Will be there more products for women in SC?

The word???

You’re absolutely right, my bad.

I’ve changed the title. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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That’s why my one reply was worded the way it was . I have zero desire or place to tell anyone what to do with their lives or bodies.



everyone wins!

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I understand your concern. I mentioned products (The Empress and Khaleesi) as counterparts of Khan and The Emperor which doesn’t necessarily mean they would make women less feminine or more masculine. I know it’s a great issue in the Western World but those products would be focused on women’s well-being and self-development. Of course, it would require of SC to do a thorough research on that matter.

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I’m focused on encouraging SC to thin about that matter, not on expressing my opinions on women and their role. On top of that, women must voice their needs and desires if it comes to that kind of development. Again, it would require of SC to do a solid research.


Interesting book, thank you! :heart_eyes:

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If you don’t think women aren’t entrepreneurs, CEOs, politicians - all building their own power bases, you’re the one who has no idea. Women are already claiming their deserved power every day and they have every right to be who they want. It’s not up to you or anyone else to say they ought to play certain roles. If a woman doesn’t want that, awesome. If she does, also awesome.

It’s people like you that make them feel unwelcome in communities and perhaps if they didn’t, perhaps more of them would join forum boards like this one. You are gate-keeping using misogyny as your reasoning and that is as perfect an example of toxic masculinity as I could possibly provide.

I didn’t see your reply, I actually skipped over large chunks because of my disgust at the support of the topics I mentioned but I appreciate your position and you clarifying :slight_smile:


It would be great if SC club had two or three trial programs to download for free on the store so that women could test those little programs themselves before buying anything. With Ultima under the belt SC could create something really short like a 10 minutes track.

Yes that’s fine, the thread itself is a good one and I think SC could use a few more products for women. I believe they’ve had good success with what they’ve already built and they always keep test data from their products.

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Keep the name calling up I’m sure it’ll help you on your path.

I am done with this thread because many people are not ready to hear the truth, and you have proven it because you failed to understand what I said, and proceeded to resort to petty accusations.

I have nothing to give you here =) Those who know, know, and those who are ready to hear will hear. And as for you, keep your belief system going if you think it’ll help you. It is your choice.

Edit: Actually I think quite a few people get it when I take another look here.

And the ones who get the last say what product to make, it’s up to them what they make.

And anyone else, you are entitled to your own opinion and beliefs, as we all are, long as we respect one another’s freedom of choice in this area.

I didn’t call you any names, but okay.

Be done with this thread all you want, if people “aren’t ready to hear the truth” maybe it’s because your “truth” sucks and is derogatory toward half our species. As a man I will stand up against “men” (and I do use the term loosely) who spew your antiquated women-only-exist-to-please-men redpill bullshit.

You had nothing to give me before either. I’m done responding to you now should you decide to stay. I’ve said my piece and respect Saint’s calls for civility and order here on the boards.

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The title of this thread is ‘Will there be more products for women in SC?’

The answer is pretty simple:


Most products and modules developed in the past 1 to 2 years have moved in that direction.

It’s not really a controversy.


Exactly. Which is why my first 2 posts on this thread were purely to remind everyone that most of the products are for women just as much as for men.

And I held the same view a year ago. :smile:

PS: For my 1000th post, I wanted to write something more personally meaningful. I hope this post contributes towards erasing this divisive illusion. :blush:


I have gone back and read some of what I wrote in 2018 and I’m thinking WTF?


Hmm… make mine last week.

I felt the same. @Baphomet’s entire post was good, until it brought up that loaded and misused phrase. :smile:

It doesn’t make most of us happy either.

Making up the numbers here – it may be true that 99% of women will not enjoy building businesses, but then honestly, 98% of men won’t either. It’s too much work, highly stressful, largely lonely, and not even guaranteed of success.

Statistically speaking - it’s a stupid idea. :smile:

Men just have that burden of performance problem. Wherein women can pursue success or happiness in all manners possible, men have only half the options.

For example, it is neither socially acceptable, nor sexually attractive, for a man to look up “how to marry a rich woman” - and have that as his life success strategy. OTOH, it is a wise choice for a woman to marry rich, and I’d do the same if I was one. IMO, it’s a wise woman who is interested in beauty & SP subs. :wink:

Similarly, in my posts here, I may seem to look down on those who want subs for Passive Manifestation, but the fact is, if the darned thing would work perfectly, I’d be doing it too, (and yes, I’ve tried.) :blush:

Anyway, Saint is posting a reply, and I don’t have a clue where to take this one – so …

Let everyone pursue their happiness however they choose. Focus on your life & goals, not on what other people (including members or founders of SC) should be doing.

:slight_smile: :+1:t2:


I’m closing this thread because it’s getting out of hand, and there’s no reason to speculate. The answer is an enthusiastic yes, there will be more products, and soon.

When we first started building Subliminal Club, we weren’t “neglecting” women. We simply knew that catering to men’s needs and issues was the best way to build our customer base. Why? Because we’re men and obviously, we intimately know men’s issues. As you know, we often rely on consultants to help inform our decisions. At the time, we couldn’t afford many consultants, so we made products that appealed to our target market – men. It was a good decision, because we clearly built a nice empire with the best customers an entrepreneur could ask for. But, let’s make things clear: self-improvement is for EVERYONE, regardless of who you are. If you are seeking growth, we’re here to help. Period, no exceptions. The notion that you can’t build a business, or become a CEO, etc. because of who you are is NOT an acceptable thought at SubClub. This isn’t a “politically correct” statement – it’s the truth. I have many successful and/or rich colleagues and that circle consists of people from all walks of life. I grew up in abject poverty. People told me my entire life that I wouldn’t amount to much. That’d I’d never go to college, never run a business, never have anything.

Well, I have four degrees, and I have a net worth that exceeds 1MM. If I listened to the nonsense people were spewing growing up, I’d have nothing.

The only thing we’re interested in is helping people achieve their dreams, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Now that we’re rapidly scaling, we’ve brought on a team of consultants who can help expand our markets without compromising our vision. For example, we’ve already redesigned the homepage to make it more accessible to everyone. Notice that we’ve removed the “Muscular Emperor Man,” as it set a tone that ONLY men are welcome at Subliminal Club, which isn’t true. We also updated the value propositions at the bottom of the page to better reflect our offerings and strengths.

Next, we’re meeting with our consultants everyday to develop more unisex and titles for women (in fact, some may be released for testing soon). They’ll be released early next year.

That being said, we are still going to make sexual products for men, sexual products for women, unisex sexual products, etc. This forum isn’t going to be overly political correct, nor are we going to allow a bunch of “red pill” views either. It will remain politically neutral. Why? Because that’s our BEST function. Many people wonder why we haven’t revealed more about ourselves. It’s not because we’re afraid of doing so. We simply don’t want to be anyone’s hero, or idol or role model. We want to be a fixed point of reference – subliminal producers who create dope products for people who want to be dope. We want you to be your own hero. The subliminal is helping you overcome past experiences that are holding you back. Keyword: help. YOU are still doing the hard work, not us. Our best purpose for you, is to provide subliminals and a place where you can talk about your experiences running subliminals.

But yes – there will be more products for women and EVERYONE at SubliminalClub.