Will be there more products for women in SC?

I will never understand men having their wives / gfs run some of these titles but whatever you’re into I guess :wink:

Inb4 main discussion thread: dominatrix Ultima

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Khan is the only multi-stage that’s exclusively for men. :slight_smile:




This is very true. I completely missed that.

Thanks for the tag and their journal!

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Ah yes. Good point. Most of the “male oriented” titles also work very well on women. I now remember a couple of women asking whether this or that title will work for them. For which SaintSovereign did say yes to

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@SaintSovereign and @Fire

Can correct this if necessary…

It’s my understanding almost all titles can be run by women. There are 3 that I think are NOT for women:

Sex and Seduction
Primal Seduction

If I remember, the above 3 are for cis-gender, heterosexual males.

I think women can even run Godlike Masculinity.

From what I understand, there was an idea to develop Monarch which was a more women oriented version of Emperor, but the request from women was a product more like Seductress.

Even the products that have descriptions that seem more oriented to men, can be run by women. See above for exceptions.


Khan also and Emperor (pretty sure… but not 100% - I mean women running it won’t turn into men but I dont think it’s wise or useful)

PS makes sense. Empire building is a masculine trait.

PS Iron Throne
Ascended Mogul

That last one though (AM) has been successfully used by women for career and financial success.

IMO, lesbians with a masculine orientation could use DD or SS, but there are no stories that I know of.

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Question, since Khan and PS aren’t for women and I’ve heard they’re for cis-gendered and hetrosexual men does that mean Stage 3 of Khan (I believe it has both? May be the other one) won’t be as beneficial for a gay guy?

I think your point about PS Iron Throne is a good one. As for the others, let’s see if @SaintSovereign and @Fire agree.

There not neglecting woman
The way star bucks is not neglecting donuts cause they don’t offer as many as Dunkin Donuts.

It’s currently not the market segment.

But love the idea of Empress and Khaleesi! And I’m sure the offerings will be expanded for more woman specific titles.


I don’t know. When I was still using subs from YT most stuff there are for women. I’m actually glad to see so many products here for us. If anything I want more products. A combination of Stark and EQ, Ascension and Primal


I tried to convince my gf to run Mogul since she wants to reopen her restaurant but she said the program was not going to earn money for her she would still have to go to work… oh well :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I wanted it because we’re building our life together so, of course, I want all the best for her and, in consequence, for us.

And we’re talking about products which would be exclusively for women. In that case, programs as complex and powerful as Emperor and Khan.

That’s right but the point in here are products oriented to women exclusively.

Renaissance Man maybe. It looks promising, that little kitten should blow our minds when it’s arrived.


I understand. Right now there are about 3 or 4 titles specific to cis-gender heterosexual men. About 1 or 2 are specific to women. All others are for anyone. And that’s a lot of titles. If women want more, they can do what anyone else can… contact customer support or make requests on the forum.


It’s funny you started this thread, I had a similar thought a couple of days ago. I haven’t read the replies yet, just your initial post.

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You don’t understand Seductress?


I’m afraid getting customers doesn’t work that way.