Your Personality Type

Oh ok never thought it was that important, I’m a mediator or INFP though sometimes I feel like I could be a mix of personalities or personas given my goals

Just came across this thread, decided to take the test for the first time…



T = Turbulent.

Now I at least understand where my ridiculous indecision stems from. As well as the propensity to see the negative side of things more easily than the positive. That explains the cynicism I possess.

I never thought much of personality tests but I must admit that I saw a lot of myself in the details of this type. I will try and retest every few months for good measure, but this does fit well though I don’t feel “good” fitting this type, as it looks like this type has many issues :rofl:

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For my job as a therapist I’ve seen countless personality test. For a free one this one is really good, glad you like it!

As a teenager - ENTP-a x2
Last year - ENFP-t
Nowadays - INFJ-t

Wich one is me :astonished:
They all felt really coherent when I had them in their own time

Or am I evolving as a being??

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You are just getting older :slight_smile:

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I guess so

Personality freeze more and more as the body and mind come to a term in pure growth

Now that you said it
It makes sense lol

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I never tried Stark.
Don’t know why
But I can give it a go in a couple of weeks

Thanks Jim

It’s always interesting how often people’s personalities “change” … I’ve tested INTJ for the past 10 years.

And my personality was probably the same much younger as well.

You cant just say this and than not refer to any test. Come on man! Lmfao

Oh sorry bro, so many people were talking about it above🤣I tought everybody knew.

Here you go:

Interesting thread. I’ve taken personality tests over the years and I’ve consistently gotten INTP-T. I’m working to turn the “T” into an “A”.