8 Months of EoG (and others) - SHADOW WORK 2022!

I just read these lines in a post from Damon Brand, and thought of you and wanted to share them with you. I know you have done deep work with releasing expectation and lust for results. And he was discussing that topic.

Here’s the quote:

I know from messages I’ve received in the past two weeks, that some
people have looked back over their magickal notes and gone, “Oh my
god, every ritual I ever did worked eventually, and I’d completely
forgotten about them.” And of course, that shouldn’t be a surprise
because letting go of the need for a result helps it to come about.

The idea of ‘letting go’ makes people worry they aren’t allowed to think
about what they want. Thankfully, that’s not the case. You don’t have to
empty your mind and pretend you don’t really want the result. But you
don’t obsess about when and how the result will come. You don’t pester
the magick by waiting around for results, by checking up on the magick
all the time to see if it’s worked yet.

I thought you’d probably appreciate and understand his point.


Yes, it does seem that you’ve been having a great experience with Primal.

I don’t know where your path leads, but I do know that you’re living it vigorously and powerfully.


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Thank you, yes. Great post. Can be replaced with anything, manifestations, sub results, etc.

I did notice whenever I “forgot” about something I set out to do, or ritual I did, then it happened.

However, for the time being I stopped all magical rituals and idk if I come back to ritual magic tbh (and I hate that apple corrects it to magic all the time when I write magick). Neville’s way might be my way. Had the best and easiest results with that so far.

Anyway, for now I don’t want to interfere with ZP.

Current washout is TOUGH! But I am loving the effects from Primal on my mind. However, seeing how effective the Emperor LB/Chosen combo is, I might throw Love Bomb on the Primal man, because, granted, it makes me a bit too stoic/focused inwardly. Definitely mission the emotion part.

Then again, main focus still is money, so it might be RICH.


By reading this post: Honest Review of PS Iron Throne - #93 by SaintSovereign

I wonder how well Primal or PS actually stacks with Stark. It seems to be a different archetype.
I have been playing with the idea of Wanted again, but to be honest, the issue is that I don’t even know what kind of a seducer I want to be.
I got great results on Wanted, but Primal also made me feel pretty good. Maybe I just try Emperor next :smiley:

Still in the process of finding myself in these things, but ZP helps a lot along the path!


I might, honestly, just come back to Khan. I miss this old Conqueror :wink:

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Primal also fixed this for me.


I wonder if EoG stage 1 is considered a healing sub and might thus override others?

@simon ?

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G1 is my primary file; rest of the stack supports it. So, my experience isn’t of overpowering.

Also, I’m NOT running it as a Healing sub, but as a First Stage to Wealth –
→ "The mental state of Financial Freedom."
→ I’m running it till I surpass $5-10k/mo, which is the necessary level of readiness for one to explore (and invest in) the Ecstasy of Life.



Interesting approach. I thought stage 2 gives you the necessary tools to get to wealth. Did I read the sales page wrongly ?

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Are you depending on a regular job mainly for the income? Or do you have many passive channels of manifestation?


Zero channels right now. In the process of setting up a main one.
I’ve switched from generalized business consulting, to copywriting services.

I’m not married to the plan though; I’m open to other channels of cashflow, if they so manifest.

Not looking for “a” job. ‘Fixed Income + Lots of Work’ has never been my style.
Besides, I’d be running Mogul if I were leaning towards that option.



It’s purely a case of "having the readiness to leverage the power of the sub."

We have a Toolkit, we can choose how to best use it.


My Plan is:

EOG Stage 1 = Achieving the Mental Readiness … and Income that will be the Foundation for your Wealth building

EOG Stage 2 = Investing the Excess Cashflow … to Test various Skills, Markets, and Business Models … setting up one or more Businesses in the process

EOG Stage 3 = Scaling at least one of your Businesses to $100k/month in Revenue … along with the Systems and People required to run it semi-passively

EOG Stage 4 = Diversifying and Investing … to surpass $1M+ in Annual Personal Profits

Each stage takes however long it takes.
I expect between 2 and 6 months, depending on the Stage – given my experience with businesses.

Each cycle gets whatever support subs I need at the moment.
Currently at the first step … with G1 + Ascension … for the Carpe Diem Attitude.

Future cycles may have their own Customs, built with Skill Modules; but they’ll have to be paid for by the income that G1 generates.



Great plan. I was actually thinking my plan to run the stages for a set amount of time is a mistake.

I will know when the stage is ready to proceed.

So thanks for the insight!


What made you choose surpassing $5-$10k/mo as your marker for moving to the next stage?

Day 30, it’s been quiet!

Nothing really crazy happened in that extended washout.
Considering I ran the subs pretty spaced out, I might not need that long of a washout.

It didn’t feel bad, but it also didn’t really add something.

On another note, I chose Primal Seduction over just Primal, because it feels the added sexuality is a good addition. Also because I want to get the Sex Life back on track as a side-quest.

However, from EoG I definitely notice knowledge manifesting in form of YT videos that tackle a lot of my issues, as well was virtually FEELING FREE. I mean that. I feel completely unbound my money issues, which btw also became better, but even then, I just KNOW I’ll be able to handle it all.
Ecstasy of Freedom :wink:

I also realised that I built a wealth custom last year, and since I have all the modules and an Arch Alchemist discount, I just built that custom new (and changed the modules slightly) in Solace for under $100. Legit!
Waiting for this now as an addition.
Stack then will be:
RICH Reality
Primal Seduction

Here’s the custom. Main core is RICH, Limitless for the nice bonus, and A TON of manifestation, wealth mindset, etc to make my reality a RICH REALITY. Hence the name :wink:
Limitless Core
Secrets of Akasha - Wealth
Debt Anninilator
Wealth Limit Destroyer
Secret Source
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Instant Business Tactician
Inner Voice
Carpe Diem Ascended
Merger of Worlds
Virtue Series: Temperance
Dragon Tongue
Lifeblood Fable

Dragon Tongue and Lifeblood Fable as a skill-pack for the YouTubes.


Day 31, Ascension Chamber

Bruv, Primal Seduction is giving me some dreams… specifically about a threesome with my wife and her sister. That just keeps reoccurring … yesterday also a foursome with their mother, although in my dream she was much hotter (resemblance of a pornstar) than the actual mom.

Kinda crazy…

However, this just makes me realise how it makes me comfortable with my sexuality, fantasies just being part of it, even if they never happen. I enjoy these fantasies and that’s it. Liking it.

Although I must say, currently it occupies my mind a lot, so I guess something is being worked through.

Ascension Chamber I ran for the second time overall today, and as last time, it makes me super calm, all is fine and well, and I am the master of my reality.
However what it also does is making reality look “unreal.”

By which I mean it truly doesn’t seem real when I walk outside. It feels like a game. And it feels like I can morph it to however the fuck I want. Obviously I can’t, the world doesn’t suddenly change, but it gives a great sense of power over my life.


Day 32, Processing

I am still wondering if Primal (Seduction) is doing what I want.
So, yesterday we had sex and I also noticed my wife being more “eager” recently. I was all groaning and moaning, she definitely noticed that being different, but the funniest effect was when her nipples got really hard while I was talking dirty to her.

So it does work, absolutely, but it still feels like its not enough of what I want.

Back on Wanted, I liked the sexual encounters a bit more, mostly because she put in more effort (to keep a Wanted man, eh?)
Then again, this might come once I keep running PS longer. I just don’t want to build the custom and then wanted to have Wanted in instead haha

However I also keep thinking to Make the two core modules Emperor and Love Bomb instead of PS LB. With consciously guiding Emperor to be focused on the sexual parts, but since I never ran Emperor, this seems like a stupid idea now that I mentioned it.

Well, we’ll see.

On another note, EoG REALLY gives me the urge to tie up all open projects I have so I can focus more on scaling the existing business. So as much as I want to do new creative stuff, I have this urge to finish the existing shit FINALLY.


Been reading a bit over my old journals here and its so interesting to see how quick ZP works. I changed SO FAST I don’t even recognise the man who wrote these things albeit me remembering that I did.

SO weird to read that just months apart. Wow.


Day 35, ran my wealth custom yesterday for 5 mins.

Funnily enough, the first thing I noticed from the custom is Dragon Tongue, I was SASS AF all day. Talking shit left and right, but it was funny, people enjoyed it.

I also quickly noticed the mind shifting money wise. Like, this is hard to put in words, but if you just know you will make it. There is zero anxiety for the future and what will happen. You just know you can pay of all the debt and make a ton of money to become rich.

Outside of that, Merger of Worlds and Tyrant are working for sure, because I notice the connection with my subconscious becoming deeper.

However, today I got up looking forward to procrastinating :wink: So there is some recon. Something on the verge of being pushed. I was thinking of throwing in AC, but Ill restraint myself. Meditation, focus music, and getting shit done, plus going for a jog later.

I wonder in what direction the recon will be solved :wink:

Also, while recon still happens, it seems to be easier to work with. And, well, name embedding, as always a killer!


What makes you think the connection is becoming deeper?

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