Year of the Sexcessful Emperor

    **3/20/22 CYCLE 4 WEEK 1 **
  • After running my seduction custom last night I started envisioning different kinds of scenarios. They’re the kind of things that I’ve always fantasized about, but they always seemed to be just that, fantasies. Last night though, they seemed, in my mind, like things that might just happen.

  • At some point I looked in a mirror and figured out that I could make myself look better if I got in the habit of pushing my jaw just a bit further forward than I would normally have it. I already have a pretty strong jawline, but that slight change makes it noticeably better. Wanted is already at work.

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  • I’ve noticed that I’ve been holding my face differently. I look different too. At least to myself. The carefully neutral expression has changed to a kind of perpetual smirk. I look like I’m up to something. There’s something vaguely dangerous and mischievous or something. Hard to describe.
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  • Ran the first loop of DMZP last night. I’ve been running around doing things to get the car I haven’t been using for the last two years back on the road.
    Towards the end of the day, I’m feeling a bit more gregarious, but it’s hard to pin down.
    The only thing I really notice is that I’m putting more inflection in my voice. It actually feels a bit cheesy to me, but perhaps that’s because I’m so used to keeping my tone very neutral.
    I’m guessing that I actually sound better to others, and that this is voice Master at work.
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  • I ran the seduction stack for the second time last night. I still can’t really put my finger on anything it’s doing, but i haven’t really been out in mixed company very much so I’m not sure what concrete things I would be noticing.
    I’ve been getting things going through my head like a certain way to move my face when I lock eyes with a woman. Like a way to show potential interest and see if it might be mutual.
    This is actually a very big thing for me who has schooled myself to keep a very neutral facial expression since early childhood.
    I realize that I have been minimizing my non verbal communication, especially with girls since at least the time I was in elementary school. The reason being that I was convinced that any girl I dared show interest in would find me repulsive. That was true at the time because of the social environment of the tiny rural school I went to growing up.
    It was tiny and everyone knew everything about everyone else. Also your place in the social order was set in stone in the first month or so of kindergarten. The place in the order you had then was the one you had at graduation.
    I was socially weird at that time for a multitude of reasons, so I wound up on the bottom of that hierarchy. The very bottom. An untouchable and maybe the only untouchable in my particular grade.
    Once I started to notice girls, there was no chance that I’d get anywhere with any of them. If I showed blatant interest and the girl was even nice about turning me down, they would lose their own standing in the social order. So if I showed interest in even the slightest way, even inadvertently, I would be punished.
    Punishments started with her saying how disgusted she was in front of everyone and escalated to other forms of humiliation and even physical assaults by her male friends.
    So I learned not to show it. At all. The self programming became so ingrained that I just kept doing it.
    Well, thanks to DR the reasons behind it are out in the open, and I can see that they’re no longer valid.
    I’ve been getting the urge to start showing interest. As many times as possible for practice.
    If some lady who I’ll probably never see again finds me creepy, who fucking cares?
           **3/27/22 CYCLE 4 WEEK 2**
  • I’ve been thinking about the lessons I learned on DE last year. I think the biggest one is the advantages of staying on a stack long term.
    I think that when I first started subs, in the back of my mind I expected to just turn into the archetype that the sales page described pretty much immediately.
    Of course, it doesn’t work that way. For me, the key has been to make note of the small victories. A major success is usually a collection of tyem rather than one big thing that happens all of a sudden.
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Tuesday is the last day of my 2-week EoG-only run. It’s been a bit tough the past couple days. Want to run Mogul and/or R.I.C.H. to help lubricate the money train.

But it is great sticking with something. It’s great for building discipline if nothing else.

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Sounds like a good plan. Have you thought about doing something like I did with DR with EOG?
Personally I’m looking forward to seeing what running my current stack until December 21st will make my life look like.

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I thought about it. The year of the ecstatic Emperor lol. Money is just an issue at the moment. Waiting on some stuff to get sorted.

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Why such a specific date? Is there significance to it? Or is that just when you ended DE?

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It’s the date I started DE too. It’s also the winter solstice. I’m a bit of a sucker for symbolism.
That’s where I’m going to be starting my subliminal years from here on in. It works.

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I briefly toyed with the idea of a year-long Q custom series. Khan: The Ecstatic Dragon. Would probably be too much though.

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I think your head would explode.
I do believe that next year will be the year of the Khan for me too though.

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  • I was in a shop today, standing near the door when two girls in a row walked in. The first locked eyes with me for a split second and smiled warmly. The second did the same thing, but with kind of a forced smile.
    The reason I’m mentioning this is that it’s not really normal, and it happened twice in a row.
    I’m kind of used to being sort of invisible. Most people just kind of walk around me, not exactly like I’m not there, but just going about their business and not really making any note of me. With our tendency to be wrapped up in our own shit and ignore each other these days, I don’t think I’m very abnormal in that regard.
    I may be a little more invisible than most now that I think about it, and it’s actually a skill that I developed in childhood to avoid bullying and humiliation. I’ve covered the whys and wherefores on that.
    Its something I’ve been doing most of my life, and it no longer serves me. Glad to see it going.
  • I’ve been feeling very peaceful lately. The anxiety I was having in the beginning of the year has dispelled. I’m not particularly unsatisfied with where I am in life, and am optimistic about things just continuing to get better as I keep doing the work. It’s very nice.

  • my sex life with the wife continues to improve. This morning, I was a lot more dominant than I’d have dared to be before starting this program. The wife liked it. A LOT.
    She says that I’ve been giving her multiples every single time lately, and her physical reactions match that. That’s going great.

  • I’ve decided to switch up my workout program and get more serious about it. I bought an Athlean X program. It’s for beginners and supposed to build muscle and lose fat.
    I’m going to be getting up a bit earlier and working out at home instead of at work.

  • The wife is experiencing periodic recon from Seductress, but getting mental breakthroughs that clear it.
    She has been getting clothes which, shall we say, emphasize her best assets too. I can also sense a shift in how she thinks of her own attractiveness.


Congratulations on your progress.

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            **4/3/22 CYCLE 4 WEEK 3 **
  • I’ve noticed that I’ve been a bit stalled for the last little while. A bit since I switched to a ZP stack, but I’m making more note of it now. And with that awareness I can get about unstalling myself.
    I may have dumped a whole lot on my subconscious at once with this stack, and there was an initial period of slow progress and maybe a bit of recon.
    That’s OK, I’m looking at my results a year from now, not a week from now.
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  • When I looked in the mirror this morning I noticed something. I look really good front on in a rather tight T shirt. Side on, my gut is still fairly evident, but the pear shape that I was starting to show from the front is gone. Matter of fact, I’m looking pretty V tapered. Nice for not having gotten really serious about working out yet.
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  • I got up this afternoon and did the first workout of my new program. That was the plan, get on it before I did anything, before coffee even. It was a good workout, a lot more athletic than what I’ve been doing.
    This feels much like when one of the habits I developed last year just kind of clicked in and became a habit almost instantly, and I’m expecting it to yield good results in looks and capability.

  • The wife went back to her hypercritical ways a bit last night. She accidentally made a mess, and came up with a creative reason that it was my fault, and then went on to point out a number more things I did “wrong” with a snotty superior attitude. I haven’t seen this in a while.
    I did clean it up because that involved taking the refrigerator apart and she was having a bad MS day. However, I went cold on her as I left for work. No warm goodbye. She asked and I told her why and then just left.
    I don’t know if that was an effective way of dealing with that or not, but it is different. I think The Boundary may be at work here.
    The next day everything was better.

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       **4/10/22 CYCLE 4 WEEK 4**
       **WASHOUT WEEK #4**
  • Yesterday was interesting. I had been looking for a certain type of vehicle for a while. On Friday a dealer I’d been talking to called and said that he had a trade in that was the equivalent thing from a different brand, had very low mileage, and everything we wanted.
    The wife and I went in when I got up, and got it done. It was a bit older than we were looking for initially, but it was very low mileage and had all of the features we were looking for. Pretty much perfect, and damn is this thing nice!
    This actually checks the box on one of the bonus points goals that I listed at the beginning of this journal.

  • After we were done with that, the wife and I had a date night and more interesting stuff happened.
    We went to a bar and grill type of place where alcohol was flowing. It wasn’t too crowded but there were some people hanging out.
    I noticed a huge change in how I interacted with people, especially women, and also how they related to me.
    It started before I even went into the building. This lady was outside smoking and she said hi and started a bit of a conversation. There was strong eye contact and I think several IOIs on her part.
    My reaction was different too. As soon as I looked at her and several others I automatically broke out into a wide smile and said hi. That is quite different from my usual where I either give a quick mouth closed smile, or don’t react much at all. This was more of a genuinely glad to
    It felt different too. Hard to describe how, but in a good way.

  • After that, we found a deserted place in the middle of nowhere and, shall we say, christened the vehicle.
    The reason I inflicted that piece of TMI on y’all is that was me pushing through my inhibitions.
    One of the major things that has prevented me from enjoying life as much as I could is that I have been extremely risk averse. There are a lot of things that I have wanted to do, but when it came to actually doing them, all I could think of were the consequences of something going wrong, however unlikely those outcomes were.
    In the case of having sex in a car, the possibility of getting caught was all I could think of. I had only done it once before, when I was a teenager, and I got so paranoid that I didn’t enjoy it and couldn’t finish.
    This time, I still felt a bit of trepidation, but I was able to have fun with it anyway.
    There is progress there.

  • Last week was the Wife’s washout week. It’s hard to put my finger on, but it’s really changing her.
    She has made matter of fact statements about her own attractiveness that she never would have at the beginning of the year, and she’s considering things that she never would have. She seems to be pushing her inhibitions too. In ways that I like.

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  • I took a polygraph for the job I’m in for today.
    The last two times I’ve done that, I haven’t passed. Not from lying, but from, well, self sabotage. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here, but I talked about it in my DR journal. There were some off the wall manifestations that have stopped me from moving forward in various aspects of my life.
    That was one of them. A few years ago I was trying for the same type of job, and taking the same test. When they asked a crucial question I felt this pinprick itch/pain right in my eye. It was very intense, and I knew that it had made me flag for that question. They do ask all of them multiple times, but from then I was freaked out about that one, so I’m sure I flagged on it for the rest of them too.
    Since then, I have become gun shy about hiring processes because I envisioned failing like that again.
    I must admit I felt that way a bit going in this time too.
    Once I got going with it though, all of that was gone. Some of the credit goes to the examiner. He took the time to explain how some things worked, and they didn’t work like I thought they did.
    It went without a hitch.
    I admit I was a little gun shy about the whole process. Maybe I’ve gotten too comfortable where I am, maybe I have just had so many problems with this that I was subconsciously expecting more. I don’t really know.
    But I do know that I see the light at the end of the tunnel, and im expecting success now. This was the last stage of the process that I was really worried about and it’s all downhill from here.
    Something definitely got better over my DR year.