ZP Processing speed

I’m just wondering and trying to get an idea of how fast you guys process your subs and the intensity of it?

For me I’ve realized at 3 minute loops I dive right into processing mode about 5 minutes after that single loop. It starts off pretty intense, my mind is continually pulled inwards with focus and it feels like it consumes most of my attention. When another 30 minutes has gone by I feel like it calms down and I can engage in other things without feeling that pull so strongly.

So ZP hits me hard and fast, then slowly fades. But I’m wondering if some people have the opposite? Where they feel nothing until a few days later and it hits them.


I find ZP tends to hang around for weeks.


Mine I usually notice 3-6 hours after listening and somewhat the next day. Sometimes I feel things sooner, such as Ascension Chamber which I noticed a calm effect right after.

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I’m back to listening to the 15-minute loops. As long as I follow the listening instructions I haven’t had any recon. It takes about 24 hours for me to notice results after listening to a 15-minute loop. The results last a few days, usually about the time when I listen to my next loop. The process works and I feel like the simpler we make it the easier it is to get results. People on the forum like to make things extremely complicated.


I am pretty clueless about process dimensions of listening to subs. In my defense, that’s often at least semi-intentional.

My ideal scenario is to be focused on my life actions, not on the subliminal. I don’t usually achieve that. I really like focusing on (and sometimes obsessing over) the different modules and how they might impact me.

But that focus does not really extend to tracking subliminal processing effects in real-time.

One exception that I really remember is the period of time (roughly a year) during which I was meditating with Mind’s Eye Terminus2.

That was back when we had very different listening guidelines: Multiple loops, played every day.

I used to meditate with that program one loop every other day. On alternating days, I would meditate with a different subliminal. And I have to say I really noticed a qualitative difference in the feel of those Mind’s Eye Terminus2 meditations. There was this flowing, deep, energetic movement quality to them.

But that’s about it. For now.


For me I seem to get acute results immediately after listening and more results after sleeping. The intensity/depth of dreams is a sign for me on whether I’m still processing a subliminal heavily or not and it tends to go away after one rest day. Which goes to show that the Listening Schedule seems to be pretty accurate for me at least.

I don’t feel a strong sense that I’m processing the subliminal while listening unless I overexpose, in which case if I were to lie down I can feel my head subtly pulsating. To me that’s a big sign I’ve listened way too much and need to cut down on loops. Insomnia is a sign of overexposure for me too.


It depends on the sub for me, but even then, it’s not always the same. I usually start to feel something. It starts out as a mental shift then I feel it physically. There are times that images flash into my mind as I’m running the sub. Sometimes this happens after one minute, or even after ten minutes, then there are times that I don’t feel a thing with the same sub.

I like to run the subs at night before going to sleep, so I usually have dreams that show me that my mind is processing the script. Then I see the results the next day. Before the morning rush is over, my partner tells me about what my energy is telling him. Then I get mental processing and different responses from other people.


In an ideal world this would be true. But I’ve found ZP isn’t always as straightforward for everyone. It varies person to person. So we need to be accommodating towards people who need to refine their listening strategies.

Yep, I’ve been running way less than most for a while now.

Lots of variables with ZP, but generally less is more.

It lingers around for weeks, for sure. Even if you run other subs.


What’s your current listening schedule?

in terms of getting results ? or processing speeds ? what point exactly you thinking about ?

3 minutes.
Only one sub that day.
2-3 days rest.

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I had a friend who listened Wanted and got a lot of results 3 months after he quit listening… so not sure.

When I do the entire 15 minutes I do not feel much until the 3th processing day. When I do the 3 min or 7 min the results come faster but are not as powerful.

If I stop listening to a program I get extreme reconciliation but when I stick to it with consistency it’s fine.

Some things I noticed…


Actually let me clarify… I notice results the first moment I start listening, their is a shift in perception, mentality, and thoughts.

But the energetic effects, manifestations, and the obvious emotional effects come only after several days for me when the exhaustion from processing has faded. On lower exposure time those energetic results come more quickly.


ZP hits me straight ahead after listening to the first loop but the dynamic is different when it comes to the type of the subliminal I’m listening to. For healing subs, it’s much more challenging and unstable with its ups and downs whilst when it comes to “building/developing” subs it’s progressive only (usually and in my case).

Healing subs dynamic:

Transgression to my new “self” is unstable and there are a lot of ups and downs [regression (called recon) and progression (subliminal growth) fluctuation]. I suppose that process occurs also when the healing component of your sub is hitting you deeply or even overshadows the building/developing component.

Building/developing subs dynamic:

Here the transgression is steady and progressive without any recon.
Recon is a natural part of transgression to your new “self” that cannot be avoided since each fundamental shift needs a huge amount of healing. Recon is an intensive healing process at work. It’s like subliminal shock therapy for our minds. No wonder since running Emperor (that’s the best example) is as if you were trying to shift the mentality of slaves to the mentality of Alexander the Great. It comes at the cost of profound healing (recon) depending on how much of it you actually need.

IMHO, the processing speed depends on how much healing (recon) you need and how far you are from the goals the sub is attempting to help you achieve.

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For me once a programs archetype is integrated and embodied their is barely reconciliation and only results ever greater and more as you keep listening.

The more healing we need the more healing (=recon) we get. Once the healing is more or less done there’s no more room for more (no more recon) and the actual scripting prevails as the primer (the healing part of the scripting) is no longer as necessary if at all.

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@Sub.Zero do you also get mental tension or stress from the processing? Or does it fade after getting to the stage where healing is no longer a requirement?

Only when I’m listening to programs that require more healing (recon) so especially when listening to healing titles. I didn’t get those symptoms when listening to Mogul, Wanted, and Paragon but they have occurred a couple of times during my Dragon Reborn ride and especially now when I’m running it along with Godlike Masculinity getting my masculine core healed.

Its intensity is changing all the time increasing and decreasing but tends to decrease with time as more and more in you get healed. I can also see how much smoother the healing process gets with time. I’ve experienced a lot of healing (=recon) on Dragon Reborn but the intensity of it was really low when I compare it with the healing (=recon) I used to get when listening to Emperor (Q-the “old” technology) which is not a healing title but still its healing component was really tough.

How does this manifest for you… headaches, tiredness, brain fog…?