Year of the Dragon Emperor

I have noticed that too. I interpret that as a significant change has been made in the subconscious because it was automatic and because of the intensity of feeling.

I won’t hold against you mate.:grin:

I respect how consistently you journal. I have been inconsistent because so much seems to be happening so fast in my head I feel like I can’t keep up. Right on mate!

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Why do alkies continue to drink, why do druggies continue to do drugs, why do the homelesss continue to be homeless, why does anybody with something that fucks up their life continue to do it?

Because they get something out of it.

Whatever that something is it is hard to explain what it is and is difficult to pin down how they benefit, but benefit in some way they surely do.

Good luck.


Good point. This is the same thing, but a bit different in that the feeling of being drunk and high are separate from the consequences. What I’m realizing is that I felt good about the bad feelings themselves.

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Guilty. I saw this, and I’ve been aware lately that I keep doing the same damn things over and over. They make me feel like shit, so I stood back and wondered why. Almost immediately I knew. I’ll share this in my own journal. Thank you for pointing this out @remarkable

  • I woke up this afternoon and ran Oral Board Ultima for the first time. I’m not sure what I’m noticing at this point.
    The wife woke up feeling frisky, so I decided to indulge her after my loop. I was commanding during, just telling her what I wanted, not hinting or suggesting. She actually seemed to like that. A lot.

  • The &/&:blush: sump pump stopped working again, so I called the place that had installed it yesterday. Before this would have made me angry and afraid that we’d be charged more money. Today, I was pretty sure they’d fix it for free since they’d installed it yesterday. I was right. The tech came out, and we found that it was a very simple problem and easily resolved.

  • Yesterday, I mentioned that I recognized that there was a good feeling wrapped in the bad ones that I used to constantly torture myself with through my actions and through bringing them up in my mind.
    I am talking about the habit I had of thinking about a real or imaginary incident and it bringing up strong emotion. I got something out of the anger ones, the loss ones focused on exes, the frustration ones that focused on my situation and “inability” to move forward in life ditto for the despair woe is me and the fearful ones.
    I didn’t get anything out of the most distressing type. Embarrassment and humiliation. I used to think of incidents where I did something that either did or could have embarrassed me. I’d feel absolutely mortified when this happened even if I hadn’t thought much of whatever it was at the time. You know, the feeling in the chest coupled with wanting to crawl into a hole and die.
    That was ALL bad. There was no reward wrapped in that pain sandwich. It seemed less controllable too. It just happened, and I couldn’t stop or redirect it like I could the others.
    Heres the thing. Somewhere on my subliminal journey in the last four years, it stopped happening. I do not remember the last time that happened. If I had to guess, it’s been at least a year and probably more.
    My guess as to why that is gone while the rage and martyr complex thought patterns continue to hang on is because I was getting nothing out of it so my subconscious didn’t try to hold on to it and the subs were able to remove it.


Since DR I’ve noticed less worry and catastrophizing.


A LOT less.

  • Matter of fact, I pretty much don’t catastrophize anymore. I am aware of things that could go wrong, but I have a more realistic assessment of them. They might be bad, but none of them are the end of the world. I had been causing myself a LOT more stress than I needed to over all kinds of things that might or might not happen. If they do, I can handle it. I’m not wasting energy on dreading the future anymore.

  • I noticed when I got up that in the last few weeks, a LOT of the negative thought patterns that I’ve had for damn ever have just disappeared. Even those rage fantasies I’ve talked about haven’t happened at all for quite a while.

  • Looking at it, I can say that I no longer think negatively at all. I’m in an odd kind of neutral position now. While I’m no longer negative, I’m not really positive either. The dread of what might happen is gone, but it hasn’t really been replaced with positive anticipation of good things that might happen yet. That’s what I want to have happen. If I’m reading things right, I think I’ll see that starting on stage three.

  • I’m liking the new Ultima core. OB ultima is a lot easier to listen to. Other Ultimas cause a kind of pressure feeling in my head. It’s not too uncomfortable, but it’s there. This one doesn’t do that at all.
    It’s hard to say what it’s doing at this point since I really don’t have that much human contact, but I do feel different. More confidence to be sure, but there’s more to it than that. I’ll find out more this weekend.

I’ve been semi-absent lately. This is a custom?

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Yep, to help with the specific type of panel interview I deal with.

  1. The Commander Ultima. This gives the basic presence that I want to project for this position, plus confidence, which has been a problem for me in these things.
  2. True Social Ultima. Th help me to interact with hue panel members effectively. It’s as much about them liking me as anything else.
  3. Dragon Tongue. Lets supercharge my verbal abilities for this.
  4. Furious Ascent. I used to feel fear at these things. It would be great to turn it into thrill and enthusiasm.
  5. Information Releaser. They might or might not ask things that require me to have previous knowledge.
  6. Mosaic.
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  • Once again, I easily remembered to run an errand after getting off work. This might not sound like much, but I’ve had a lot of trouble doing that in the past. I’d start thinking about something else and it would just get lost. That would happen with a lot of things. Now, I’m a lot more, call it, mentally congruent and focused in the long term.

  • My four year old is being more obedient to me. Matter of fact he started saying “yes sir” when I tell him to do something (and usually actually doing it). I’ve never told him to do that. That’s usually not how I parent.

My guess is the less negativity and conflict in your head, the more room for other things.

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I was thinking it was the QL lite in Emperor. Might be both though.

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It might be both.

  • I figured out another thing about me from talking to my wife. I’m not going into this conversation, but I have a pretty strong reaction when someone physically encroaches on my space when I’m not in the mood for that. That’s caused some problems in the marriage, and it’s made parenthood kind of uncomfortable at times.
    It comes from being my father’s sole source of emotional support from age five onward. (Please note, I was not sexually abused, this was something different)
    Dad was very affectionate with me, as he should have been when I was young. However, what I didn’t understand was that the energy dynamic in that wasn’t what it should be. In a healthy relationship affection is an exchange of energy. In a healthy parent child relationship, it’s supposed to be more the parent giving to the child. In this one, Dad was desperately depressed and had no other way of meeting his emotional support and energetic needs. So it was all him taking from me.
    I didn’t comprehend that of course, all I knew was that the physical affection made me feel uncomfortable, but I felt obligated to provide it.
    After a while I tried to pull away from that, as boys do. You know, “I’m too old for hugs” and all that.
    He fought me on that every step. He used emotional blackmail, and just plain forced it on me.
    It wasn’t until I got pig enough to physically stop him that he stopped.
    Then I drew a hard boundary. I didn’t allow any touching. At all. I had to enforce it pretty constantly, but I did.
    That’s why I feel the way I do about the kid wanting physical contact when I don’t. I suppress it of course, but it makes me feel really uncomfortable.
    I really don’t like it when the wife wants intimacy, I say no and she doesn’t take it.
    I’m acting to keep my energy from being stolen.

These are deep, profound insights man!

I think the Dragon is helping you.

If you’re feeling a bit fatigued from the discomfort, I understand. It’s only been in the past week or so that my energy is coming back from all the healing I’ve done.


Oddly, I’m not feeling any discomfort. I am getting a bit of fatigue, but I’m not sure it’s sub related.

I have been following your journal and I think that is a fair and objective assessment.

I’m also glad you’re not feeling any discomfort.

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I got a bit this morning, but “meh, mild recon, it’ll pass” was my reaction. I think including Sanguine in DE was a good move.

  • I’m having a very productive weekend so far. I’ve incorporated some yard work in my weekly routine.
    It seems that I have more energy and drive to get things done. Before routine tasks that really aren’t that hard seemed daunting, so I would often put them off for long periods of time. By the time I forced myself to do them, they really were daunting. Now, it seems like the most natural thing in the world to just get on it.

  • On the OBU front, I noticed a couple of things. First, in the limited amount of time I was out in public, a couple of people went out of their way to do things like open doors or step out of the way.
    Also, I’m normally not one to initiate conversation with strangers in public, but I made a random comment to a very attractive woman who was ahead of me in line for the bank. Wasn’t much, just not something I’d normally do.

  • I had some recon yesterday. The random anger came back, and I even had one incident of the embarrassment I was talking about before hitting me. It was one of the more common embarrassing incidents that came up. The emotional volume on both the anger and embarrassment was lower than it used to be though.
    It seems to have cleared today.