8 Months of EoG (and others) - SHADOW WORK 2022!

Yeah he said less is always possible.

And it’s the same for me. I sit in overload all the time if I run the full 15 min every other day.
Currently I am doing 3 min with 2 rest days. Seems to work fine.


Day 59, processing after AC

Emperor feels REALLY nice. That seems to fit my archetype quite well tbh.
I notice the recon which is definitely manifesting as aggression, but it’s manageable. And the general vibe is MUCH nice. I feel like Marcus Aurelius with an overdrive in sex added on top lol

Supercalm and collected. The sexual aura definitely works.
Naturally due to rise in status the shit tests also increased, but these are also SUPEREASY to handle. Amused Mastery haha

Next cycle Imma see if HOM feels just as good and if it gives it a nice social boost. Emperor definitely is more the lone-wolf kinda thing. Chosen helps to balance it a bit, but the Emperor is strong!

I had weird dreams tonight. I always considered myself a big tits guy. I just like em.
Tonight I had weird dreams, very graphic about women with humongous mongers, but they didn’t particularly look good. And it involved an old women that hit up on me, but absolutely isn’t my type (bit overweight).
So idk what’s going on with this, I suppose Dragon Reborn is shining through. I definitely DO feel that Emperor and DR are a lot to process. I can handle it, but I wouldn’t recommend it to a newcomer.


Also, Primal and Primal Seduction made me an asshole.

Not saying the subs don’t work or are bad, it’s just that this isn’t my archetype.

Emperor has me more on also looking after my tribe. It’s not just fully focused on me. Or its Chosen in it, idk. But on Primal I absolutely did not get the feeling I like, or the results I wanted (from the feminine for example).

It worked like a charm on Wanted, and working great so far on Emperor. So I’d say this is an issue of gel-ing with a sub.

Which I do think it’s important to test a variety of them. Which work well with your nature.


Day 62, processing


is showing its claws.

After Chosen yesterday I felt quite good as always, but today the Drake is raining down on me, asking me a bunch of questions:

  • Do I even love my wife?
  • Do I want to proceed with this life as it is now or throw it all away?
  • Do I just use the jackhammer to create the life I want?

Libido GONE, mood low, etc.

Tough shit. The Dragon is no joke. As always, the method is simple: NO life decisions while on recon :wink:
So I am just gonna sit this out and see what’s what. Until then, keep working!


Aaaand here come the manifestations again.

It’s funny, every time I run a sub, the Youtube Homepage is a great place to be. Because randomly I see a video that just intrigues. New channel, maybe not even much views, but I just gut-feeling-CLICK-THIS.

And today I came around the Jungian archetype of the Joker. The Trickster. Which @friday also predicted that I am.


It applies very well. Just living in the present. No planning, just doing. Enjoying the moment. Blasting creativity to try new things.
The Shadow side being: stirring shit. I can feel home in Chaos. Psychopathic way of not adhering to rules and boundaries. Which has been the case in the past a lot. IDGAF about anything. I was just doing my thing. Over time I lost this.

On a more positive side, this can also mean move society into a new realm. Before Order, there is Chaos. I mean, my channel is literally doing that. I tell men not to adhere to societal rules to find their happiness. Exactly what I am already doing.

Which is probably why I like it so much.

Now the question is how to integrate that part into me. I suppose - as with everything self improvement - awareness is 99% of the game. Knowing it consciously, neurons being changed to be reminded of it more often shall change my behaviour quite a lot, going forward.

I need to accept the darker side of me that just shits with people to see what happens.
Which is prolly also why I liked StarkQ so much, and why Emperor gels so nicely. Emperor is less about talking shit, but more about being withdrawn, in my mind, hustling, and also accepting myself for who I am. Romantically, as in all other realms.

As much pain as DR is right now, I am loving this discovery of self.

Especially with the shadow its an important part, because as we know, if we don’t integrate these parts, they will subconsciously rule us.

Day 63

Feel WAY better today!

But reading @Luther24 post on Wanted and the foundation he built with Emperor it made me realize that I need to do that also.
Building my masculinity, boundaries, and personal power first. Or rather, deepen it subconsciously, because I know most of it consciously already.

Which is why I changed up my custom idea a little bit and now created


Emperor Core
Chosen Core
Emperor Fitness Height Inducer
SPS:Endocrine System
Inner Gasoline
Call of Honor
Courage Reclaimed
Natural Winner
Leader of Men
Lion IV
Ethereal Presence
Fusion Optimized
Approachability Aura
Chosen of Venus
Emotions Unfettered

ALPHA Masculinity overload, with massive physical shifting (Emperor already bulks me up greatly, physical shifting works so nicely on me).
Chosen, Chosen of Venus, Approachability etc for a softer Edge.
I don’t want to be the sole asshole nobody likes to talk to. I want to be the Leader of Men, as the module suggests.

Will keep stacking this with DR and EoG. So it also covers wealth in part, and obviously, sex.

Looking forward to that!

Outside of this I keep digging deeper into Jung’s study on the Shadow. Great topic.


Came across this great clip:

“Who among you will be a leader or creating change?”

“If not you, who else?”

“Our fear of using our godlike potential is bigger than the fear of failure.”

Great short clip. Everyone should watch it!

Day 64, DR ST1

A few hours after the 3 minute run of it, I notice a massive “weight” outside my back. Or in my back.
It’s definitely healing/correcting something there.

Emperor already helped me to walk even more upright, but DR seems to think we need more of it :wink:

I am really digging this combo of Emperor Chosen DR/EoG. Emperor Chosen help me perfectly well to power through the shit the both healing subs bring up. Very helpful and it makes for a great combination in regards to healing masculinity, sexual, mindset, etc.


Oh boy the Dragon is fucking me up.

My hands are shaking, I am restless, I can’t sit still and my mind is racing.

Something heavy is going on. I like this feeling, for life is all but experiences. There is nothing to fear, only to feel.

The greatness that awaits at the end of this dark tunnel will be amazing.

I went a bit philosophical there but damn this sub rocks.


Hang in there, bro.


How are you?


Day 69 (haha teenager laugh because of the sexual number)

Thanks guys for the concern, all good!

DR kept fucking me up a bit, but at this point I have the mindset to handle it. It just takes a lot of energy to do so. Which left me somewhat lethargic. I know it’ not recon, it is healing!

I think it’s still doing it and it must be something big.
Dreams are super vivid and they contain people from the past, or scenarios from the past. Sometimes in weird situations, so yeah, healing is still going strong.

In the meantime I also got my FORGE OF MAN custom and ran it right away yesterday.
The first effect I noticed was of course, the positivity of chosen, and funnily enough the Chosen of Venus Module. The wife is head over heels.
But it’s great because it means there’s a lot of positivity at home.

However, I also notice the Emperor part who has no time in his life for people that don’t add to his success.

I do, also notice, why people don’t run healing subs when their business really needs them. Because the money manifestations stopped, as well as me closing clients. Writing this, it’s actually a lie. Journalling is powerful.
What DID happen is that it changed. I got a ton of affiliate money this month, but only a few sales on my own products. Idk what this means, but I am still fine. I do think something is being healed/worked through that influences this.

There is one more sub run left for this cycle before the washout. I am debating myself if it will be my custom or DR ST1 again.
Next cycle, back on EoG!

EoG worked like a charm btw because there is only ONE limiting belief left on the journalling method from @Simon and I feel like this will be covered next cycle no problem.


Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck

So the custom is firing hard.

I don’t know if it’s the ME primer in it, Blue Skies, Chosen, or TYRANT firing on all cylinders, but I have some sort of an existential crisis.
Not the one to question your whole life, more like, what IS reality.

I came across this video:

And in the midst of it, realising how true that is, I noticed anxiety creeping up. I suppose my mind is afraid of letting go of an existing “connection” to reality.
I also noticed I am not yet ready to face that fear. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in a few months. Not yet.

I like the realization, but it’s also interesting observing my own mind who quickly came up with “Ignore that shit, we gotta work on the business.”

Me, being the consciousness that just observes the other dude talking all the time in my mind, I felt a certain funny smirk about it. “Oh poor little Summerchild. There is nothing to fear, only to experience.”

Still, the ego clings. And it clings hard. I did notice that today.


Day 71, processing (or maybe I’ll throw in DR)

3 days since I ran my custom (3 minutes) and it’s doing great. Chosen of Venus and Chosen are the most profound. Simply because my mood is always up, but the Emperor is there. Just a bit more subtle. I notice the physical shifting, but also the nonchalance, the calmness, the relaxation, and, well, the horniness of the women around me.

I experience conscious dissonance a lot because the sub works so well.

Like, my wife is bubbly and cute all the time, and when things happen where I think she would be mad, she isn’t. Past experiences to not align with present anymore, which means the sub is firing hard, but my conscious mind does seem to take a bit of time to accept that.

I was thinking of throwing in a short “Rebirth Booster” but decided against it. LEAN into the pain, the healing, the recon. Accept it. It is good and well.

On another note, Tyrant in that custom was a powerful decision. I keep getting a deeper grasp over reality. I notice the external world being directly influenced by my mindset a lot.
Which had me realize this morning that I finally need to stop hopping subs and fucking stick to one.

Which will be the current FORGE OF MAN, as well as finishing EoG and DR.

Next cycle we add HOM to the mix.

As I said, EoG ST1 only needs to fix one more mindset issue (I am consciously aware of) but I can already report that it did a lot to my general beliefs.


I want to make sure I understand this - you ran your custom for 3 minutes rather than the full 15 minutes. Is that correct?

Yes! I run all subs 3 minutes now, including AC.

Best feeling. Tons of results, no overload.


What have you noticed as differences?

Less reconciliation?

Faster results?


Nope, but I see recon differently.

What I experience on the 15 minute version is overload. My mind doesnt like so much input it seems. Has been an ongoing theme for me. With 7 minutes, 5 minutes, and now 3 minutes it got increasingly better to a point where I NOW can run the subs almost according to recommendations (I do way less).

I would say recon is less but recon is generally pretty chill on ZP for me. And it depends on the sub. PCC gave me SHIT recon for 5 days straight. DR averages at about a day. But it’s not all day, it’s every now and then.

Long story short, it’s generally a MUCH nicer experience for me. Like, a different ballpark.

Yes. So fast that my conscious mind can’t keep up as I mentioned above. They come within a few hours and it’s literally a different reality, which is why I mentioned this “conscious dissonance” above.
My ego has a hard time accepting the reality that is unfolding.
Which is not a bad feeling at all. It’s a bit confusing, but I take it with a smirk as to how great these subs are.

So yeah I mainly do it because of overload which is WAY less than listening the full 15 min.


Thank you for the explanations and clarifications.

Any other differences?

Not really, no. Not that I am aware of.

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