Your Personality Type

I know, I am familiar with your previous posts about this.

I was just interested in your personal take.

You are running alchemist though? :smile: That is inside enough for me. I know that I could read your journal, but what I meant was a cliff notes, spark of Malkuth. You are probably familiar with techniques to explain and observe reality in the absence of hard science (metaphysics).

Would you attribute alchemist in changing this, and any attribution to subs and modules.

Sorry if I sound overbearing, I am only expressing my interest as a consumer, to put it plainly/bluntly and no rush of course.

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Okay, thatā€™s a relief. Just wanted to make sure.

Iā€™m 2 months into Alchemist Stage I Pathfinder. So, weā€™ll see where this takes me.

One of the programs that seems to really be combining with Alchemist is Regeneration. Also Blue Skies. Itā€™s like a super-charge.

It also seems to just enhance my sense of Purpose which, as I think now, must also mean that itā€™s working with my Will. So, Divine Will is another module to consider in connection with Alchemist.

Iā€™ll let the question percolate in my mind for a while. And see what comes out. Thanks @user9437773791397760 .

I could write a book about my personality type.

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ISTJ/INTJ depending on the weeksā€¦

That was hilarious :joy:

But as far as analysis and rhetoric are concerned it basically did not stray from ad hominem.

In essence, all of the same criticisms that the video levels against the MBTI can easily be leveled against the video itself.

In fact, the video even concludes by using the same person who it earlier discredited (Carl Jung) to support its own assertions. So thatā€™s kind of wonky.

Finally it also kind of implies that the following statement would be a valid conclusion: ā€˜Well, chickens arenā€™t a real category of bird because they were named and classified before the establishment of avian biology as a scientific field.ā€

Latter half of that statement is definitely true. But the first half? Not so much.

Iā€™ve never taken the newer test to determine INFP-? . I only knew that I was INFP.

Whatā€™s the significance of the Turbulent part?

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just checked too. Seems that this particular company added an Identity scale to the basic personality type framework. So everyone is either Assertive or Turbulent.

not quite sure where Iā€™d fall on that one, at the moment.


I hear you.

Well, back to your original point:

What would we suggest for an INFP.

I am an INFP and hmmmā€¦I think thereā€™s a lot of diversity within the type.

Butā€¦Iā€™m a big fan of Alchemist. haha.

I know itā€™s typically associated with spiritual or even mystical practices. And the name is Alchemist.

But the word that captures how I see Alchemist is ā€˜Soulā€™. The deep, enduring values and patterns within your mind and heart. These seem to correspond to the function of Introverted Feeling.

I found that as soon as I started playing Alchemist, it was like someone had turned the focus controls and the lines of things all felt clearer. At that time, I said that for an INFP, Alchemist is the equivalent of Emperor. This is because I think that we get our sense of purpose, energy, motivation from that sense of being in touch with our deepest guiding values and inner experiences.

Iā€™m right at the midpoint of Alchemist now. On a break from subliminals until next Monday, and on that day, Iā€™ll begin Alchemist Level 3. So I havenā€™t gone through the whole thing yet. Weā€™ll see where it leads.

Other than though, for the INFP, one of your main strengths is your contact with your own inner subjective sense of things. One goal is to learn to respect the inner sense and to trust it. Society does not always encourage us to do this. I mean society will talk a good game. But when the shit hits the fan, that inner voice often gets thrown out. But the INFP doesnā€™t really have that luxury. You canā€™t turn off that inner sense. (Iā€™m using hyperbole.) Itā€™s harder to ignore it. We need to make friends with that inner sense and to harness it into whatever weā€™re doing. Otherwise, weā€™ll tend to feel an acute sense of being pulled in two (or three or four orā€¦).

So, try to forgive the recurrent dizziness, nausea, and fainting spells, and do your best to honor the gifts of that Oracle of Delphi. Cause theyā€™re not going anywhere. :wink:

That for me is the province of Alchemist.

p.s. Now with the Q Store, there are module-based alternatives to Alchemist. So those are other options as well.

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Throwing in my thoughts here as an INFP as well, hope you donā€™t mind. Iā€™ve noticed INFPs vary wildly, more than any type. I think itā€™s because of their internally driven value system. So while one INFP could be a scientist, another is a musician. But they usually are driven by one thing. Thatā€™s that idealistic filter. Depending on what it is determines the difficulties. An INFP going into science has more structure laid out before them than an INFP making a living as a musician.

Speaking from my personal experience not all INFPs lack confidence. Some have that idealism and strength to put aside the opinions of others and go head first into what they want. Some arenā€™t so confident and are a little bit more malleable so theyā€™ll frequently get thrown off their ā€œpathā€ so to speak.

Alchemist seems like a good one. My personal approach Iā€™ve been taking is attempting to ground myself with ascended mogul before I consider alchemist. What I mean by grounding isnā€™t buying into the ā€œrealityā€ people often like to throw around as the truth. Grounding in this case for me refers to autonomy and free choice in the world we live in. Iā€™ve felt before I go the spiritual path, I have to immerse myself in the physical more to learn lessons Iā€™ve missed attempting to bypass them when I was younger ironically using spirituality.


INFJ pretty consistently on tests but not sure how confident I am about that. Thereā€™s things I see in there about myself and then other things that are way off.

I like the plug to stop the drain analogy. Highly relate. Learning to give your energy to those who deserve it is an important lesson I had to learn. Whether or not itā€™s actual psychic energy, I canā€™t say. But Iā€™ve felt people leech off my energy. I think INFPs naturally have a healing sort of vibe and we want to think the best of people. But without clear boundaries it invites very manipulative people. Itā€™s a valid concern about becoming too much of a recluse. . What attracted you to Emperor in the first place? It does have a very specific goal, if you donā€™t 100% need it there might be better options. Itā€™s a mistake I see sometimes here, going after the newest thing because itā€™s more powerful or has more grand goals. But those goals cost energy, and if youā€™re not 100% committed thatā€™s used energy that could be re-directed into better ways to improve your life in a more streamlined way.

I honestly have not tried Emperor. If I were to ever use Emperor Iā€™d make sure to read AMā€™s description and basically confirm if I could check off everything on that list in my own personal reality. Emperor is an advanced program and requires a solid foundation. I have enough insight to know Iā€™m not there yet, so itā€™s never really crossed my mind.

Having said that, AM is a fantastic sub. It gets overlooked a lot. Iā€™m running a custom now with AM and Ultimate Artist along with several other modules. But AM is pretty much the backbone of that custom. I started with StarkQ and it proved to be way too dense for me. My first stack here when I started was actually AM and UA and now interestingly enough Iā€™m back to that combo.

It really is all about your goals though. I wrote about this before, but itā€™s important with these subs to use them as a tool for change. Which means doing what feels in the realm of possibility for yourself. Sometimes that means starting small and building up and AM is great for that.

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Anytime. Glad I could help out

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ENFP here

Any recommendations for a sub that fits?

Thank you Guys

ENTJ - used to be ENFJ in high schoolā€¦ Now Iā€™ve evolved into more of an ENTJ

Iā€™ve gotten different results, so Iā€™m not sure what to make of it.

At first I used to mainly get INFJ as a result, but then also INFP a few times, I got INTJ once too. However, lately (in the last 2 months) I got INTP as a result all the time.

Maybe my personality changed over time with the switch in my routines/values and situation plus my overall sub usage? :thinking:

INTP, I tested 4 times always got INTP


For some reason I just knew youā€™re a campaigner haha! I am too. Most definitely Stark will help us the most. When it comes to weaknesses I think about sticking to routines/disciplines and keep our focus. Maybe someting about Limitless?

PS: Now I understand that Love custom of you even more. That one looked awesome

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INTJ through and through.

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INTP-T here

Does personality type affect what subs and customs are best for you?

IMO yeah, you can see what type of person you are and what your weaknesses are. So you can choose subliminals who are alligent with your true nature and choose modules to help balance out those weaknesses