2 months after I started I dont feel changes yet. Suggestions welcome

i know what you mean and maybe yes there could have been some unactractive (in my eyes) women at the bar who were gazing at me and i didnt notice. However I am a bit concerned that I dont feel any change in my mindset or my confidence (exept having this little desire to go to the gym a bit more often), definitely my self-image seems to be same and I wonder what else i can do to start changing it.

About gratitude, i have a little habit that i do everyday and that is that when i go to bed i always thanks god for having a tasty supper and that i have a very comfy bed lol, then i think of the sirian civil war and all the people that died there and also think about whats going on in ukraine right now. Although sometimes i wonder if this habit calms me down too much and my hunger to achieve more (start dating, get more money etc etc) gets diminished more and more with time. I find that in my 40s is easier to get comfortable and your desire to achieve more winds down faster (compared when your in your 20s and your extremely more motivated to achieve more).

Thanx again @Malkuth for your answer and your BFH recommendation.


Chosen from Within is a title that you get if you buy the regular Chosen :slightly_smiling_face:


thanx for the suggestion, just to make sure you mean this ‘emperor’ right?

cuz there are a couple of ‘emperor fitness’ and ‘emperor house of medici’

what would u say is an extended period? between 4 to 6 months or longer? U mind telling for how long u used emperor before you saw results?

and yes completely agree with u about not waiting until i heal all my traumas, i rather start having some short successes with women (probably they would end cuz of me being needy or clingly) and then learning from my mistakes and grow up emotionally based on those breakups. I definitely dont wanna spend 6 months ‘healing’ myself before attempting to date women.

thanx again for your suggestion

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Yes. This is the emperor he recommended. This will definitely change ur mindset within the 1st cycle and it is a standalone subliminal!

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I’d recommend doing some Healing for a solid 6 months to a year your traumas will definitely hold back any alpha or Seduction scripting due to your blockages.
I’d recommend something like Regeneration or Love Bomb from Humanity. Don’t make the mistake I did and run what you would want,run what you need and based on what I gathered from your post your first stop needs to be Healing.


I forgot that Chosen From Within is an experimental sub that you only get when you purchase Chosen. People had great results with it.


I second this.


I think that there’s a middle ground and that you can do some of what you want at the same time that you are healing.

It doesn’t have to be All or Nothing.

But this requires you to be flexible. Most of us have trouble with that sometimes. That’s part of what my post above was trying to get at.

As you are healing, you can also leapfrog from enjoyment to ever greater enjoyment.

Take me for example. I have not yet progressed to the point where I’m creating my own machine or organization. It’s not here yet. And yet here I am running Emperor and Ecstasy of Gold.

Am I expressing my full potential or the full potential of the programs yet? No, I’m not.

At the same time, in the past year or so, I’ve manifested:

  • a nicer office with a big window and nice view, compared to my previous office below the ground in sub-level 2.

  • Not one, not two, but three separate avenues of income that are utterly independent of my primary job. (I didn’t even make effort to do this one.)

  • dropping away of aspects of my job in which I’m less interested, and gradual increase in those parts of my job that are preparing me for the steps that I want to take independently

There are others but I don’t have a lot of time right now.

None of those points above are even 15% of what I am dreaming and envisioning to attain.

On the other hand, they are at least 50% better than my situation before.

Every so often, being human and not always so bright, I become discouraged and forlorn. 'Will I ever get there?'Is anything even happening? ’

Thankfully growth and improvement keep on coming, in spite of my fluctuating moods and thoughts.

Is there a lesson in this?

Not necessarily.

But there is if you want one to be.


Personally I’d go with Khan ST1 for as many cycles as needed until you feel changes and recognize your own capability. Combine it with something more wealth focused (Mogul) so you have more resources and freedom and productive activities to occupy you when women aren’t around. Perhaps you could include fitness since you have an interest in that (Spartan). But I’ll say one belief I shattered with Khan was needing to be super fit to get laid. Use 3 minute loops so low enough recon that allows you to be productive during all this.


@Mystery thanks for your input. I was wondering if you could briefly share what were the results when you only run alpha subs (i assume these were the ones) instead of healing subs. You didnt get any results you wanted (with alpha subs) until you run the healing ones? if you prefer to do it in private feel free to send me a DM. I am really curious to learn from your mistake. As of this moment if i have to choose what subs to run next i would probably keep Ascension and PS but add LBH cuz i need to take action in certain areas of my life and i know I dont need to be completely healed before start getting some kinda results.

That would be three subs in your stack. The more subs you put in a stack, the slower the results. So if your stack is going to be Ascension + PS + LBFH, be aware of the fact that your results are going to take awhile to show. If you’re already already frustrated about not seeing results, adding more subs isn’t going to help speed things up.


thanks for including the “chosen from within” link, I would have never found it without your help :smiley:

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@Malkuth thanks for this beautiful example of your goals progression. Its a very positive one. Also thanks for stating that is possible to do healing work while at the same time keep working to get some tangible results.
I was thinking of keeping Ascension & PS and stack LBH but couple people stated that this could really slow down my progress in general so

****I am wondering if there are other subs that will blend together 2 (out of the three) subs in 1 so then i would only need to listen to the blended(2 mixed subs) sub and the remaining one, if you have any suggestion @Malkuth please feel free to let me know.

Some people suggested that I do Emperor (instead of ascension and PS) but when i checked Emperor sales page i realized that it covers a lot of areas (instead of my only 2 interest, dating and make more $$)and my guess is that is gonna take more time to produce results than if i keep with my current 2 subs. ****You agree with my line of thought?

****Do you think that either WANTED or LIBERTINE can help me have better interactions with women than PS? maybe wanted and libertine are less heavy programs (than PS) and results with women could come faster than with PS?

****is it true that i can order a custom of lets say Ascension that includes my name? how much faster a sub can create changes in my mind if i add my name in the audio?

Sorry for the many questions, they just happen to come all of the sudden. Anybody reading this feel free to provide answers to my new questions if you prefer.

Thanx everybody for all your answers so far.

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I wouldn’t recommend you get a custom yet, @Incamonk.

It sounds like you’ve been running Ascension and Primal Seduction for 3 months (since October). I’ll assume that you have been following the recommended schedule. 3 months is a good period of time. So, let’s look at the other part of the equation.

What happens when you approach women who you are interested in? What happens when you just start up conversations?

Just to be clear, I’m not asking what happens inside of you. I’m asking what happens outside of you.

Don’t worry, I’m not an Internet dating coach. I’m asking the question just to shift your focus away from your feelings and onto the external circumstances. Your feelings are going to present a distorted version of events.

I’m trying to get you to describe the external conditions that are connecting you to what you want. Those are the conditions that you want to pay attention to, no matter the nature of your goal.

As a silly example: You want to get a new hammer. So you play the ‘Acquire Hardware’ subliminal. But then you keep going into ice cream stores. “Why”, you ask, “won’t anyone in here sell me a hammer?” In that silly example, the problem is not the subliminal.

So, what has been happening outside of you when you go to strike up conversations? What reactions are you getting? What actions are you observing?


This is an interesting post…
But how can one completely exclude internal from the equation? One is always “filtering” reality

Maybe I misunderstanding though :sweat_smile:

You can’t completely exclude internal from the equation.

Just relatively exclude it.

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What are your thoughts about listening to Dragon Reborn?

thanks for your suggestions, especially the one about using 3 minute loops, you are the 2nd user who suggested this.


true true, now i remember reading other people mentioning the same, with more stacks the longer the results to appear. Sometimes i am thinking of doing PS and LBFH only. Thanx for your input @ksub


@Incamonk It’s probably also a good idea to strategically categorize your goals.

For example, have short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals.

Or have 10 levels of difficulty; from 1=super-easy, could easily do it right now, all the way up to 10=some day if all of the gods and Angels smile on me, I may be able to do this.

You’d get a notebook or document; write numerals I through X at the tops of 10 pages.

Then on page I, you’d fill it up with goals that are super-easy to do.

On page II, you’d write down a bunch of goals that are still easy, but take a bit more effort, bravery, etc.

Add goals into all 10 pages. By the time you get to page X, you’re writing down your wildest dreams. Still technically possible, but you currently have no idea how you would achieve them.

Why this exercise?

Because if all you’re paying attention to every day are the goals on pages VIII, IX, and X, then you’ll be overlooking a whole lot of meaningful growth and change that’s already happening.

Also, if you keep thinking only of your long-term goals, it will be very easy for you to keep moving the goal posts and telling yourself that you’re making no progress at all.

A mountain that is 200 miles a way from your current location may look no larger even after you walk towards it for an entire day. Actually, you’re much closer and have made a lot of progress. But the reference point you’ve chosen is too distant.

So, don’t forget about the mountain, your ultimate goal. But also choose some closer reference points; ones that are 15 miles away, 30 miles away, and so on.

Then you’ll get a more useful (and more encouraging) picture of the progress you’re making.

Celebrate the small steps and the big steps.