticks around for 30ish days, and sometimes results are diminished when running a sub (installing) I figured I iterate each cycle on the genre.
I.e. right now it was masculinity, next cycle money and love. Then masculinity/sex again.

So whenever I am running a different genre, the last cycle can be reconciled.

That seems to work better for me than constantly running the same sub.
I got the sickest results from EoG ST1 after I was OFF of my 3 cycles. Interesting.

To anyone wanting to have numbers.
I made $10,000 last month. Before that I was at about $500-$1000 / month with my business.

plAceBo, bRo.