ZP Wealth - I AM My Own Source

Yea I’d use em together especially since the subclub team went out of their way to make sure there was synergy between both scripts.

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I think you’re right. That’s the plan then!

Gonna add HOM to this stack when it comes out… insane wealth manifestation incoming!

Full speed ahead.

Today I’m making sales, with less effort than I had to the other night. Not exactly seeing the celebrity aura effect but the people in upper management I’ve already become cool with, are still responding very positively. I’m pretty sure people here are just adjusting to my presence.


This is fucking nuts. Love ZP


Alright so guess the aura still is in effect, I experienced another manager stating verbatim that “John’s our guy” (that’s my real name)…seems like I have this whole “chosen one” thing going on with management right now. Not gonna lie, comments like this have been said about me, even on days that I’ve had other trainees outperform me. It’s like management really don’t see me as a sales agent but something much more.

In other news, I’ve gotten so used to selling that it feels like it would be wrong for me to work a shift and not make multiple sales.

I also noticed that a female manager stared at me a lot tonight, and not because she didn’t know who I was, it was “that” kind of stare, like she was crushing on me. Same thing with an older lady in my training class. Looks like the mogul/rich aura truly can serve as an attractant.

My nephew’s girlfriend also came to me and we had a loooonnggg discussion about some things she’s been going through, but then pivoted to more of that carefree and fun convo where you could talk about anything and have a great time. I haven’t enjoyed talking to someone like that in a while. Almost made me miss being social…almost lol.

Starting to notice that I may be transforming into a more polarizing individual too. It’s like if people like me, they REALLY like me. Anything less and people pay me practically no attention unless it has something to do with work or business. Kinda like they don’t even want to make eye contact.

My sleep cycle is also becoming far more unpredictable. Im drained until around 11 am, but can pull all nighters now, which I haven’t been able to do in years unless I was out partying during pre-pandemic times.

Didn’t realize it was QV2 day so I’m off to run an EOG stage 1 loop now.


Didn’t even plan to report but when I ran EOG stage 1, it hit me just like a ZP. Began causing an instant perceptual shift from the moment I pressed play, then caused a grand sense of euphoria. It took me around 20 minutes to fall asleep. I woke up today feeling pretty positive. Guess that funk I got out into the other day when I listed to EOG S1 may have just been a fluke, or the issue causing the short recon period was dealt with subconsciously.


Had one of my best days since I began selling. Seemed to be pretty effortless today for the most part. The female supervisor I mentioned in previous posts did something strange today. She went out of her way to find me and say hello. She greeted me with a huge smile. While I was on the phone she turned toward another rep who needed help closing a deal, but while talking to them, she touched my shoulder and left her hand just laying there, for at least 3 minutes straight. Find it odd cause for one, that’s never happened to me before and the only other times I’ve held that much physical contact with a woman is if I was dating her or sexually involved lol.

I’m not gonna say she’s attracted in that way, but it was just something that caught me off guard. Felt like the equivalent of an awkwardly long handshake. All I can say is she somehow got super comfortable with me cause a woman won’t even touch someone, much less make extended physical contact in any way unless she feels safe around said person. Not sure what I did to make her that comfortable but whatever. I’m just living my life.


@SaintSovereign and @Fire now that I’ve reread how you guys were inspired to make the script for EOG (interviews with millionaires from various backgrounds), it makes me wonder…how would you guys go about converting a script like that to a ZP format? Transitioning the multifaceted views of those who’ve already achieved financial freedom and abundance, to someone still working their way towards that goal via ZP.

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It’s easier to do than one would assume. Believe it or not, writing ZP titles is not only easier, but actually much more fun to create.


Hand rub You just made me even more excited for EOG ZP.


So, when I first woke up this morning my initial thoughts were, I don’t even care if I make a sale today. I think this is stemming from the fact that being a good salesman has already been firmly rooted in my mind and reality. I felt the same way when I first started getting good with women.

Basically once I get good at something I develop an abundance mentality towards it which causes a sort of “positive indifference”. Fast forward to right now though, and I’m literally excited to get to work and make money, I can’t imagine doing anything else today (although my morning has been pleasantly productive).

While grooming myself for work, I also found myself daydreaming about hiring my own family to work for me and paying them well in the future. In fact when I reflect on it, this stack has made me start enjoying daydreaming about wealth and riches again.


This journal is INNOVATING. Love that you added EOG 1. Are you going to stay on stage 1 EOG until ZP comes out, or would you go to stage 2 Qv2

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Naw, I’m basically gonna run stage 1 until the end of the next 21 day cycle and switch to stage 2. No matter what stage I’m on when EOG ZP drops, I’m starting from the beginning to ensure I get everything I can from
The journey.


Well, same female supervisor did the whole extended shoulder touch things again. I can’t attribute it to anything beyond friendly though.
Had a second female supervisor smile at me for no real reason (that I know of) when I asked if she had said something to me (which she didn’t).

Sales were rough today for pretty much all trainees, I was one of the only 3 agents in my training class to even make sales today (thank you EOG, mogul and rich). I also noticed that a whole different female supervisor got super frustrated at the group today overall due to lack of adequate performance.

I didn’t respond to her frustrations (not that she directed any towards me personally), instead I used it as motivation to turn up the heat a bit and exhibited a sort of “smooth aggression” during my sales calls. I didn’t even know I was capable of being smoothly aggressive. I wanted to stand out as a performer, not to kiss ass but to prove to myself that even on tough days I can still perform in the sales field. Mission accomplished. Although looking back at it that wasn’t my first tough day making sales. But it was the first day where I still came out as a top performer, even after having a tough day.



just realized I spent the last 3 hours after getting off of work late thoroughly preparing myself for a very long day tomorrow. I’m planning for every possible setback in advance and ensuring there’s a plan in place to solve or outright prevent certain potential issues. Wonder of this is a manifestation of mogul ZP because it’s the middle of the night, I have to be up in 3 hours, and yet I’m still being hella productive. I’m even finding myself contacting people and delegating authority to help things run smoother. I’m about to run my ZP subs for the last time during this 21 day cycle.


Worked a gig today. Most noticeable things that happened:

  • When I needed help everyone was very accommodating.

  • One woman thought I was a manager and said i looked super official, told her I was only a paid volunteer.

  • I got a MASSIVE amount of stares from women of all kinds. Didn’t matter if they were single or not.

  • Crew members kept commenting on how fast and efficiently I worked. Even had a woman who after a while, kept coming to me for assistance out of personal preference.

  • Random People kept wanting to know my name.


Absolutely. I had a day where mogul hit me so hard I worked from 7am-12pm non stop and sleep was not even a consideration. There just became a certain point where I said to myself “it would be more productive to sleep now to keep up this level of energy tomorrow


It’s a good change. Keep doing it. When I got a notification that I posted my journal in the wrong place it made it way less likely to make the same mistake twice. Now that it has happened to me twice, I feel like I’ll always remember to check, and will post in the right place.

Lol man facts. Could keep you up all night if you let it