8 Months of EoG (and others) - SHADOW WORK 2022!




So even with EOG not making you more productive you made more money?

Yes, because it manifested a marketer who wants to grow my brand to $1m.

And I ramped my coaching, prices, and placement to high ticket, so there’s that.

Now, this manifestation was easy, because I already had this business.

But still, money mindset is key. When your subconscious is properly set up for money, it just rains in.


Thanks I understand, it unlocks manifestations plus a full money mindset with strategies that don’t necessary mean work harder but work smarter.
And I read that combining it with Sanguine and GLM helped you handle the stress and/or pressure.

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Oh man! Thats exactly what Ive been doing since January aproximately.
Intuitively finding the best balance between good results and growing in different areas.


Honestly, before EoG I would have NEVER charged $5k for my coaching, even tho it’s easily worth it. There was just this blockage in my mind that I am stealing from them. But now, people are telling me they get so much value I should charge more. So it really was all in my mind!

Yes, absolutely! GLM and Sanguine is a powerful combo to deal with everything that comes your way.

Nice, has it been working well for you it seems? I only just thought of it, and will try going forward!

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Very well actually, it helps with the “want it all” syndrome :rofl: and usually 2 cycles is enough to notice results and you can go add a different area.

What Ive done is have 2 areas in a cycle, like Well Being (Spartan) and Money (Emperor)… go like that for 2 cycles and then change one.

Spartan gave me such great results that I changed it and gave it a go on a Sexual/Romantic area… so I did Heartsong and/or Diamond with Emperor.

After a couple of cycles removed Emperor and went back to Spartan…

I dont know if the idea is clear… but if I have 3 main areas I want to work with, Money, Well Being and Romance. I focus on 2 areas for a couple of cycles then replace the one with best results for the 3rd one… then after 2 cycles replace 1 of those ( the one with most obvious results) for the one I took out previously.

More than 1 title could apply in one area.

One could argue that doing it this way will take a lot more time than just focusing on 1 area for months at a time, then do the next one.

The things is this strategy works better for me because I have more than 1 area of my life I want to improve and this helps me make improvements in a more balanced way. Im not looking to “get there fast”. For me is more important to have continuous and holistic growth.


The next cycle Im going for Spartan and my Chosen/Stark custom…
Thats primary focus on Well Being/Self Steem and secondary focus on Money.
The next cycle I will add Emperor to give Money more push.

Edit: On the third cycle I will remove Spartan and replace it for my Heartsong/Wanted custom.

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This is the key.

I think the “get there fast” doesn’t really work anyway. Focus on multiple areas step by step. Seems like a plan.


I still want to do a Heartsong/Wanted stack :smiley: :smiley: You ever did that?

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I have a Qv2 custom with Heartsong/Wanted/Diamond/SexMastery as cores…You figure how that one worked… :wink::wink:


Anyway, I plan to rebuild it in the near future in ZP, but just Heartsong/Wanted. I feel both titles merge in such a cool and profound way.

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Last month’s cycle taking effect!

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YES, definitely need to run that. This combination just sounds like fun :wink:

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Not sure if it is worth it, but what do you call masculinity? I mean I read your older posts and I can’t see any “weaknesses” from your self-image. The Godlike Masculinity subliminal says it helps with “Power, strength, ambition, character, discipline, dominance.”
What did you expect running Godlike Masculinity and what did you get?

Well, I was part of Andrew Tate’s War Room, I know the Red Pill, etc. So you would say I know masculinity. And it did work in my marriage, etc.
However, it was all shallow and surface level.

I was ACTING like the strong, hard guy. But underneath I never solved the issues and traumas. I noticed that after running Emperor for a bit.

NOW, I am TRULY calm, relaxed, and leading from a position of strength.
It’s a completely different feel. Like FULLY different. I am not acting anything, I AM different.

But if you don’t feel you need that right now, don’t worry, the beauty of ZP subs is that they will guide you there anyway.



I would encourage you to get Xist from PheromoneXS. I think they have a European office so that might mean no VAT.



Day 131, washout

Ok so CwoN is INSANELY good. Or it just plays super well into my personality, but, for the first time ever, today I made a client cry on our coaching call. By allowing him to BE himself. TRUE to his nature. Instead of being the red pill guy.

And this is just a small part.

  • My wife is super in love, nice and BUBBLY all the time. Now she runs CwoN herself, so I am not sure who is doing who. But she is TRULY expressing her self. The way I fell in love with her. Being open, funny, joking, having fun.
  • I get a lot of free shit again lol Chosen just seems to do that.
  • General overall mood is SUPER elevated. Paired with GLM this is a GRANDEUR mix. I love life on all levels, but I am also confident and self-assured. I do definitely notice the effect this has on women (not just my wife)
  • The effects don’t seem to vanish. I ran it only for 3 minutes, but every day it keeps improving.
  • While we were at the public pool I was watching the bees flying around on the flowers. Just truly enjoyed that. Plus, when we were going for a walk in the forest, the colors seemed more vivid.
    I even noticed while watching a movie on Disney+ that it seems kinda grey-ish, dull. Nature is just way better.
  • It gets me off the screen a lot. I want to spend time with people and outside, instead of sitting on the PC all the time. However, it does NOT kill my productivity. Then again, my business is a very positive one, so I guess that helps. However, however, since the mood is generally up, working through tedious shit is also not the issue.
  • More minimalistic tendencies again, plus having to clean everything all the time. Throwing out old shit, etc.

Next cycle, I’ll be stacking it with EoG ST2 and RICH.


I need to expand on this.

Because I saw my older self in this man.

I came across the red pill (like most guys) because the wife wasn’t into sex very much anymore.
The Red Pill gives you a group of men that feel for you. Because society is built against you anyway, and they give you a blueprint on what kind of a man to be to get what you want.

Too bad they never teach you how to NOT be chasing sex so much.

All it teaches is manipulation tactics.
OR, if you use it right, to understand its a skillset to increase desire in a relationship. Not a mindset.

Because I am a nice, kind, and positive person.
TRP, as well as Tate and the War Room, made me negative, controlling, manipulating, even a liar. Everything I despise on all levels.
But it sold well because it uses a deep pain to get you. And it’s simple.

You can just blame all women to be hypergamous, and thus you can ignore your own growth, deny it, and just control them by ACTING a certain way.

Much like @Luther24 mentioned.

The issue is not that the Red Pill is bad, and it certainly helped me, but it’s not something you BECOME, it is something you UNDERSTAND. It is a STAGE in a man’s life, and then you need to proceed. Learn to incorporate that knowledge into your own personality.

This was a DEEP and profound realization (prolly mostly from GLM) about myself, who I am, and what I want to be.

Tate sells a blueprint of a man you need to be to get what he has. And it certainly works. But ONLY that way.
Things like “never smile on your IG posts” should’ve told me that this is something to phase you into a certain being.

Still, I am thankful for my time in the War Room, because I probably wouldn’t have the realization I had here and now am able to FULLY be myself, build mechanisms to not be abused, but STILL be able to have tons of great sex, without becoming something I am not.

It was all part of a necessary journey!


Honestly the growth I’ve been through ever since ZP is insane.

Qv2 was cool and all but ZP man. Unparalleled.
So many insights so quickly.



I understand what you go through or went through. But ascension and GLM both help to say goodbye to society programming and norms, also means sub societies. There is only black and white if you want to see it like that, but in real life there is no right or wrong, there is different mindsets, solutions and stuff that lead to different outcomes, some are more helpful than others but kn the end it has to be something that is congruent with you. If it is not there will not be long term happiness.

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